Mischievous Dragon

Misbehaving Dragon
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GOT the Beat “Stamp on It” Music Video Shoot


3:00 AM KST


Taeyeon and the members are currently shooting the “Stamp on It” MV which is scheduled to be released in 2 weeks. She is totally tired after not sleeping for 2 days straight full of dancing the choreography, but at the same time she’s very anxious to finish her scene because tomorrow is the final day of the MV shooting and after it’s done, Taeyeon’s going straight to spend time with her dragon boy who just recently announced that he’s going to have his solo comeback this year.


After shooting the dance scene, the director gives the girls a 15 minutes break before they start shooting again, and Taeyeon immediately went to find her phone to call someone that’s she misses the most for more than 48 hours. Of course, not even before a single beep later, the said dragon answered the phone.


Jiyong: Looks like someone is missing me.

Taeyeon: Really? Me? Missing you? In your dreams, Kwon.

Jiyong: Then why are you calling me?

Taeyeon: Because I’m on a break.

Jiyong: Then why are you calling me in this hour?

Taeyeon: I just want to annoy you, I guess.

Jiyong: Well, you’re doing bad because I’m not even annoyed at you, I’m just ing happy that you decided to call me.

Taeyeon: Fine, I miss you. Happy now?

Jiyong: Very. How many days until you’re finished filming?

Taeyeon: Just one day left. After that, I’m all yours, Kwon.

Jiyong: Looking forward to that.

Taeyeon: Of course, you do.

Jiyong: Have you eaten yet?

Taeyeon: I haven’t eaten since this morning.

Jiyong: That’s too bad, should I go there to feed you?

Taeyeon: No need to do that. You’re just going to make my members jealous of us.

Jiyong: Speaking about the members? How’s my 2 daughters doing?

Taeyeon: Wow, you’re really excited to be a dad, huh?

Jiyong: Of course. Our kids are going to be the most famous kids in Korea.

Taeyeon: In your dreams. I’m never allowing our kids to follow our path.

Jiyong: Still holding on to the “My Kids shouldn’t follow their parents” thing, huh?

Taeyeon: I’ve been holding on to that ever since I auditioned for SM.

Jiyong: My girlfriend is going to be a great mother.

MV Director: Taeyeon-ssi, we’re going to start again in 1 minute.

Taeyeon: Oh, ok. Thank you for telling me. Well, Ji. Going to end our conversation now because the shoot is about to start again.

Jiyong: Alright, have fun. See you tomorrow.

Taeyeon: You know I will. Bye.

Jiyong: Think about me, ok. Bye.


After calling Jiyong, Taeyeon is back to shooting her group’s MV. When she’s back at the set, the members are waiting for her and when they saw her walking to the set, Taeyeon sees her members are giving her the teasing look especially the two aespa members, and all that she could do at that point was laugh it off and playfully threatening them by using the leader card. But of course, that didn’t work. Then, the group hears the director’s voice using the megaphone telling them that filming’s about to begin. So, they immediately went into their last position. And Taeyeon went into artist and performer mode.


Little did everyone know, especially the Dragon Girl. That Dragon Boy is currently outside of the MV set in his BMW waiting for the go signal from his girlfriend’s manager. Exactly 60 seconds after the group started filming again, Jiyong got the notification from Taeyeon’s manager telling him the “ALL CLEAR” signal. So, Jiyong got out of his car and proceeds to walk to the filming set, and he was greeted by the manager and the crews who are currently outside of the set. This time, he decided to not wear any disguise at all, but he will still be stealthy to not be seen by her.


Finally, Jiyong arrives at one of the sets that GOT the Beat is using to shoot which is this one:



As soon as he sees Taeyeon who is dancing to the choreography, Jiyong takes his position even though everyone can see his face, which is blending in with the camera operator.


And as Jiyong expected, nobody in the set especially his girlfriend has no idea at all that he was right in front of her. Taeyeon is still on performance mode, so she doesn’t even have a clue that someone who she misses the most these past 48 hours is watching her intensely behind the camera.


Suddenly, an idea strikes Jiyong’s mind and it goes like this: He’s going to use the megaphone disguising as the MV director to see is Taeyeon can recognize his voice even though he tries not to sound like himself. So, he immediately went to find the director and of course Jiyong immediately finds him observing the camera while sitting in the “Director’s Chair”, he then approaches towards him and as soon as he’s right behind the director’s back, Jiyong taps his shoulder lightly and that’s enough to make him turn around and face the culprit. When Jiyong and the director make eye contact, the director lets out an audible gasp “GD-ssi? What are you doing here?” he asks the dragon. “Can I borrow your megaphone? I’m going to prank my girlfriend?”.


And of course, the director was too taken aback by his presence that he instantly nodded his head even though his mind did not agree at all. After the director gives Jiyong the megaphone, he cleared his throat for a few moments to make his voice unrecognizable, then he went into director mode and starts to tell the group what to do.



It’s been an hour since Jiyong started his prank, and not even a single person on the set has no idea that the real MV director has left the scene and is being replaced by a dragon. Even the group that’s currently dancing their off for the MV shoot. They are so dumb Jiyong thought. Even his own girlfriend has no idea that her boyfriend is standing only a few feet away from her.


Then an idea strikes Jiyong’s mind, he will pretend to scold the group for making a “mistake” and then reveal himself to them to see their reactions. He could already imagine what their reactions will be like when he “scold” them, the maknaes will probably have tears in their eyes. He smirks thinking about his plans You’re so evil, Kwon.


So, Jiyong sets his plans in motion by telling the group that they’re going have to dance again because someone in the group makes a “mistake” when there’s no mistake at all. He sees that the members are getting annoyed and he hears Taeyeon says “We didn’t make any mistake, right?”


Jiyong decides to up his game by shouting rude remarks at the group telling them to get it right or nobody’s going home. Then, suddenly he hears Taeyeon speaks to him from the set telling him to give them a break, so Jiyong retaliates by insulting her “We’re going to shoot until I tell you to stop, so quit being a and ing dance.” Jiyong felt guilty for saying that to Taeyeon but he has to continue his acting for the prank.


Taeyeon was very offended by the “MV Director” remarks towards her and the group, but she can’t do anything because she had to stay composed or risk being unprofessional at work. So, she just went back to the set to console the members telling them that they’re going to be okay and let’s give him our best performance for the MV.


So, the group gets ready for the “perfect” take to satisfy the “ Director” who they absolutely have no idea that it’s none other than the group leader’s boyfriend pranking them. Jiyong gets ready to prank them again and he shouted “ACTION!” into the megaphone.


The group is giving it their all into dancing the choreography and Jiyong is monitoring their every step and so far, they haven’t made a single mistake. Then, an idea suddenly strikes him, he’s going to yell “CUT!” out of nowhere before going to the group to drag them to somewhere quiet to “scold” them then finally revealing who he is.


So, Jiyong did just that, he yelled “CUT!!” into the megaphone while they’re in the middle of dancing and then he goes up to them and tells them to follow him, and so the group who is very much terrified of Jiyong has no choice but to follow him. Taeyeon is definitely scared for her members especially Karina and Winter because they’re still very young and didn’t deserve this kind of treatment and her thoughts were confirmed when she decides to check up on them and she sees Jimin consoling Minjeong who is already about to burst to tears any second. But before she was about to talk to them, the “Director” yells “DID I TELL YOU TO ING STOP?!”


Jiyong finally found the room he was looking for and that is none other than the dressing room, so he opens the door and good thing it was empty just like he expected because the makeup team must be on the set to retouch the GOT members makeup. After checking the room for a bit, he tells the members to get in quickly.


Once everyone is inside the room, Jiyong checks if the coast is clear and good thing it’s completely desolate. So, he closes the door and locks it before saying "You girls are in a lot of trouble and I'm here to fix that problem."







Ok, what the is going on? First of all, the MV director suddenly had a complete change of attitude as if he turned into a completely different person from before. I mean the before he was pretty chill and takes good care of me and my members, but now he’s being a complete with a seve

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