02: New Purpose

You Are Living In MY World
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Most people don't know what killing a person does to your soul.


Guilt was too consuming, fear followed her everywhere...as if death was knocking on her door, whispering a life for a life.


And the thing she feared the most was, it might not be her life...but Jiyong's.


Dara pushed the fear away. There'd always be residue. There'd be residue as long as she lived, but she wanted to live, she wanted to be a functional adult.




That's the word.


But as she remained on Jiyong's bed even past noon, for most days, day after day, even after New Year had passed and school returned, Dara finally realized...this is not living.


She was not being functional. She's close to going insane.




Another weight on the bed, she didn't even notice when Jiyong entered the room with a tray of food. He placed the tray on the bedside table as he sat beside her on the bed.


His dark eyes studied her face as his hand gently caressed her face.




Even the way he called her name was so gentle, so soft like he was afraid she'd break anytime soon.


But it won't make sense, she's already broken.


Not only did she lose her dream and taint her soul by killing someone, but she also lost her purpose in life.


The words of her mother no longer exist, it was no longer her guidance.


She felt lost.


And after a month of staying only in this house, mostly in Jiyong's room, wallowing in grief and sorrow of losing her self, she finally realized today...that she needed a new sense to live.


Put a new meaning in her life. So she won't feel lost again.


And the answer to that is not difficult to find. She didn't have to look that far. She's already staring at him.




Her new purpose.




"I quit school today."


Jiyong looked up from his plate. He and Dara were having dinner together after a long time of her only staying in his room.


He stared at her, studying her face. She looked determined, the fire in her brown eyes coming back after spending weeks of only looking sad and void of life.


Something happened to her today. It's a good kind of change.


'My Dara is finally coming back.'


He clenched his fists.


But he needed to approach this change carefully as he didn't want to lose her again.


"Quitting school four months before graduation?" He asked her, meeting her gaze.


You've waited for this for so long. This is one of your dreams. Graduate, find a job, and a new place, right?


These were his thoughts but he didn't try to ask her further as he waited for Dara's answer.


Dara smiled bitterly as she drank her orange juice. "I've been missing school for a month," she looked down and played her food with the fork, "and I don't have the desire to go back. So, I let the registrar know am quitting and signed the documents sent via email by school today." She sighed. "Nothing matters anymore for me at that school."


He held his breath as if waiting for another shoe to drop. His grip on his fork tightened.


She looked up again and held his gaze. "I quit my two jobs too. I want to start anew." She bit her lips as she continued, "I wish to leave the town."


He dropped his fork as he looked at her, coldly. "You wish to leave the town." He repeated.


'I' not leave the town with you.


She meant to leave on her own.


She nodded. "I need a place to escape." She looked around his spacious apartment. "It felt nice living here but I need a place away from...everything."


Everything including his gangster life.


He didn't like the words he was hearing right now from her.


"For how long?" He asked, his voice the same.


"A month...maybe two. I don't know. I'll figure it out." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ears, she was nervous.


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lovethewayyoulie310 0 points #1
Chapter 42: Thank you for this chapter ❤️ I love your fic
bernie20 0 points #2
Chapter 42: Wow...I didn't expect this kind of twist..... looking forward to this😊
Thank you 🙏
braveheart_M-A-Q-17 #3
Chapter 40: Wow! This is soooo.. I don't really know. I mean this chapter is like uhhmm, heart stopping? I mean, I literally hold my breath from the moment that "other car" smashed on the car behind Jiyong's car and then thats it. It spiraled into chaos with flames all over. Yes, I knew something will happen the minute I saw Woojae's name and him waving at Dara enthusiastically and all..?? I have a hunch that man is up to something no good. Well it is not mentioned in here that it was Woojae's car buttt I knew it in my gut he is somehow connected in this. grrrr!!! I'm on edge of my seat right now. Well, somehow I have an idea that this chapter will be riveting(the reason I delay reading it). And guess what? Yes, I am right. This chapter not disappoint me. Whew! Thank you for this exciting chapter authornim. Thank you so much!! Until the next update. Take care.
tokki9 #4
Chapter 40: Oh no that Woojae is so sly. I hate him! Poor Jiyong. But I know Jiyong will be back with revenge!
tokki9 #5
Chapter 39: Kkkk Jiyong is so cute and but I love that he is only obsessed with Dara. Now I'm curious about the race.
UserRiri #6
Chapter 39: i love it...by the way where is my jaejoong hahaha suddenly i miss him.
suedbee #7
Chapter 39: It’s been so long since I’ve dropped a note, RL has been in the way. Sorry, siv, and thank you for the promising start to book two. And we’re off to the races!
bernie20 #8
Chapter 39: OMG I finally read this story. I was so busy that don't have time to read😭 thank u so much for this....loving it so much.
Hope you well always 💗
Thank you ☺️
braveheart_M-A-Q-17 #9
Chapter 38: Wow. Thank you for this "beautiful" new update authornim. Jiyong is really "so so so much crazy in love" with Dara.
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #10
Chapter 38: Finally, they made it!! haha!! It's a really hot chapter. But as much as I love Jiyong's love and loyalty for Dara, I'm a bit disappointed of him not using a . Well, I know how obsessive Jiyong is. They could use condoms for a while until Dara's into birth control. But I'm still over the moon with this chapter. My Daragon heart is full!!