Part III.5

For You I Will
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For Winter, there's nothing scarier than seeing the oldest cousin stand before you in a cold meeting room. Being called into a meeting at seven in the morning is never good news, especially when someone as busy as Taeyeon makes time to address a certain situation. 


Her small stature poses a threat to many. One would not even try to go against Taeyeon, VP of KimTech Industries, not even Winter's dad who is the CEO. She's made a name for herself, gaining power and the trust of the board of directors.


The partnership between the Yus and the Kims was her idea so it really pisses Taeyeon off that the Yus are not doing their end of the bargain. 


"I take it that you're aware why I've called all of you here?" Winter shivers in her seat. She has always been afraid of Taeyeon's voice — it was soft but authoritative. 


Aside from the Kims, Taeyeon has also requested the Yus to attend. Her eyes gaze over to the oldest Yu who seems to be unconcerned by the whole thing. And the smug look on Tiffany Hwang's face makes Taeyeon's blood boil.


"Taeyeon, get to the point, darling. It is seven in the morning. Some of us haven't had our coffee yet," Tiffany goads. And Tiffany smirks when she gets the reaction she wanted from Taeyeon.


"Karina's scandal." Taeyeon looks at Karina with eyes so piercing that Karina thinks she could feel it directly impale her. "How come your camp has not done anything to mitigate the situation? How do you let this stupid thing blow out to this degree?" 


"It's a simple PR move, Taeyon. It's good publicity for Karina's movie."


"Not at the expense of my baby cousin." 


Winter feels smaller than ever. Being the youngest of the Kims, Winter has always been coddled. Despite the dispute between their fathers, Taeyeon has always favoured Winter. 


And Taeyeon is one of the few who know about Winter's illness.


Winter doesn't like special treatments, though. And she thinks that her illness hovers over everyone's heads, taking special measures for her which Winter hates. 


It's just pity.


They're only doing this because they feel sorry for her that she's dying. 


"Unnie," Winter pleads. 


"Look, Taeyeon. I don't know what else you want us to do. Karina has done her best to show that their marriage is okay." 


Taeyeon has to laugh at Tiffany because what does she mean they've done their best? If not for their PR team, they would have not done anything at all.


"I don't think I need to remind you that not fulfilling your end of the bargain is a breach of contract," Taeyeon threatens. "Do I need to point it out to you that their marriage contract includes all parties to benefit from this marriage? As far as I'm concerned, we have gotten nothing from you but problems. You have yet to secure a deal to get our software in the production companies. So, tell me, Tiffany, what did Karina do to protect my baby cousin from all of this? Because all she's given Winter is stress." 


Tiffany clenches her jaw not expecting this attack from Taeyeon at all. She underestimated her and there's nothing else she can say when Taeyeon just cornered her.


Meanwhile Karina casts a worry glance at Winter whose face is looking more ashen than normal. Her cheeks have obviously hollowed and her eyes just look empty. 


"It's either you work with us to fix this or Karina can say goodbye to her career." 


Taeyeon throws the same pictures of Karina and Solomon that Winter had taken down. 


Winter stands in surprise, "Where did you get these, unnie?" 


"You're not the only one with a Bibi at home, Winter." 


Of course. How could she forget that her oldest cousin is just as talented, if not more.


Karina is visibly shaken at the threat. Despite being a nepo baby in the industry, she has worked her off to get where she is right now. 


"That — that's not what it looks like," Karina stutters. "We were at a — at a wrap party and ended up walking together. That's it," Karina finally explains. She looks at Winter to see her reaction but Winter's face remains unreadable.


"Does it matter?" Taeyeon scoffs. "I can spin whatever story I want. We own 80% of publishing in Korea. I can bring you down easily, Karina."


"Unnie that's enough!" 


"You wouldn't dare," Tiffany seeths. "That is absurd, Taeyeon! For a simple scandal that will die down in a few months? You're not serious." 


"Unlike you, Tiffany, I do whatever it takes to protect my family. This isn't just a simple PR stunt like you assumed. You're hurting my baby cousin and Winter is next to take over the company. Your simple PR stunt is giving her a sorry image that is not worth trusting a company over. Our stocks have taken a nosedive because of you. Investors are questioning if they can trust Winter to take over KimTech." 


Winter feels like passing out. The room is starting to spin. There's too much going on and her head is pounding, she feels like she's going to implode. 


Karina, who is sitting beside her, notices Winter's discomfort. She contemplates whether or not she should do something but decides that this time she doesn't want to second-guess herself anymore when it comes to Winter. 


So she tries to hold Winter's hand in comfort. But Winter only pulls away as if her very touch burns her skin. 


Karina's heart sinks to her stomach. She expected that. She has been trying ever since their confrontation to make amends with Winter. But she gets brushed off, ignored, rejected. She supposes she deserves it after what happened. Winter should actually be more cruel to her but her wife seems to have no mean bone in her body. 

The initial shock from Winter's outburst wore off. It was unnerving hearing Winter scream at Karina. She could hear the pain in her voice and every word stabbed Karina in her chest.


She's so stupid.


Karina went after Winter but she was a step too late when all she caught was a closed door. Squeezing her eyes shut, Karina leaned her forehead against the door. 


"Winter," Karina's voice trembled. "Winter, I'm sorry." She doesn't know if Winter can hear her but she still wanted to try and apologize. "I know my sorry wouldn't change anything I did but I still am."


Karina's mouth felt dry from all the screaming and crying. her lips, she continued, "And I know it may not look like it but I care — I do care. Winter…" she heaved, breath shaking as another sob stumbled out . "I'm sorry that I couldn't say anything before. I'm happy here…with you." 


She just stood there, crying, regretting every single thing she ever said to her wife. "I'm really sorry," she whispered.


Karina doesn't know how long she stood there with her forehead against the door until Bibi spoke. 


"Miss Yu," the virtual assistant said. "Miss Kim would like to rest."


Nodding, Karina wiped the tears from her face. "Hey Bibi," she called. "Did Winter — did Winter hear me?" 


"Yes, Miss Yu."


"Will you — will you tell her that I'm here for her? If she lets me…I'm here for her."


"I will, Miss Yu." 


"Thank you, Bibi." 


"Good night, Miss Yu." 

"What do you suggest we do then?" Tiffany's question breaks Karina's reverie.


"For one, why don't Karina actually start acting like she has a wife?" Taeyeon raises her brow, eyeing Karina from across the room. "Do you hate my baby cousin that much, Karina? How you can't even seem to care for her, do you hate her that much?" 


"N-no," Karina stutters, intimidated.


"Then, do you like her?"




"Unnie, I think that's enough. Just tell us what to do." Winter interrupts because she doesn't want to hear Karina's reply. She doesn't think she'd be able to handle it. 


"Go on dates."




Taeyeon turns to Nayeon, "Nayeon and I have been discussing some ways to let the public know that you're still very much 'in love,'" Taeyeon holds up both her hands, air quoting "in love." 


Turning on the projector, Nayeon blows up screenshots of netizen comments found on Pann. "Most of the comments are about how no one has seen both of you out together," Nayeon explains. "Now we can argue that you both enjoy your privacy but even the likes of HyunBin and Son Yejin who are both very private people have been spotted here and there. And these are high profile celebrities." Nayeon closes her laptop. "I told Lia about this already and she thinks it's a good idea also. Karina has gained a number of haters from this scandal as well, accusing her of infidelity, so it'll be a good boost for her image. It's win-win." 


Winter tries to understand the reasoning behind these staged dates. "But wouldn't they just suspect that these are staged if we suddenly show up on dates all the time?" 


"You'll only go once or twice a month. Call it a rare sighting if you will. Better if the fans spot you and take stealthy photos and upload it on SNS."


"And the pap?" 


"We'll have someone follow you and we'll leak the photos ourselves," Taeyeon adds. "Mingyu will always be right behind you, though, Winter. Don't worry." 


"Ningning, you still sync Karina's schedule with Winter's?"


Ningning, who has been quiet for the entire time (she's really scared of Taeyeon), nods quickly at Nayeon. She unlocks her ipad, presses a couple of buttons and exclaims "updated!" after she sees the little wheel disappear. 


"Perfect. Lia and I will plan your dates, prioritizing Winter's schedule," Nayeon eyes Winter for approval. After a curt nod, Nayeon continues. "It'll be all indoors and somewhat crowded for everyone to see."


Winter just nods, agreeing at everything Nayeon is suggesting. She just wants this to be over so she can focus on nursing herself back to good health. Winter will be undergoing her second cycle of chemotherapy soon and she hopes that the medicine will work this time and nothing will be in the way of her recovery. 


Karina, however, seems like she's not sold with the idea. Thinking about Winter's health, would Winter be okay at all? 


She knows that Winter is not well, but she doesn't know how sick she is so she wants to be careful.


So Karina asks, "What if it doesn't work? What if they won't believe us?" 


"You're an actress aren't you?" Taeyeon smirks. "Convince them."


Winter stays behind when everyone leaves. They have to discuss how these planned dates would not get in the way of her treatment schedule. Of course, Winter's health is still the priority.


They would have to follow Dr. Kwon's advice and if Winter is not well enough to do anything, they can always reschedule when Winter is better. 


Before Karina completely leaves the meeting room, she lets her gaze linger at the back of Winter's head. She imagines Winter turning back to tell her she'll see her at home and then sighs when Winter doesn't.


Just as she closes the door, she bumps into Mijoo and freezes when she sees Mijoo glare at her. It's like she's been splashed by an ice cold bucket of water the way she shivers under Mijoo's gaze.


It's scary how the women in Winter's life can make Karina cower like a little kid in a corner. 


"Miss Yu." Mijoo greets coldly. She brushes past Karina giving her one last look before entering the meeting. 


Karina feels like ten years of her life was just taken away from her. 


Inside the meeting room, they gather around Nayeon's laptop waiting for Dr. Kwon to join them for their meeting. 


Finally, Dr. Kwon's smiling face pops up on the laptop screen, "Hi everyone." 


Winter's chemo is twice a week for two weeks and then she will be in recovery. With Dr. Kwon's approval, Winter should be able to do light activities. It's getting colder so activities are limited indoors, like Nayeon said, to avoid catching an infection like pneumonia. 


Mijoo would be on standby, like always. 


They said that the second cycle of chemotherapy hurts more and it makes Winter nervous. She remembers how much she struggled three years ago, how painful it was when the physical manifestation of her symptoms came all at once. 


It was difficult and she doesn't know how she'll be able to hide from Karina when she becomes too physically weak to even move. 


Karina already has an idea but Winter is not ready for her to know how bad it is. 


"I would suggest that you stage your first date before Winter goes for her second cycle of chemo," Dr. Kwon's voice booms from the laptop speakers. "And we can follow it up when Winter is in recovery. She'll have a break before the third cycle but let's hope she doesn't have to do that. Our goal is to get those cancer cells gone this cycle." 


The four of them nod, Nayeon taking notes as Dr. Kwon spoke. "Sounds good, doc."


"Just be sure that you always rest, Winter. I know the situation is stressing you out but try not to be on your phone until then," Dr. Kwon says. "Don't send Winter anything as well that could trigger her stress." 


"Yes, doc."


"I'll see you in two weeks, Winter. We'll get through this, okay?"


"Thank you, Dr. Kwon." 


Karina arrives at their penthouse first. She decides that she will wait for Winter to come home. She would try again — make another attempt to talk to Winter. 


It's been a week since they last spoke to each other properly. They only greeted each other in passing. After Karina's dramatic monologue outside Winter's door, she tried connecting with Winter again but after numerous attempts and rejection, she just left Winter alone, opting to respect her desire to be left alone. 


But Karina thinks it's imperative that they talk, especially after the task Taeyeon just gave them. Karina doesn't know if Winter would be comfortable to do it but she wasn't opposed to it at the meeting earlier.


Still, it doesn't hurt to ask and Karina would just really like to know how Winter is.


It's obvious that Winter's health is deteriorating even though Winter tries so hard not to show it at home. She covers herself up so her weight loss wouldn't be too noticeable but her sharp cheeks give it away. Winter wears glasses to mask the dark circle around her eyes. She even covers her breathlessness sometimes with a cough when Karina is around.


There are times where Winter looks better. Her movements are quicker, her steps light, and her eyes are brighter.


And Karina really tries not to get herself in between Winter and what she's dealing with because the last time she did, Winter basically told her to off albeit she said it way nicer. But the implication is there. 


Karina hears the heavy footsteps she has grown familiar with in the last week. She wipes her palms that are beginning to sweat on her pants and goes to welcome Winter.


"Hi," she nervously greets Winter. 


Winter pauses in her steps, not surprised to see that Karina is waiting for her. Winter is aware of what Karina has been trying to do the past few days and she has been good at avoiding her. She hasn't even looked at her wife properly until now. 


She just nods in acknowledgement before she continues walking to her room but she falters in her steps when Karina reaches out to grab her arm.


Realizing what she has done, Karina removes her hold on Winter and whispers an apology.


"Is it okay if we talk?" Karina asks, hopeful. When Winter doesn't say anything, she follows up with, "Just about what your cousin had planned." 


Winter supposes she can do that. They need to get their act together. They wouldn't be able to convince South Korea if they were awkward on their dates but then again, Karina is such a great actress that she has no doubts that she can fool everyone.


But that's what Winter is worried about — believing Karina again.


Especially now that Karina has an idea about her being ill. She doesn't know if Karina trying to make amends is because she's sick or because Karina is genuinely sorry.


Winter has to put up walls as high as the Great Wall of China. She's guarded. Because she's afraid of getting hurt again. 


They go to the living room, Winter settling herself on the recliner chair she usually sits on while Karina sits on the couch.


"Is it okay if I ask how you are?" Karina sounds timid. 


"I'm fine," Winter replies. She's not that heartless and her feelings for her wife just don't disappear overnight. It would be nice if that were the case so she can stop feeling like her heart is getting crushed every time she's near her. "Can we move on?" 


Karina clears . "How should we — uhm, are you fine with what they suggested?" Winter nods mutely. "How should we do this?"


"What do you mean?" 


"I don't know…" Karina is having a hard time finding the right words to say. "I don't know how we should act around each other…publicly."


"Like usual when we go to any public events?"


"I know but with what happened —"


"If we're not going to talk about the staged dates then I'm going to my room," Winter cuts Karina off. She doesn't mean to sound so short but Winter is emotionally exhausted. And she's not ready to talk to Karina. She doesn't think she ever wants to talk about what happened. 


"Okay, sorry, I just thought…" Karina swallows the lump that's forming in . "Sorry."


And somehow, Karina saying sorry repeatedly triggered her fight or flight response. "Don't worry, Karina. We're good at pretending, right?"


Winter regrets that as soon as she uttered those words. It's mean and it's dripping in sarcasm. She didn't want to go that low. She immediately stands up and heads to her room, not wanting to see Karina's reaction. 


Otherwise, she'd break. 


Karina absolutely takes pride in her talent in acting. But she thinks she doesn't need to act going on these staged dates with Winter. 


She'd take advantage of it, actually, to show Winter just even an ounce of what she feels. She wants to try even if Winter thinks she's just pretending. How she'll get Winter convinced that these dates for her is real, she'll deal with it after. 


Karina still puts on her actress persona though, putting on that false bravado to get her past her nervousness. She needs to be confident about it because it's not just Korea she's convincing. It's Winter, too.


So when they come out of the car to get groceries, Karina bravely puts her arm around Winter's shoulders, pulling her a little bit closer to her body when a gust of wind blows in their direction. 


Karina kisses Winter's temple, smiling as she spots the paparazzi they hired hiding behind a tree. Winter's breath gets caught in and she has to remind herself this is all just pretend.


Winter gets in character and encircles her arm around Karina's waist, resting her head on Karina's shoulder. She allows herself to smile, reeling in the feeling of Karina's lips on her skin.


This is all an act, she thinks. She's acting.


When another cold gust of air blows in their direction, Winter holds Karina tighter by instinct as Karina rubs her arm up and down.


"You're cold," Karina states. She disentangles herself from Winter and Winter slightly frowns at the loss of contact. But Karina takes her hand instead, entwining their fingers as she starts jogging. "Let's hurry inside." 


When Winter spots a fan taking a picture inside the grocery store, she reaches out to fix Karina's hair. It's only now that Winter has looked at Karina up close after so many months and she can't help but think how beautiful her wife is — has always been.


Karina smiles and Winter mirrors her, curving her lips up in satisfaction when she finally untangles Karina's hair from one of her earrings. 


"There," she whispers. "All fixed." Winter tries to stop the urge to let her eyes wander down to Karina's lips. But she fails and absentmindedly her lips when her eyes land on the mole.


She's only pulled out of her trance when Karina bites her lower lip and asks, "Let's go?" Winter stutters a reply and Karina feels so accomplished for getting such a reaction out of her wife. 

WinRina is real y'all!


Look at that height difference!!!!! 


Give me just one chance, Karina! 


Okay but the way K

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stray_zone21 0 points #1
good job!
stray_zone21 0 points #2
By far one of the best
Chapter 5: ❤️‍🔥
Chapter 5: When i say i crave angst, this is what i re-read. love LOVE THIS SO MUCHFHFHHFHF
88 streak #5
Chapter 5: I suddenly had the urge of wanting to cry so i ended up rereading this again 😵‍💫 love them both so much!
reveluv316 813 streak #6
really enjoyed reading it
taenggo09 #7
Chapter 5: dang! what a good read 😭
hi author, can you make this story available for offiline reading ?
Chapter 5: Nakaka-iyak, sobra. This is great and was amazingly written. Thank you for sharing this painfully beautiful story.
Chapter 1: Teka, iiyak ata ako dito ah. 😅