Chapter 10

Captivated Hearts
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In the midst of their busy days, Baekhyun and Serie managed to find some time to work on their wedding plans. They had online meetings with their wedding planner, Karen, and discussed things like decorations and who would be on the guest list.

However, during all this wedding stuff, Baekhyun realized something important, he hadn't officially asked Serie to marry him yet.That thought made him smile.

He also started thinking about buying a house for them to live in after they got married. But with their schedules so packed, finding a free time in their hectic schedules seemed challenging.

As time went on, Baekhyun started thinking about how he could propose to Serie. He also managed some time  to look for houses where they could live together in the future.

After a demanding week of work, Baekhyun and Serie eagerly awaited the weekend, craving some quality time together. As Friday evening arrived, Baekhyun surprised Serie with a beach outing.

Baekhyun and Serie strolled along the beach, enjoying the sun, sand, and sea breeze. The sound of waves crashing against the shore filled the air, creating a serene atmosphere.

As they walked hand in hand, Serie's gaze wandered towards a nearby hot dog vendor, where the aroma of sizzling sausages and grilled buns wafted through the air.

"Baekhyun, let's eat hot dogs," Serie suddenly exclaimed, her eyes fixed dreamily on a nearby hot dog vendor.

Baekhyun followed her gaze, then turned to look at Serie with a playful grin forming on his face. "You sound like someone who hasn't had food for days," he chuckled, teasing her gently about her longing expression.

"It just looks so good," Serie replied with a slight pout, her eyes still locked on the hot dog stand.

Baekhyun couldn't help but find her adorable. He reached out and playfully poked her cheek. "You're like a little kid" he playfully insisted.

Serie protested, her cheeks flushed with  embarrassment "No, I'm not," Serie protested, though her tone was more playful than defensive.

"Yes, you are," Baekhyun stated, his voice carrying a sense of playful finality.

Serie sighed in surrender. "Fine.Please, can we just go and eat the hot dog? " she asked, her voice pleading.

Baekhyun chuckled at her eagerness and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Okay, okay, let's go," he agreed, as they made their way to the hot dog vendor.

At the vendor, they placed their orders, a spicy hot dog for Serie and a regular one for Baekhyun.

"Are you sure you want a spicy one?" Baekhyun asked.

"I don't think it will be that spicy, and I can handle spicy foods," Serie said confidently.

"Alright, if you say so," Baekhyun replied, still a bit skeptical.

After they got the hot dogs, Serie eagerly took a bite of her spicy hot dog but instantly regretted it. "Oh my God," she exclaimed, her eyes wide.

"What's wrong?" Concerned, Baekhyun asked,  as he took a more cautious bite of his own hot dog.

Serie fanned with her hand. "I just—ohh, Baekhyun, water! I want water!" In her surprise, she dropped her hot dog, and her face turned as red as a ripe tomato.

Baekhyun's eyes widened in surprise as he watched Serie fan and drop her hot dog on the sand. He rushed to fetch a water bottle and handed it to her, quickly uncapping it.

Serie drank the water eagerly, some of it spilling down her chin and staining her blouse. Baekhyun couldn't help but find the situation funny, and he stifled a laugh.

"You can really handle spicy food," Baekhyun added with a teasing tone.

Serie, her face still red from the spicy hot dog, fixed Baekhyun with a stern look. "Baekhyun, don't you dare laugh at me," she warned, she still fanning but her tone serious.

"I'm not." Baekhyun struggled to contain his laughter and  managed to say.

"You are so rude," Serie huffed, walking briskly ahead of him wiping the water on her blouse.

"Baby," Baekhyun called, a smile still playing on his lips. But Serie didn't acknowledge him.

"Baby, I'm sorry," Baekhyun said, still chuckling. "But you have to admit, that was kind of funny."

As Serie continued to walk, Baekhyun realized that she wasn't responding to him.

He didn't want any lingering tension, so he gently took her arm and stopped her, turning her to face him. Serie kept her gaze fixed on the ground, avoiding eye contact

Serie continued to pout, her eyes fixed on the ground.Baekhyun's touch on her chin lifted her gaze to meet his. "Hey, I'm sorry," he said with sincerity, searching her eyes for forgiveness.

A small laugh escaped Serie's lips, and she couldn't help but smile. Seizing the opportunity, Baekhyun planted a quick, affectionate kiss on her cheek, prompting Serie to exclaim, "Baekhyun!"

Grinning mischievously, Baekhyun asked, "So, you're not mad at me anymore, right?"

Serie laughed again, her laughter dispelling any lingering tension. "I wasn't really mad at you, I was just being a bit dramatic," she confessed.

Baekhyun let out a breath, feeling relieved. "I was worried you were really mad at me," he confessed, happy that their playful talk had fixed any problems between them.

Baekhyun and Serie continued to walk along the shoreline, holding hands as they went. The salty breeze from the ocean brushed against their faces, and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore created a calming background noise.

They laughed and joked as they walked, completely at ease with each other.

Serie tugged on Baekhyun's hand, encouraging him to dip his toes into the cool ocean waves. They started chasing each other along the shoreline, their laughter filling the air.

A passerby noticed them and couldn't help but smile at the sight of this happy couple enjoying themselves on the beach.Baekhyun and Serie's happiness was contagious, brightening the day for anyone who saw them.

The sun had dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with shades of orange and pink. The beach was bathed in a warm, golden light, and,
now, as the day drew to a close, he knew it was the right time.

With a deep breath, Baekhyun stopped walking and gently tugged on Serie's hand, signaling her to stop too. She turned to him, her eyes reflecting the colors of the setting sun.

Baekhyun's heart raced, but he felt a sense of calm wash over him as he looked into her eyes. He couldn't wait any longer, he had to say it now.

"Serie," he began, his voice a blend of excitement and nervousness, "I know this might sound bit cheesy... , but I want to tell you that, these past months with you have been the most incredible and meaningful time of my life."

Serie's eyes widened with anticipation, and she looked at him, hanging on to every word.

Baekhyun couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. "You might have an idea of what I'm about to do."

Serie grinned, her excitement growing by the second.
"Is it really happening, Baekhyun? Are you going to pro-"

Baekhyun gently interrupted her. "Shh, don't ruin the surprise. Pretend you don't know and let me do this properly."

Serie nodded, her laughter bubbling up in anticipation of what was to come.

Baekhyun continued, "So, even though you know we're getting married next month..." He let his words trail off with a playful grin.

Then he slowly lowered himself onto one knee, a small velvet box emerging from his pocket. Gently, he opened it, revealing a simple yet stunning engagement ring that glinted in the soft beachside light.

"Serie," he began, his voice filled with warmth and affection, "will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Serie's face lit up with pure happiness.She couldn't contain her enthusiasm.

"Yes, a thousand times, yes!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with joy.

With a radiant smile, Baekhyun carefully slid the ring onto Serie's finger. They sealed their lifelong promise with a sweet  kiss. They clung to each other, reveling in the happiness that enveloped them.

"I love you, Baekhyun," Serie managed to say, her voice trembling with emotion.

"I love you too, baby," Baekhyun replied, his eyes b with love.

They sat together on the beach, the soft waves lapping at the shore. Serie broke the tranquil silence with a question.

"You know, this is crazy" she mused, looking out at the vast ocean.

Baekhyun turned to her, curious. "What's crazy?"

Serie's gaze returned to him. "Just a few months ago, you and I were strangers, and now we're going to be husband and wife in just a month."

Baekhyun chuckled, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Yeah, it's pretty wild when you think about it."

They sat there in silence, the ocean's waves providing a soothing backdrop to their thoughts. Serie found comfort resting her head on Baekhyun's shoulder.

After a while, Baekhyun, with a slight turn, looked at Serie."Oh, before I forget, there's something I've been wanting to tell you."

Serie, intrigued, lifted her head off Baekhyun's shoulder."What is it?"

He smiled warmly."I've been thinking about buying a house for us."

Serie looked at him, a hint of surprise in her eyes. "Oh, I thought we were going to live in your current house."

Baekhyun nodded."We can stay there too, but I really want a home tha

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Hi!!!! I added a new chapter. It's just a fluffy one and hope you like it. Tell me what you think in the comments and upvote 🤗


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Chapter 17: Omo☺️ how lucky is serie,I wish I were in her shoe.
Chapter 17: Omo for real, i guess none can resisst sweet and lovely husband baek haha even shy and intovert serie ahhaha am loving this new serie! Thank you for the update authornim
Chapter 16: Omo 🥰why they are so adorable.
Done subscribe and upvote, will read later.
Chapter 16: It has been so long since you updated this but it's so cute I can't stop smiling while reading this. They're such an adorable couple ✨💕
Chapter 16: Finally you are back! I love the way they understand each other. They definitely make an ideal couple💛🧡
Chapter 16: Poor serie, but at least shes safe. Hihi the two is just in their early stage of wedding, its okay
Nlnz2016 #8
Chapter 16: Glad nothing bad happened to her.
740 streak #9
Chapter 15: They are so adorable, can’t wait to see what the parents have for them. 💖