16: Breakup?

Who's The Real Boss?
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Breakup? Chapter- 16


Hana was engrossed in her work at her desk, surrounded by colleagues who were equally focused on their tasks. The office was unusually quiet, with everyone diligently working without exchanging a single word. As Hana's cellphone received a notification, she swiftly grabbed it to check the message, mindful of her wallpaper that featured a picture of her and Chanyeol. She didn't want anyone to catch a glimpse of it and discover her relationship.


However, Momo, who was sitting next to Hana, happened to catch a fleeting glimpse of the wallpaper. Intrigued, she leaned closer and whispered, "Hana, are you dating someone?" Her voice was hushed, ensuring their conversation remained private. Hana chuckled awkwardly, feeling a mix of guilt and apprehension. She avoided making eye contact with Momo, unsure of how to respond without revealing the truth.


Sensing Hana's discomfort, Momo quickly reassured her, "It's okay, Hana. If you don't want to share, it's better to keep it a secret. I understand." Momo's genuine smile conveyed her empathy and support. Hana finally mustered the courage to meet Momo's gaze and genuinely smiled back. She felt a sense of relief knowing that she had a wonderful colleague who respected her decision and understood her need for privacy. "Thank you for understanding," Hana expressed her gratitude.


Momo gave Hana a thumbs-up, signifying their unspoken bond of trust, and returned to her work. As Hana continued with her tasks, she received a message from Giselle, informing her about Mina's departure from the company. Giselle's words struck a chord with Hana, making her contemplate the nature of relationships within the workplace.


If Hana and Chanyeol could maintain their professional and personal lives without any issues, then why couldn't others do the same? Hana couldn't help but feel like a hypocrite if she didn't address this disparity. She realised that it was essential to have open discussions about dating within the workplace to promote a more inclusive and supportive environment.


With determination in her eyes, Hana decided to talk to Chanyeol about her thoughts. She believed that if they could navigate their relationship successfully, they could inspire others to do the same. Taking a deep breath, Hana felt a renewed sense of purpose and a determination to initiate positive change.




Hana walked into Chanyeol's office, seeking his attention as he appeared deeply engrossed in his work. She cleared , capturing his gaze, and a smile illuminated his face. Motioning her to approach, Chanyeol welcomed her with a kiss and asked playfully, "What brings you here? Wasn't someone just saying they wouldn't come to my office because of distractions? Or is that person missing me already?"


Hana rolled her eyes, her hands finding their place around his neck. "Actually, I've been thinking, shouldn't we reconsider the 'no dating coworkers' rule?" Hana's voice held a hint of scepticism, unsure of how Chanyeol would react.


His expression shifted to frustration, a shadow crossing his face. "Babe, you know I have to enforce that rule. We had a couple once who let their romance spill into the office, and it caused chaos. I almost faced significant losses because of it. So it's better to keep that rule intact."


Chanyeol's reasoning had a point, but Hana couldn't help but feel conflicted. She believed that love shouldn't be confined by workplace regulations, that people should be allowed to pursue both their careers and relationships. However, she hesitated to voice these thoughts to Chanyeol. "But babe, it makes me feel like a hypocrite to date you when others can't in this office," Hana expressed, attempting to maintain a soft and sweet tone.


Chanyeol's response took her by surprise as his voice grew louder. "Are you saying you regret dating me, Hana?" His words stung, causing Hana to instinctively withdraw her hands and step back.


Confusion etched across her face as she struggled to comprehend the sudden escalation. "How did we get here? I don't understand," she uttered, her voice laced with genuine bewilderment.


Chanyeol stood, his own frustration evident. "Then what does this hypocrite remark mean?" he inquired, a hint of hurt underlying his words.


Hana's brow furrowed as she replied, "Don't tell me you just want to pick a fight with me. I simply requested that we reconsider the rule, and now you're twisting it into something else. What nonsense is this, Chanyeol? I thought you were smarter than this. It seems you're turning out to be just like every other man."


Hana's words were sharp, laced with unintended venom. In the heat of the moment, she had let her frustrations spill over, speaking without filtering her thoughts. Maybe Hana was right; their once lovey-dovey relationship had transformed into petty fights and arguments. The question loomed in her mind: what would come next? Would it lead to a breakup? The possibility seemed all too real.


Chanyeol's hands found their place on his temples as he sat, a wave of regret washing over him. Having a fight with Hana was the last thing he wanted, especially over such a trivial matter. He couldn't help but acknowledge that their relationship was changing, and not for the better. With a heavy heart, he realised he needed to find a way to mend their fractured connection and prevent it from falling apart completely.




Hana stormed back to her desk, her anger evident on her face, capturing the attention of those around her. The girls exchanged glances, silently acknowledging that something had clearly upset their boss. The boys, unsure of how to approach the situation, remained quiet, leaving it up to the girls to calm Hana down.


Rose leaned in and whispered, "Hana, we're going to make some photocopies, and then let's grab a coffee to take a break. Want to join us?" Hana pondered for a moment, her initial anger subsiding, and nodded with a grateful smile. She welcomed the chance to step away from her work and clear her mind.


Hana couldn't help but notice that Momo didn't stand up like Rose and Nayeon did. Curiosity piqued, Hana decided to ask, "Is Momo not joining us?" Rose shook her head, and Nayeon chimed in, "Momo has some urgent work she needs to finish quickly." Hana understood and accepted their explanation.


The three girls headed towards the photocopy machine, Rose taking the lead, determined to lighten the mood. "Hey, Nayeon," Rose began mischievously, "I've noticed you've had feelings for Kyungsoo for quite some time now. You're always staring at him and talking about how good-looking he is. Are you falling in love, girl?" She nudged Nayeon playfully, causing her to blush.


Nayeon blushed furiously, unable to hide her feelings any longer. "Maybe?" she admitted shyly. "I think he's really cute. His smile, it's like a heart shape, and it just melts my heart."


Rose and Hana exchanged teasing looks, both delighted by Nayeon's confession. Hana remarked, "Girl, that's love right there."


Nayeon's blush deepened, and Rose seized the opportunity to delve further, asking, "So why haven't you expressed your feelings to him yet?"


Nayeon pouted and replied, "He always seems so focused on his work, and I can't help but feel he doesn't have any interest in me. I hate it."


Rose interjected, "But I think he likes you. Whenever he looks at you, it's with such adoration in his eyes."


Nayeon shrugged, her doubts weighing heavily on her. "Even if he does like me, he probably wouldn't say anything due to the 'no dating coworkers' rule. I hope our boss doesn't end up with the girl he likes. She should break his heart and leave him crying. He deserves it." Hana's eyes widened at Nayeon's words, momentarily reminded of her own recent fight with Chanyeol. Was their relationship already on the verge of a breakup?


The conversation took a sudden turn as Rose brought up her own romantic interests. "By the way, Rose," Nayeon inquired playfully, "do you like anyone? Is it Sehun?"


Rose scoffed, dismissing the idea. "Oh, please. Anyone but him. He's the unbothered king. Actually, I have a crush on my neighbour. He's incredibly cute and seems innocent and naive. I really like him, but he keeps his distance from any girl who tries to get close." Rose pouted, expressing her frustration.


Hana chimed in, intrigued by Rose's predicament. "He seems like a nice guy. What's holding you back from telling him how you feel?"


Rose hesitated for a moment before confessing, "I'm afraid that if I directly express my feelings, he'll avoid me completely. It's nerve-wracking."


Hana's mind swirled with thoughts on love's complexities. Before Nayeon could respond, her phone rang, interrupting the conversation. She answered the call and hurriedly excused herself, leaving Rose and Hana to chuckle at her excitement.


Rose picked up the photocopies and announced, "I should get these to the other department as soon as possible. Do you want me to join you for coffee?" Hana shook her head, smiling warmly. Rose walked away, leaving Hana alone with her thoughts.


Hana made her way to the coffee station, where she encountered a guy she had never seen before. He greeted her with a friendly smile, and Hana reciprocated. As she began preparing her coffee, she felt the guy inching closer, their bodies almost touching. Discomfort washed over her, and she mustered the courage to speak up, saying, "Could you please move aside?"


The guy smirked and replied, "Feisty. I like it." Ignoring Hana's request, he moved even closer, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear while biting his lip and scanning her body up and down.


Hana's disgust grew, recognizing this all-too-familiar situation. She refused to let history repeat itself. Stepping back, she firmly stated, "Please don't touch me."


Unfazed, the guy inched closer still, attempting to cup her cheeks and kiss her. That was the breaking point. Hana's fury ignited, ready to unleash her years of self-defence training. But before she could strike, someone delivered a powerful punch to the guy's nose, causing it to gush blood. Hana gasped, looking at the person who came to her rescue. It was Chanyeol.


Chanyeol glared at the guy, his anger palpable, as he continued to throw punches. Onlookers

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194 streak #1
Chapter 8: Am enjoying immensely!
194 streak #2
Chapter 4: 🥰
194 streak #3
community promoted...guess I'll just have to read!
kia_fabian #5
Chapter 13: Why i think giselle it the girl that baekhyun waiting for hahahaha just my imagination
Chapter 7: This chapter started so sweet, Hana took everyone’s breath away and had fun with her colleagues.

Baekhyun knows more about Chanyeol than the man knows about himself. He can see Chanyeol’s jealousy and feelings for Hana.

It was good that Chanyeol could take care of Hana and realise that he loves her.

And now he knows what Hana thinks of him and can find ways to become a better boss who doesn’t give her too much work!
Chapter 7: Finally he realized that he's in love.. but i think it's still one sided, because Hana still feel uncomfortable with him..
Chapter 6: The way Chanyeol shows interest in Hana is sooo weird.. if he's interested, he should just be a man and confess.. no need to make her life miserable with all the extra work loads.. hehehe..
Excited for the party!!
Chapter 6: Guessing from the spoiler, Hana won’t miss the party and will arrive in her red dress, being the flower of the party.

Chanyeol is slowly losing his heart for Hana. And people are noticing.

The event looks like it will be a lot of fun. Can’t wait for the next chapter!