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"The hardest thing I'll ever do is walk away still loving you."


Sandara’s POV

I couldn't sleep last night. So I packed my luggage and got ready. Dad would be picking me up at 5:00 a.m.

I decided to leave a letter for Jiyong at the front desk with Eun-bi.

Dear Lieutenant Kwon Jiyong, 

You are an amazing person. At times, whatever relationship we had for a few days felt like it was the best thing that had ever happened to me. You’ve worked so hard to get where you are. I am so proud of you for being a Navy officer. You very well know we can’t be together.

I know we could have been happy together if circumstances had been different. I wish I didn’t have to say goodbye. The fact that we can't be together will definitely leave a scar on my heart. I doubt I'll ever experience a love as genuine as yours or be able to love someone else the way I have loved you.

I hope you’re able to move on and meet someone who will love you the way you deserve to be loved. It’s better we end it now. I will always remember you as a wonderful person, and I'll always have a special place for you in my heart.




It's very tough to leave the person you love. But I must do it before it's too late. I can’t be selfish. If anyone finds out, he will be punished for violating the rules by engaging in an unduly familiar relationship with the Admiral’s daughter. His behavior will be classified as unbecoming. If a trainee officer is having an affair, it is simply unacceptable, and the Navy has a clear zero-tolerance policy for it. He may be forced to leave the Navy or even dismissed.

As soon as Dad arrived, I got in the Car and left with him. Dad was driving the car; I knew he wanted to speak with me privately, so he didn't bring the driver. The first thing we did was drive away from the Hospital premises in order to avoid being seen.

"So where should we head now?" Dad enquired. I looked at Dad in confusion.

"Dad at home." I replied immediately.

"Busan? He is familiar with our home and has been to see me before finding you."

"What?" I'm stunned.

Dad told me that Jiyong visited our Busan home to formally request permission from my parents to date me. They didn’t tell him where I was studying or living. He found me on his own. And the proposal that dad had mentioned before was none other than Jiyong's. Dr. Kwon had called Dad, and Dad had explained the Rules and regulations to Dr. Kwon.

Now the question is, where should I go? I don’t have a place to hide; wherever I go, he will find me. But first, I need Dad to explain all the rules to me in detail. I remember four years ago when Lt. Jung Sung-il tried to pursue me, and it was reported to his seniors, he was disciplined for violating rules later during the investigation, as I had no affections for him and he was a great officer, I didn't want to ruin his career in any way, so I gave my statement as we are only friend. A Board of Inquiry concluded that we were only friend. But he was instantly transferred to a ship headed for Jeju to be dropped off at his new duty station. A nasty court martial was averted, and Navy traditions were honored in classic Navy style. But things are different this time. We adore one another. And he is still undergoing training.


Dad questioned my desire to travel abroad. That isn't a good idea because I have to complete my internship. It's Cherry blossom season, so I decided to go to Jinhae; it is the last place he will search. I told my dad to take me to Jiahae so that I could also meet my friends. We took the first available train, and Dad arranged for lodging for us once we got to Jinhae. After having breakfast, we discussed the most crucial issue. Dad already knew the details from Jiyong's perspective; he was interested in my perspective.

I explained to him how we first met in Jeju and then Jinhae. I constantly yearned to see him again, even though I was unsure of how I felt about him at first, so I kept my feelings to myself. But things changed when I saw him at the farewell party. I was sure it wasn't one-sided; we were attracted to one another. I told him to look for me when he got back, as he was getting ready to deploy. I thought we would forget each other. Out of sight, out of mind, as they say, but in our case, the distance just increased our longing for one another.

"What do you want to do next, then?" Dad asked me. 

"I want to spare him from pun

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Janaky011203 #1
Chapter 27: I really pity for both of them. Thanks for the updates.
Janaky011203 #2
Chapter 25: I love how the story goes. Dara and Jiyong are very much inlove with each other.
JiSandara #3
Chapter 25: I am not familiar w/ Korea's rules on cadet training protocol w/ regards to romantic relationship. Based on PMA cadets' rules...there's no such thing as prohibition. They are considered "Cream of the Crop"...therefore they are expected to act morally & w/ decency.
Ji is bound to follow the chain of command...that most likely is his violation...stl does not merit expulsion nor dishonorable dismissal.🤷🤷🤷
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #4
Chapter 25: They say that when you love it is in "the good times and the bad" I like that Dara is doing everything possible so that Jiyong gets out of this matter well
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #5
Chapter 24: I understand that the military must obey the rules, but sometimes they are too strict, I just hope a fair trial for Jiyong
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #6
Chapter 22: ❤️❤️❤️ Amo esta historia , estaré esperando ansiosamente por la actualización , gracias
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #7
Chapter 21: OMG!!! Why can't everything be perfect? I just hope Dara doesn't get hurt.
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #8
Chapter 17: I love Ji Yong, he is a persevering man, they are finally dating, I love that they have confessed their love, even though their relationship has to be secret, I like the relationship that Dará has with her father, he is her only confidant 🥰, I love this story
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #9
Chapter 11: ❤️❤️❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #10
Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Dara my girl, life loves you eh!!, meeting your future "father-in-law and mother-in-law" as Jiyong said in that dance is definitely a thing of destiny, I am excited for the reunion, Jiyong He is very detailed with his shipments and so Romantic with his messages