Chapter 11 : Fanmeeting and Yerimie

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7 pm.

The venue was alive with the murmurs of the audience, the gentle strumming of guitars and pianos, and the occasional sound of microphone checks that could be heard filling the air. Adding to the young novelist's nervousness.

Seungwan took a deep breath. "Sseul, do I look okay?" The young novelist asks her best friend.

Seulgi nodded warmly, "You look amazing tonight, Ms. Son."

This was a moment of immense significance for Seungwan, as it marked her first time revealing herself to the public.

Unlike many other successful authors, Seungwan had always preferred to remain anonymous.

However, because her works are international best-sellers, It’s natural for the public to be curious about who is this Wendy Son. And the public's interest naturally led to a spotlight on Seungwan.

But despite receiving offers for fan meets, interviews, and various types of publicity, she had gracefully declined them all.

Seungwan cherished the peace of writing without the pressure of the media and wanted to live her life as normal as possible.

But this time, Seungwan wanted to do it, she doesn’t know how much time she have left. She didn't know how much time she had left. This might as well be her first and last event as an author to meet her readers, so the young novelist braved herself to have the event.

“Are there many reporters in the venue?” Seungwan asked her best friend, her concern evident.

“No, there are only two reporters tonight, and don't worry, they will not ask you any questions. They're just here to capture the event,” Seulgi explained, trying to reassure the young novelist.

“Are you okay, Wan-ah?” Seulgi asked, sensing her friend's nerves.

Seungwan gave the young manager a small nod, “I'm just nervous.”

“Don't worry, you'll do great!”

Just then, a staff member entered the room, “Ms. Son, it’s almost time to start the event.”

The young novelist stood up and lightly fixed her outfit. “Right, let’s go.”


Seungwan stood hesitantly at the center of the stage, bathed in the warm glow of the spotlight.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she mustered the courage to speak. “Um, hello. Thank you all for being here tonight,” she began, her voice trembling slightly.

“I, um, I never thought I'd be standing here like this, but here I am. Wow.”

Her fingers fidgeted nervously, twisting and untwisting as she continued, “I've, uh, always been more comfortable with my words on paper, you know? Writing has been my safe haven, my little world where I can escape and create. Crafting worlds and stories that I hope have touched your hearts.”

“But tonight is different. It's special,” Wendy's voice grew firmer, a glimmer of determination shining in her eyes. "I want to step out from behind the words and share this moment with all of you."

The young novelist paused for a moment, trying to calm down her pounding heart.

At that moment, she saw Seulgi in the crowd, her best friend. Their eyes met and the young novelist's gaze softened.

Her voice grew more heartfelt as she spoke about her journey through dreams, hope, and life. “Just like everyone in this room, I’ve been on a personal journey of my own - one that I've recently chosen to express through the trilogy I'm writing.”

“In the first book,” she continued, her voice wavering with emotion, “I dared to dream of a world untouched by darkness, a world where I could embrace life without the shadows of uncertainty.”

“It allowed me to explore what could have been, the paths that might have unfurled if fate had been kinder. It was my fiction of a perfect world, a canvas where hope and joy painted every .”

Wendy took a moment to compose herself before moving on. “Then came the second book, filled with hope. Hope for a brighter future, a future where life would take me on a different path.”

“In those pages, I created a version of myself that never lost faith, a protagonist who faced adversity with resilience and determination. It was my heartfelt plea to the universe, my hope for a future filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities.”

Her eyes glistened with unshed tears as she spoke about the final book of her trilogy, the book that was about her life, a life that was still unfolding, still being written, and maybe her final work.

“And now, I wanted to tell you that I’m writing my final book. The book that's about my life. My life that's still unfolding, still being written.”

The audience hung on her every word, captivated by her sincerity and vulnerability.

Seungwan’s voice grew stronger and more assured as she continued, “I'm not one to open up easily, but tonight, I wanted to hear your stories, your dreams, and your hopes. Because they've inspired me so much.”

She glanced at her trembling hands, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “I may not be the best public speaker, but I want you to know that your presence here means the world to me. Each and every one of you holds a special place in my heart, a place that's filled with gratitude and awe, and I wanted to thank you as a person, as Wendy Son, not just as an author.”

Seungwan took a moment to gather her thoughts before delivering her closing words, “I don't know what the future holds, but I'm so glad to be here, sharing this moment with you all. Thank you, from the depths of my heart.”

As Seungwan concluded her speech, applause from the audience filled the room. Seungwan glanced at her best friend and Seulgi looks at her very proudly, as her smile reached her ears.

Thank you Seungwan mouthed the words to Seulgi and the young manager seemed to get the message as she nodded and gave her a thumbs up.

All of that and she gave me a thumbs up Seungwan chuckled.


The young novelist has been meeting her readers, hearing each one of their stories, dreams, and hopes. And for Seungwan, each encounter is precious.

After shaking the hand of one of her readers, another one sits down in front of her. A beautiful young lady with sparkling eyes captures Seungwan's attention.

She gives the reader a warm smile, “Hello,” the young novelist greets her.

“Hi!” The young lady greets her back excitedly.

Seungwan chuckled, “What is your name?”.

“Hi author-nim, my name is Yerim, Bae Yerim”

The young novelist frowned, Yerim? Why is this name familiar?

But Seungwan brushed it aside and said, “Hi Yerim, nice to meet you. I usually told people to call me Wendy, but for you, you can call me Seungwan” The young novelist smiled.

Yerim giggled, “Thank you Seungwan Unnie”.

What a beautiful person, so beautiful, so cheerful, and her laugh is beautiful Seungwan thinks to herself.

“So, Yerimie,” Seungwan began, “What made you read my book?”

“My unnie” Yerim answered softly.

“Your Unnie?” Seungwan tilted her head curiously.

“Uhmm” Yerim nodded, “I read your story so I can help my unnie to be as full of hope as you”.

“Thank you, Yerimie,” Seungwan gently held the young lady's hand.

“Would you mind sharing your story with me? Why do you want your unnie to be as hopeful as me?”

Yerim gives Seungwan a small nod, I’ve been a long-time fan of yours, since your first online story 5 years ago.” Yerim began her heartfelt tale.

“As I followed your story, you eventually released your first book of the My Dear Trilogy. Your first book, 'My Dear,' was a perfect story for me. It helped me get through a hard time because, at that time, it was one of the hardest times for me and my unnie.”

“And then, the second book came out – 'My Love.' As I read the story, I began to think how similar the story was to my unnie. In the book, your protagonist teaches us how to be hopeful despite not fully trusting hope itself, how to hold onto the light, despite not fully trusting it, and how to trust destiny, despite not fully trusting the world.”

Seungwan listened attentively, captivated by Yerim's words.

“My unnie lost her hope and trust in love a couple of years ago. She was forced to be strong for me and for our family because love betrayed us, betrayed her.”

“But the thing is, I know that it’s not love itself that’s wrong; it’s the people who use love as their reason to do bad things that are wrong. And I wanted her to know that. So as I read your book, I wanted to learn and also teach unnie about how to trust love back, because she deserves it.”

“Lately, unnie has a lot of time in the house and she spends her time reading your books. This of course makes me happy, and I hope that your story can make her learn to trust again, to be hopeful again.” Yerim concluded her story.

Seungwan's eyes glisten with understanding and empathy. She gently squeezes Yerim's hand in support.

“You're right, Yerimie,” Seungwan responds softly.

“Love can be both beautiful and painful, but it's essential to remember that it's the actions of individuals, not love itself, that can cause pain.”

“I've always believed in the strength of hope,” Seungwan continues, her voice soothing and reassuring. “Even during the darkest times, it's the light that guides me through.”

“It doesn't have to be a bright light like the sun; a warm and soft but reassuring light like the moon is more than enough for me.”

Seungwan can see that the young lady is smiling so tenderly.

“Thank you, Seungwan Unnie. Your stories have touched my heart, and I hope they'll do the same for my unnie.” Yerim told the young novelist.

Seungwan smiles warmly, “I’m really hoping for that too. Thank you, It means the world to me that my stories can make a difference in someone's life. I hope that at least I can make the world a little bit brighter with my writing.”

Yerim suddenly giggled, “I like you unnie”

“Huh? So suddenly?” Seungwan asked amusedly.

“You’re kind, you’re beautiful and you are an amazing author, so I like you”

The young novelist chuckled, “Well Yerimie, I like you too”

And the two continue their heartfelt conversation, as Seungwan cherishes yet another precious encounter with a reader who has been deeply moved by her words.

But unbeknownst to her, that particular reader will become one of the most important people for her.


9:30 pm

After thanking the staff for their hard work, Seungwan finally sat down on one of the chairs backstage.

The event was truly amazing, and the young novelist feels immensely happy. Meeting her readers, listening to their stories, and knowing that her works can bring a little bit of joy to someone's day fills her heart with gratitude.

Seulgi enters the room and respectfully bows to the staff, thanking them for their hard work. "Thank you for your hard work, team!" she says warmly.

“You too! Timjang-nim!” the staff replies with appreciation.

Seulgi takes out her credit card and hands it to one of the staff members, “Take this and buy the team a nice dinner,” she insists.

The staff jumped with excitement, “Thank you Timjang-nim, You’re the best!” The whole team exclaimed.

Observing her best friend's actions, Seungwan can't help but chuckle. Seulgi notices her friend's amusement and quickly walks over to the young novelist.

“Great job today Wan! Your speech was amazing” Seulgi pat the young novelist's shoulder.

Seungwan responds with a warm smile, “Thank you for making sure I could experience this.”

Seulgi shakes her head, “You don't need to thank me, Wan-ah. Trust me, I can do anything for you.”

Amused, Seungwan asks, “Are you sure?”

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Hi guys! what do you think about the story so far? Do you enjoy the format? Like i said in the foreword that this is still in early stage of writing cuz i'm still trying to find my style. Don't worry i have the story laid out already and will be finishing it. I just wondering what do you guys think


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Dear author. We are looking forward to read the next chapter. 💙
Read this story again 🥹
Chapter 22: Wow so many emotions, I'm really looking forward to the unfold of this story 💞
Chapter 14: Oh god each chapter I find myself tearing up 💞 authornim you write si beautifully I love it so much
That's really addictive. I'm looking forwart to read the next chapter. What will happen then? You're doing a really great job, keep writing, dear author. I want you to know that your fanfic is really good and makes my heart melt.
Chapter 22: Seungwan finally acknowledges her own feelings, and opening herself up to her family.....😩

Anyhow, welcome back and no worries about the writings.
1692 streak #7
Chapter 22: I'm glad Seungwan open up more, but who sent the documents beside Seulgi? Anyhoo I'm happy you're updating again~
coynotcoi #8
Chapter 21: Welcome Back Author! Looking forward to your next update!
Chapter 21: 🙌🙌🙌🙌
Chapter 21: Welcome back author! We'te always here waiting so don't worry and take your time writing. ^_^