is fate real

What is fate ?
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kim lyfe by winterrkim01 11/08/2023 at 15:31

hey everyone! how are you guys doing? i hope yall are doing well :) Something interesting happened yesterday but i am not going to think much about it. Anyways i am still thinking about that girl i saw a few years ago. like i keep seeing the same hoodie but i cant seem to find the girl??? guys even fate doesnt want to help me :(( but its cool. theres this girl i have a crush on and idk shes just an amazing person. SHES EVEN WELL LIKED BY THE STUDENTS IN MY SCHOOL YALLSJSNDND. like shes so nice its impossible to hate her. but theres this dude thats always giving her stuff like he is so persuasive.I want his dedication and confidence. how do i talk to her :(

1 comment from user keyriina 

: hii @winterrkim01 ! I recently came across your blogs :D in my opinion you can try by starting small convos like aasking how her day is? i assume youre shy and awkward with her lolol. dont think too much about it because then you will overthink it and it will end up awkward :( if youre not friends with her then try giving her small smiles when you walk pass her! you did say she is well liked by everyone ><

reply from user winterrkim01

: omg hi @keyriina !! so cool to interact with people who read my blogs HAHA. yea i am friends with her. actually we have been friends since highschool ! shes a year older than me. she always tries to talk to me but i end up just pushing her away :(( im just scared to talk to her and end up messing up my words when i talk to her. i feel so baddddd

reply from user keyriina

: aww on my side my crush ignores me lol :( she cant seem to open up to me. we are similar tho @winterrkim01 because i also have known my crush since high school but shes a year younger than me HAHA. i feel like she doesnt want to talk to me because im older maybe? but in our group we also have a friend whos my age and she can talk to her comfortably :((. are we both having problems with our crush lmaoaoso

reply from user winterrkim01

: aw why would she ignore you :( you sound like such a sweet person :(

reply from user keyriina

: jsiofhfiosh omg thank you :0


jimin closed her laptop with tinted red cheeks. how could someone she know online make her blush? how she wished that it was minjeong making her blush instead. It was nearing 4pm and she had ended classes early. From what she knew, aeri and ninging were staying back in school to discuss about something related to their module. She wasnt so sure what minjeong was doing. She was questioning whether she should text her or not.

" Would she even reply me? What if she was busy? What if she found me weird? What if- ok enough yu jimin. Dont overthink it. Just text her " Jimin texted minjeong asking if she was down to play video games. Few months ago they actually played video games everyday at minjeongs house but they stopped due to exams. 15 minutes had passed and jimin was about to delete the message when minjeong replied

minjeong : yea sure unnie ! im at home now you can just come by whenever !!

jimin just stared at her lockscreen shocked. minjeong actually accepted her request? ya they are friends but it was rare for them to just hang without aeri and ninging. She didnt realise how long she was staring at her screen until another message from minjeong came up

minjeong : unnie you didnt fall asleep right? HAHA did i reply too late hmhmhhm :(

jimin : no im awake :) sorry i was showering hehe ,, i will be there in 30 mins !! wait for me jeongieee

jimin quickly changed and made her way to minjeongs house

At minjeongs house there was a puppy like human pacing around her house panicking. Because kim minejong just indirectly invited her crush to her house to play video games. The crush she rarely talked to despite being  in the same friendgroup because she was scared.

She couldnt even talk to her when aeri and ningning was there how would she talk to jimin alone? Shes in deep .. Her panicking fueled when she heard knocks on her door indicating that jimin was here . "ok kim minjeong you can do this. Just like that user said , dont think too much about it . ok lets do this " . minjeong opened the door while trying her best to show a i-am-totally-not-panicking-over-my-crush smile .

minjeong let jimin come in and closed her house door. when she turned around she already found jimin ready with the gaming console.

'damn shes that excited to play huh' minjeong thought to herself

2 hours later jimin was found on minjeongs sofa , knocked out. All the gaming , shouting and laughing tired her out. Minjeong just stared at jimin admiring her. To minjeong , jimin was the epitome of perfection .

Jimin was in their universitys dance club while being in the student council. On top of all that she could still juggle her studies and her time needed for others. Of course minjeong knows that jimin does struggle due to how much jimin complains about how tiring it is. Sometimes minjeong does advise her to pace herself and not push herself too hard. But jimin is just too stubborn. 

After she made sure jimin was all properly covered with the blanket, minjeong went to her room to take her laptop. M

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did not proof read and yes an epilogue is on the way dont worry :)


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Chapter 9: loved it! good job author-nim
Chapter 8: lol thanks minjeong for being that understanding and mature
Chapter 7: jimin was ed up indeeed
Chapter 6: LOL on your notes author
Chapter 5: surely minjeong and ninging is childish here (?) at least they should hear jimin explanation first and thinking of what next
Chapter 4: both are childish in this situation and being dramatic lol
maybe because they both are overthinker
Chapter 3: lol it turns out that minjeong also jimin’s crush
Chapter 8: okay don't get me wrong, I LOVE IT. i find minjeong and ning's characters endearing but i kinda hate jimin sorry lol.
2186 streak #9
Chapter 6: Read this in one sitting, this is so cuteeeeee!!!!