Drunk Case


Seungwan woke up to the smells of breakfast cooking. He got out of bed and prepared to get ready for work. Seunghyun had sat at the table picking at a bowl of cereal.


"Good morning," Seungwan greeted them. He gave Joohyun a quick kiss on the cheek.


"Morning daddy!" Seunghyun replied with a smile.


Joohyun placed a plate of pancakes on the table. "Eat up before it gets cold. I'm making your favorite."


Seungwan took a seat and poured syrup over the stack. "Mmm, you're the best'. On the TV, the morning news played quietly in the background. The anchor's voice suddenly caught Joohyun's attention.


"In other headlines, actress Kim Sejong was arrested last night on suspicion of a DUI," the anchor reported. "Police received calls of an erratic driver and pulled the 26 year old over, finding her intoxicated behind the wheel. She is being held at the city jail pending charges. More on this story as it develops."


Joohyun's brow furrowed. " Kim Sejong...why does that name sound so familiar?"


Seungwan nearly choked on his coffee. Coughing, he managed to say "That's because she was in my class in university."


"Oh right!" Joohyun exclaimed. "She was that new girl who always followed you around with heart eyes. What was it you used to call her? Your little follower?"


"Ha, yeah, she did used to trail me on campus like a my follower," Seungwan chuckled. "She was harmless though. She just had a little crush."


Joohyun rolled her eyes in mock jealousy. "Well your 'little follower' just got herself into some big trouble."


The news anchor was now showing footage of Sejong's damaged car being towed away after the drunk driving incident. Her mugshot flashed on the screen - eyes red and hair disheveled.


Seunghyun paused his play to look up at the TV. "That giwl looks messy," he remarked. "Is she in big twouble, daddy?"


"Yes, driving drunk is very dangerous and against the law," Seungwan explained seriously. "She'll have to face some consequences for that bad choice."


Joohyun nodded in agreement, then continued watching the coverage of Sejong's arrest. After the entertainment news ended, Seungwan switched off the TV.


Seungwan continue took a large bite. "So what are your plans for the day?"


"After I drop Seunghyun off at daycare, I need to run to the market for the bakery. Then I'm meeting some girlfriends for late lunch," Joohyun said.


Seungwan nodded as he chewed. "And I'll be at the office all day going over case files. I have a hearing tomorrow I'm preparing for."


After breakfast they gathered their things. Joohyun grabbed her purse and keys while Seungwan put on his suit jacket. "Alright Seunghyunnie, let's get you to playschool," she said to their son.


"Can we watch cartoons when I get home?" Seunghyun asked his father.


Seungwan ruffled his hair. "Of course. Have a good day you two." He gave Joohyun a goodbye kiss. "Call me if you need anything."


"Thanks honey. You too."


Later at his office, Seungwan's assistant, Junmyeon knocked on his door. "Sorry to bother you sir, but the chief prosecutor asked to see you right away."


Setting down his glasses, Seungwan followed him down the hall. He wondered what this could be about. When he entered the large corner office, his boss, Sooman was flipping through some files.


"Ah Seungwan, have a seat. I wanted to discuss assigning you a new case," Sooman said, gesturing to a chair.


Seungwan sat down expectantly. "Go on."


"It's that DUI from this morning, Miss Kim Sejong. Since you have the most experience prosecuting these kinds of offenses, I think you'd be perfect to handle it." The chief slid the file across the desk.


Seungwan's eyes widened in surprise. Of all the prosecutors in Seoul, what were the chances he'd be assigned his former classmate's case? He flipped through the file, skimming the details of that night's drunken collision and Sejong's subsequent arrest. There was Sejong's mugshot staring back at him, though aged slightly from her younger university days. Seungwan worried if Sejong tried to do any trick.


Quickly regaining composure, he replied "Of course sir, I'd be happy to take the case. When is her arraignment?" Inside he wondered how Joohyun would feel about this turn of events.


Sooman smiled. "I knew I could count on you Seungwan. Her hearing is set for tomorrow morning at 10am sharp. Why don't you drive over to the jail later and interview her, get her side of the story?"


Seungwan nodded and stood up. "I'll head over right after work then. Thank you for the assignment." Seungwan exited the office with a sigh. What a mess his bubbly follower had gotten herself into. And now it was his responsibility to hold her accountable. 


His phone buzzed with a new text from Joohyun.


"Any interesting cases today?" Joohyun had written casually, not knowing about the improbable assignment.


Seungwan typed back: "You're not going to believe this, but I got assigned lead prosecutor on Sejong's DUI case..."


Joohyun responded immediately: "WHAAAT?? No way, what are the chances! Does she know yet that her old crush will be the one prosecuting her??"


"She doesn't know yet as far as I'm aware," Seungwan replied. "..and I have to go to the jail for interrogation."


After finishing up some paperwork, Seungwan gathered his things to leave for the day heading to the jail. He briefed his legal team on the case and they got to work preparing for it.


When he arrived, Seungwan flashed his badge at the front desk. "I'm here to speak with Kim Sejong, inmate number 960828." The officer led him back to an interrogation room.


Moments later Sejong was brought in, cuffed at the wrists and looking disheveled in her jumpsuit. She stopped short when she saw Seungwan waiting there.


"Seungwan? I can't believe it's you," she said in disbelief. Her eyes were red and puffy, like she had been crying.


Sejong continued, "...it's so good to see you, I never thought this is how we'd reunite after all these years."


Seungwan gestured for her to sit across from him and got straight to bussiness. "It's been a long time Sejong. I'm the prosecutor assigned to your case now so let's get down to business, shall we? Tell me what happened the night of the incident. Leave nothing out."


Sejong leaned forward, placing her hand over Seungwan's. "You know... I never stopped caring....for you.."


Seungwan gently removed his hand. "Please get to the point regarding the incident in question, Miss Kim."


She nodded sullenly and took a seat. Sighing, Sejong launched into her story. "Alright alright. I'll tell you the full story. It was all just a silly mistake."


Seungwan's expression remained stern. "Any discussions will be officially recorded. I'm listening to the relevant information that you share for your defense."


Sejong pouted but continued. "The truth is I got a big CF offer at work. We all went out to celebrate and I had too much to drink. I know I shouldn't have driven, but it was a one time lapse in judgment."


She continued. "I know you're married now, but a small part of me still hoped...nevermind. I understand I'll get no special treatment from you, Seungwan."


"Miss Kim, I appreciate your honesty. But celebrating is no excuse for jeopardizing lives. As the prosecutor, I'm obligated to pursue justice strictly based on evidence, not personal bias or history." Seungwan replied calmly.


Seungwan then presented the facts of that night - Sejong's reckless driving, illegal blood alcohol level, and the damage caused. 


"Miss Kim, I looked over the police report and blood test results carefully," Seungwan began. "Your BAC was well over the legal limit at 0.11%. At that level of intoxication, your judgment and coordination would have been severely impaired."


Sejong frowned. "It wasn't that bad. I only had a couple drinks..."


Seungwan cut her off. "The evidence doesn't support that claim. Alcohol affects everyone differently, but 0.11% is considered drunk by law for good reason. Driving under that level of influence significantly increases the risk of accidents."


He opened the case file folder. "It says here you swerved into the next lane twice before the officer pulled you over. Luckily there was no oncoming traffic at those times or it could have ended in tragedy. Do you understand how dangerous your actions were?"


Sejong sighed. "I know...I shouldn't have gotten behind the wheel. It was a mistake and it won't happen again, I promise."


"A mistake with potentially lethal consequences," Seungwan replied firmly. "Drunk driving ruins lives - not just of the perpetrator but also innocent victims. I've seen the heartbreaking aftermath in the worst cases as a prosecutor."


He fixed Sejong with a stern look. "This is your wake up call to change. I understand celebrating good news, but in the future call a cab, subway or friend for a ride. Your life and future are worth more than drinking and driving."


Seungwan wrapped up the interview with Sejong and headed back to the station to finish up some paperwork. Once done, he grabbed his things and walked outside into the evening.


Seungwan drove towards Joohyun's bakery, picking her up after work as usual. Joohyun owned a popular bakery in town called Bunny Baguette.


Pulling up outside the bakery, Seungwan smiled seeing Joohyun through the large windows, assisting the last customer with her usual cheer and grace. He went inside, the delicious aroma of fresh breads and pastries filling his senses.


Joohyun looked up and broke into a radiant smile at the sight of her husband. She wiped her hands on her apron and gave him a hug. "Just let me finish closing up."


Joohyun was busy restocking shelves for tomorrow. Seungwan helped to sweep the floors while admiring her. "Thanks for lending a hand. Especially after your long day at work," she stretched her back.


Once the kitchen was cleaned up, Joohyun rested against the counter with a tired sigh. Seungwan walked over and wrapped his arms around her from behind in an affectionate hug. "It was no trouble at all. I'm always happy to support you however I can. You work so diligently running the bakery on top of being a mother. I'm constantly amazed." He said, gently kissing her forehead


Joohyun leaned back against his strong embrace, feeling instantly re-energized in his hold. "You give me strength , Seungwan-aah. You work so hard every day. I'm lucky to have such a strong, caring husband."


Seungwan nuzzled her neck as Joohyun let a contented hum, turning her head to meet his lips in a tender kiss.


Lost in the moment, they didn't notice Sooyoung, her roommate turned co partner had walked into the kitchen until she loudly cleared . Joohyun and Seungwan sprang apart, caught off guard.


"Omo, Sooyoung-ah! You scared me," Joohyun said with a nervous laugh, her cheeks flushing pink. 


Sooyoung smirked in amusement. "Don't look so scandalized, I was just teasing. Though you should probably take...that elsewhere instead of the bakery." She gestured between them playfully.


Joohyun turned redder. "Sooyoung-ah!"


"But you know, all the baking is done for the day," Sooyoung pointed out kindly. "Why don't you head home and get some proper rest? I can finish closing up here."


Seungwan nodded in agreement. "She has a point, you've been on your feet non-stop. Let Sooyoung handle things so you can relax."


"Alright, I suppose an early night would do me good. But only because you two basically ganged up on me!" she said with mock sternness.


Sooyoung laughed. "We just care about your well-being, unnie. Now go, before I change my mind and make you do inventory after all."


As they drove to pick up Seunghyun from nursery, Joohyun's blush faded. "Sooyoung really has no filter, does she?"


Seungwan chuckled. "At least she means well. And she's right, you deserve to relax after such a long day." He rubbed her shoulder reassuringly.


Joohyun smiled leaned into his touch, relaxing. "How are you feeling with Sejong's case?"


Seungwan took a deep breath. "She seemed remorseful about her actions." He glanced at Joohyun. "I don't want to keep anything from you..."


She nodded understandingly. "Why don't you share what you're able to, as her lawyer? I'm here to listen without judgment."


Seungwan was grateful for her understanding. "During our meeting, Sejong attempted to subtly flirt at first, bringing up how she once had feelings for me. But I made it clear we could only discuss the case professionally."


Seungwan continued, "She claimed it was a one-time mistake after drinking too much in celebration. However, I pointed out the evidence of her blood alcohol level which was well over the legal limit and risks she posed, so hopefully she understands the severity."


A thoughtful look crossed Joohyun's face. "Just promise me you'll be cautious dealing with Sejong."


Seungwan glanced over in surprise. "You know I'll handle it objectively as my role requires."


Joohyun nodded. "I trust you completely. It's her I'm less sure about, given your history." Joohyun gently brushed away a hair from his forehead in a caring gesture. "I just want you to protect yourself."


Seungwan understood her concern, taking her hand in his. "Thank you. Sejong was never more than a classmate."


"Still, rejected admirers can behave unpredictably," Joohyun replied wisely. "Just please be on your guard if she tries anything inappropriate again."


He squeezed her hand reassuringly. "You have nothing to worry about. Sejong attempted some light flirting at first, but backed off once I made it clear I wouldn't engage with her that way. I'll maintain a respectful firm boundary at all times."


"I'm glad to hear it." Joohyun said relieved.


Seungwan lifted her hand to his lips, planting a tender kiss on her soft skin. "You and Seunghyun are my priority. I handled the situation professionally while also showing her compassion."


Joohyun beamed. "I know. That's why you're such a great prosecutor."


As they pulled up outside Seunghyun's nursery school, Joohyun smiled seeing her energetic son through the window. "Look, he's already waiting for us by the door."


Seungwan chuckled fondly. "That boy has so much energy, I don't know where he gets it from."


They got out of the car and Seunghyun came bounding out excitedly at the sight of his parents. "Daddy! Mommy!"


Joohyun smoothed down his windswept hair affectionately. "Did you have fun playing with your friends today?"


Seunghyun nodded vigorously as he chattered about all the activities.


As they packed up his bag, the teacher Ms. Park approached. "Seunghyun was a hard worker in class as always. Make sure he has a good rest."


"We will, thank you," Joohyun replied. They waved goodbye and began strapping Seunghyun into his car seat.


But partway through buckling, their son's excited demeanor suddenly changed. His eyelids began drooping as tiredness overtook his small body. Within moments, Seunghyun had drifted off to sleep.


Joohyun glanced back fondly at his peaceful form. "Busy days always wipe him out completely. Our little boy is out cold."


Seungwan's eyes were soft with affection as well. "He reminds me so much of you - full of energy and smiles but crashing hard after a long day."


"Look how peaceful he looks, Seungwan-aah," Joohyun whispered to Seungwan fondly. He snuck a peek through the rearview mirror at their son.


Seunghyun's lips were parted slightly as he dozed, one tiny fist curled near his cheek. Every so often his eyes would flutter beneath closed lids, no doubt dreaming of adventures.


"Remember how he used to always his thumb when he was younger?" Joohyun reminisced quietly. Sure enough, Seunghyun brought his hand up to his mouth now, unconsciously seeking comfort even in sleep.


She watched lovingly as his small chest rose and fell with each breath. "I love seeing all his cute little habits and expressions."


Seungwan smiled. "Like how he still gets that crease between his eyebrows when he's deep in sleep?" Right on cue, a tiny furrow appeared on Seunghyun's smooth forehead.


Joohyun's eyes crinkled with happiness. "Our boy is growing up so fast."


Seungwan reached over to squeeze her hand. "I'm glad this is how we spend our evening everyday."




The day of the trial arrived. 


Seungwan took extra care getting ready wanting to appear crisp and composed.


 After his shower, Seungwan toweled off and walked into the bedroom wearing only the towel around his hip. Seungwan's six-pack abs were on full display and Joohyun unconsciously bit her lower lip while her eyes roaming hungrily over his sculpted physique.


Seungwan smirked, striking a casual pose. "Like what you see?" Flexing his abs teasingly.


Joohyun bit her lip, trying to appear aloof but failing miserably. "How can I not when you look like that?" Joohyun gently traced the defined ridges of muscle with her fingertips, reveling in their firmness before settling on the old scar. "You just look... very prosecutor-ly." 




He chuckled. "Is that even a word?" Closing the distance between them, Seungwan took Joohyun's hand and placed it against his more firmly. "Feel how ready I am to fight for justice?"


Encouraged, Joohyun grew bolder in her explorations. Her hands reverently mapped ridges and dips of hard-earned strength. When they brushed the scar again, Seungwan shuddered under her ministrations.


Leaning in slowly, Seungwan brushed his lips teasingly against hers, "you know exactly how to drive me wild." Joohyun melted into the gentle kiss. But all too soon he pulled away, leaving her wanting more.


"I'd love to continue this, but I hav...," Seungwan said. Joohyun pouted, fingers still absently tracing his abdomen causing all rational thought fled Seungwan's mind at her sultry fingers. "Damnit, why do you have to be so gorgeous?" he growled in frustration. Joohyun smiled coyly up at him.


"You know you want to," she echoed his earlier teasing, running her hands along his bare sides. Seungwan shuddered at her touch. Seungwan knew he was fighting a losing battle. The house was quiet, Seunghyun asleep in his room. And his stunning wife was practically begging...


He did the math in his head. He still has an hour to spare, maybe... "Just a little taste, to unwind you before such an important day. Please.... I promise I'll be quiet," she breathed in his ear, nipping the lobe playfully.


Seungwan groaned, as arousal shot straight to his groin. "Bae Joohyun, you'll be the death of me. Any sane man would surrender to your temptation."


Seungwan made swift work of removing his towel and her clothes before pressing Joohyun back into the mattress. She sighed blissfully at the feeling of his arousal against her thigh.


"Wait, lock the door first." Joohyun breathed out as he positioned himself at her entrance. The last thing they needed was an interruption.


Seungwan gave her a quick peck before hopping off the bed and darting to secure the lock. Then he returned, wasting no time.


They moved together at a quick pace. After few minutes, hit Joohyun like a tidal wave and she shuddered silently in Seungwan's arms. Moments later he followed, spilling inside with a euphoric sigh. Joohyun kissed him languidly, heart so full of love it spilled over.


"You win, temptress...," Seungwan murmured against pressing one last loving kiss. 


As Seungwan got up and began to dress, he teased Joohyun by slowly buttoning his shirt, knowing full well the sight of his bare chest stirred her passion. 


“Must you drag it out so?” Joohyun pouted from the bed, though her aroused gaze said she was anything but annoyed. 


Seungwan chuckled and leaned down for a lingering kiss, nibbling her bottom lip. “Tonight I’ll make it up to you tenfold after my victory in court.”


Just then, a faint little footsteps rapidly approaching. Seungwan shot Joohyun a playful smirk. "Someone's coming. Better behave," he teased in a low voice.


Joohyun was gazing lovingly at Seungwan as he tied his tie, still flushed from their intimate moment. But suddenly Seungwan looked up with a playful smirk, "3..2..1.."


A soft knock, then Seungwan unlocked their bedroom door to reveal little Seunghyun clutching his favorite teddy.  “Daddy! You leaving now?” the four year old asked around a yawn, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 


“Just about to head out buddy. Come give daddy a big hug.” Seunghyun all but launched himself into his father’s waiting arms, tiny hands wrapping around Seungwan’s neck in a koala grip. 


Joohyun smiled fondly at the scene, giving Seungwan’s tie one last adjustment. “Don’t want my big, strong prosecutor looking anything but his best.”


Seungwan pressed a kiss to both his wife and son’s foreheads. “I’ll see you tonight. Be good for Mommy!” With that, he grabbed his briefcase and set off, eager to crush the case and return home.


Arriving at the court, Seungwan methodically laid out the evidence - the police report, dashcam footage and blood test results showing Sejong's high BAC. But she maintained it was a one-time mistake. Rejecting the plea - her makeup was impeccable though, likely part of her team's effort to garner sympathy.


Finally realizing her nothing could not get her out of this, Sana became desperate. She requested a private meeting with Seungwan in his office during recess, claiming she just wanted to apologize and seek his guidance.


Seungwan reluctantly agreed to meet, though he was wary of her motives. Sejong changed her outfit and showed up in his office dressed in a revealing outfit, full makeup and hair styled.


“Prosecutor Son, please...isn’t there anything I can do to lessen my sentence? Can't we work something out, just between us?” Sejong began in a ry voice.


Seungwan said sternly. "There is no 'us', as I've made clear. Any discussions must be professional and on record."


"I just wanted to tell you how very, very sorry I am for what I did. It was so foolish of me." She batted her eyelashes and placed her hand on top of his on the desk.


Seungwan swiftly moved his hand away. "Ms. Kim, I appreciate what may be an attempt at an apology. However, your sentence remains final as ruled by the court."


Sejong pouted and leaned over the desk, giving him a glimpse of her cleavage. "Please Seungwan-aah...isn't there anything I can do to make it up to you? To show you how willing I am to...make amends?"


She reached out to caress his arm suggestively. Seungwan recoiled and stood up. "Ms. Kim, if you are seeking a reduced sentence in exchange for ual favors, I warn you that is attempted bribery of a public official, which carries additional penalties," he stated firmly.


Looking desperate now, Sejong changed tactics and tried begging. "Seungwan, please! I'm so sorry, don't send me to jail over one silly mistake! People look up to me, I can't let my fans down!" She pretended to cry.


Seungwan folded his arms, face stoic. "The law does not make exceptions for celebrities. Your reckless choices might endangered lives. Actions have consequences, which you must now face up to."


Sejong attempted to make sad eyes. "Then at least visit me in jail, please?! I'll be lonely, I need you..." She leaned in to his shoulder rapidly. 


Seungwan pushed her away, expression stern. "Enough! Do not make me report you for both attempted bribery and harassment of an officer. This blatant manipulation will not work on me."  


Sejong collapsed against the wall in anguished tears, her final hope shattered. Seungwan softened slightly. "I'm sorry for your situation but you have only yourself to blame. Now let's return to court with dignity."


However, she slipped him a note with her number. "You know..if you ever change your mind..."


Seungwan crushed and throwed away the note in disgust. This brazen behavior only strengthened his resolve to see her punished for endangering lives.


In his closing statement, he urged the jury to convict based on undeniable facts, not excuses. Sejong's fate now lay in their hands.


When the verdict came back - guilty on all charges - a gleam of satisfaction lit Seungwan's eyes. At sentencing, he addressed Sejong coldly.


"Had you shown real remorse, accepted responsibility, the outcome may have been different. But this only proves how unfit you are to have driving privileges."


Sejong shot him a venomous glare but said nothing. Seungwan had prevailed, maintaining integrity despite her recklessness. Justice was served.


In the end, the judge sentenced Sejong to 1 years in jail plus probation and an ignition lock on her car. It was clear Seungwan's skilled prosecution had secured a just penalty despite her celebrity status.




It was well past Seunghyun's bed time at 8.30 pm when Joohyun heard the key in the lock. "Honey, you're finally home! I waited up for you," she said softly.


Seungwan smiled. "I'm sorry it's late. I wanted to ensure everything was wrapped up properly with the case."


Joohyun embraced him gently. "The most important thing is that you're here now. How did it go?"


Seungwan pulled back, keeping his hands on her waist. "We won. The jury found Sejong guilty as charged."


Joohyun leaned to his touch. "I knew you could do it. I'm proud of you, my brilliant husband."


Seungwan nuzzled her neck gratefully. "Mmm,. I want to show you my victory...." He leaned down to kiss her softly.


Giggling, Joohyun placed a hand on his chest, "Well, Why don't I run you a bath and you can relax first? Later you can show me how success looks like..." 


He reluctantly agreed as Joohyun took him by the hand. "Hmm..that sounds perfect.. "


Joohyun ran the water, adding soothing salts. While it filled, she lit candles around the tub for ambiance and went back to the bedroom. "Get in before it gets cold, my champion."


As Seungwan started to strip down, an idea came to him. "Joohyun, why don't you join me?"


She smiled softly. "That's sweet of you to ask, but I already had my bath. You go relax; I'll be waiting outside." Joohyun began to turn away.


Quick as lightening, Seungwan swept her into his arms. Joohyun yelped in surprise as he carried her back to the bathroom.


"Seungwan! Put me down, I'm heavy." She giggled, half-heartedly struggling against his strong hold.


He grinned mischievously. "No can do, my love..You're light as a feather and I'm not letting you escape that easily."


Seungwan gently set Joohyun down and took his time undressing her, caressing every new patch of skin revealed. By the time she was bare, Joohyun's breath came heavy.


Scooping her into his arms once more, Seungwan stepped into the bath, lowering them both under the warm water. Joohyun shivered at the intimate contact, clutching his neck.


Seungwan nuzzled her neck tenderly. "See? Isn't this nicer than bathing alone?"


Joohyun melted against his chest with a contented sigh. "I suppose I can't argue with that. You win this round, my darling prosecutor."


Seungwan started caressing Joohyun's damp skin. They sat in comfortable silence as shadows danced across the walls. After some time, Seungwan spoke up hesitantly. "There was...something during the trial I wanted to tell you about."


Joohyun turned in his arms, studying his expression. "What is it? Did something go wrong?"


"No, the case turned out well. It's just..." He took a breath. "During the trial, it became clear Sejong was grasping at straws as the evidence mounted against her."


Seungwan continued, "So today in the courtroom, she tried to flirt and get close to me."  He recounted the events with Sejong. Left out no details of her inappropriate encounters, wanting full transparency.


Her eyes flashed protectively. "What?! How dare she make a move on my man."


Seungwan kissed her forehead. "I wanted you to hear it from me before rumors spread. I rejected her immediately, of course, and I have filled a full report about her harassment so it's documented."


Seungwan took her hand in a comforting grasp. "You know, my heart belongs only to you. You and Seunghyun mean everything to me."


Joohyun relaxed against him once more. "I'm glad you told me. And I trust you completely, honey."


 Though she said she trusted him, unease lingered in her mind. Seungwan seemed to sense this, gently tilting her chin up. "What's on your mind, love? I can tell something's bothering you."


Joohyun sighed. "It's silly of me really. I do trust you completely. It's just...I want to give that woman a piece of my mind for daring to hit on you!


Seungwan chuckled. "Now now, no need to get worked up. I turned her down instantly."


"I know, but still!" Joohyun pouted adorably.


Smirking, Seungwan had an idea. "You know, a little payback could be fun..."


Before she could respond, Seungwan gripped her sides and began tickling mercilessly. Joohyun shrieked with laughter, squirming in his arms.


"S-Stop! No fair with your big hands!" she gasped between peals of giggles. 




"All's fair in love and tickle wars!" Seungwan showed no mercy, redoubling his efforts. Joohyun's shrieks filled the bathroom as she fought unsuccessfully to escape. In her thrashing, a splash of water hit Seungwan's face, momentarily halting his attack. A mischievous glint entered his eyes.


He surged forward, tackling Joohyun underwater. They emerged laughing and spluttering, wrestling playfully as more water spilled over the edges. Their antics soon had the tile floor soaked.


Water dripped from tangled hair as they gazed at each other, breathless. Seungwan cupped Joohyun's face tenderly. "Feel better now, my love?"


She smiled, kissing him softly. "Much better. Thank you ."


Suddenly, Joohyun traced a soapy line along his collarbone, smirking. "So Mr. Prosecutor, it seems you've won this tickling war. Impressive work."


Seungwan raised an eyebrow, playing along. "It's all in a day's work bringing justice."


Joohyun slid her hands over his chest slowly. "Mmm, you must be very...talented. A girl could lose herself in your capable hands."


Seungwan pretended to consider, pursing his lips. "While I'm flattered by the attention...I'm afraid my heart belongs elsewhere. You see, I'm very in love with my wife."


She pouted dramatically. "What a shame. I guess I'll have to find satisfaction elsewhere then."


Joohyun moved to stand up but Seungwan gripped her waist, pulling her flush against him. "Now I didn't say that..." he growled playfully.


Giggling, Joohyun relented. "Very well Mr. Prosecutor, I suppose you've earned a private reward."


Seungwan swept her into his arms, lips brushing her ear. "Let me show you what true reward feels like, darling."


He stood, lifting Joohyun effortlessly into his strong arms. Water cascaded down their slick skin as their lips met hungrily.


Seungwan carried her to bed, laying her down with care. Joohyun gazed up at him reverently through lidded eyes. "Make me yours, Seungwan." They moved at unhurried pace, savoring each other. The only sounds besides their racing hearts and racing breaths were the occasional slap of skin on skin.







Enjoy !

Next chapter will be a throwback ;)






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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 7: More
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 2: Cutee
Chapter 8: I'm happy reading Irene who is jealous haha
Chapter 8: Not me thinking that Rosé saw them k-i-s-s-i-n-g. Joohyun seeing them kissing is so kdrama scene and i love it! Ijbol joohyun. I would be Hella embarrassed if i ever meet meet my sister in law. Love how supportive her sister is to him.
Chapter 2: I'm crying 😭 this is too soft oh god i love domestic wenrene so much
1700 streak #6
Chapter 8: I love this au so much~
Bltrx82 #7
Chapter 7: Can't wait for next chapter. Fighting author-nim
Chapter 4: Honestly, I really like stories with family themes like this. always feel warm when reading it and smile when imagining it 🥰
Chapter 7: ♨♨♨
Let's 🏃😤