
Fake it till You Make it

"I saw him going that way! That nerd shouldn't be too far!"


Kyuhyun held his breath and ducked his head under the window before the bullies saw him. He just started his last year in high school for a few weeks but he had already become a target for the bullies, just because he happened to get a good grade and have a rich family. He did consider telling a teacher and his parents but decided against it. He is going to be an adult soon. Surely, it's not that hard to get away from bullies, right?


Totally wrong.


"Found you!!"

"Let go of me!!"


The bully gang found him and they dragged him over the window to throw him on the ground. Kyuhyun cursed internally. He had to come up with a lie for his dirty uniform again. Chang Seokjin, the leader of the gang, smirked and yanked him up by grabbing his collar, before slamming him against the wall.


"Hey, I heard that your family is filthy rich, right? How about showing your generosity and lending your classmate some money?"

"... you. I don't consider scums like you guys my class— Cough!"


The bully punched him in the stomach but Kyuhyun refused to cower before these jerks. Despite the pain, he smirked back to taunt the other boy. At the same time, the gears in his brain spun fast as he tried to come up with a plan to get away from this situation. His eyes wandered up to the clear blue sky accompanied by white clouds. Suddenly, the face of his aloof deskmate came into his mind and he blurted out before his brain caught up to it.


"Jongwoon-ah is my boyfriend and he'll definitely kill you if he knows."


It worked. The bully's punch stopped just an inch away from his face. Chang Seokjin glanced at his two lackeys and they shrugged in response. Turning back, the other boy seemed even more upset for some reason as the grip around his collar tightened to the point that he began to choke.


"Do I look like a fool to you? For dragging Jongwoon into your , I'm going to beat you to a pulp!!"

"It's not a lie! If you want to spend your weekend in a hospital then go ahead! See if I'll recover first or Jongwoon-ah will kill you first."


Kyuhyun bluffed and hoped that the bullies didn't notice his shaking legs. He was so nervous that he would have collapsed already if it wasn't for the grip on his collar. He knew that his lie was stupid but he wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. After what seemed like forever, Chang Seokjin grumpily threw him on the ground and left with his followers. Kyuhyun groaned and got up to brush the dirt off of his clothes. He did it. He survived today's bullying. As for tomorrow...



Welp, he hoped that tomorrow he could come up with something...




The next day arrived no matter how much Kyuhyun dreaded it. He spent almost the entire night trying to think of a good plan but couldn't come up with anything (or anything that didn't lead to his death). In the end, he decided to just go with the flow and went to school with a shaky heart. Stepping into the classroom, as he expected, the early-bird Kim Jongwoon was already at his seat beside a window, staring out into nothing. On the other side of the room, Chang Seokjin and his lackeys stared at him with a sneer. He ignored them and sat down beside the quiet boy, nodding at Jongwoon who glanced at him. His bottom had yet to fully touch the chair when Chang Seokjin abruptly stood up and shouted.


"Jongwoon! Is it true that you're dating Cho Kyuhyun?"


Kyuhyun cursed under his breath while the entire classroom erupted into a chatter. Damn it. He didn't expect the jerk to directly confront him like this! He glanced at his deskmate and felt his heart stop for a second, seeing Jongwoon's questioning raised brow. Please help me out. He begged the dark-haired boy through his pleading gaze, hoping that the other party would understand it. Jongwoon didn't say anything, just staring at him expressionlessly, all the while Chang Seokjin snickered loudly as if he was ready to beat him up as soon as a "No" was dropped. Kyuhyun had never felt so nervous before. He dared to lie because he heard that Jongwoon once got into a fight with grown-ups (and won) to save a girl from being harassed. His deskmate might be cold but he sounded like a good person. Surely, Jongwoon will help him out, right...?


"...Yeah, I guess he's my boyfriend now."


Jongwoon finally spoke up after a long while and immediately dropped a bomb. The whole class burst into a loud gossip and Chang Seokjin looked like his soul had left his body. Even Kyuhyun was shocked that the aloof boy actually helped him. He smirked triumphantly at the bullies and boldly wrapped his arm around his deskmate's waist.


"See? I told you that Jongwoon-ah is my sweetheart now."

"L-Liar!! Jongwoon doesn't look interested at all like he's just going with the flow! He probably just took a pity on you!"


Well, that's about it. This jerk might be a bully but he isn't stupid. Actually, any sane person would reach the same conclusion, judging from Jongwoon's disinterested looks and their lack of chemistry. While he panicked and tried to think of a good excuse, the main star of this mess spoke up.



"H-Huh? Yes?"

"They don't believe you."


The black-haired boy gestured at Chang Seokjin group with his gaze and didn't elaborate further. Kyuhyun understood in a heartbeat that his partner in crime was telling him to do something about it. He looked back and forth between his so-called boyfriend and the bullies as he mourned his unlucky life. He just wanted to graduate from high school peacefully. Is that too much to ask? He snuck a glance at the other boy in his arm. It seemed he wouldn't be able to achieve his goal of a normal teenage life without taking some risks. Gulping, Kyuhyun looked at his "boyfriend" and hoped that Jongwoon wouldn't murder him right away. Still holding the boy in his arm, he lifted Jongwoon's face up and left a quick peck on the pale lips. He retreated as fast as when he kissed the other boy and avoided looking at Jongwoon by turning to face the bullies. Chang Seokjin's murderous glare made him happy like never before.


"Y-You!? That... impossible!!?"

"Feel free to deny it as much as you want. It won't change the fact that we're in love."


Kyuhyun gave a middle finger to Chang Seokjin and finally gathered enough courage to check his deskmate. He noticed that Jongwoon who usually tucked his hair behind his ears used his hands to comb his hair down and looked out the window again. Soon, peace returned to the classroom and he finally got to sigh in relief. He needed to explain everything to Jongwoon later. Curious about his "boyfriend's" reaction, Kyuhyun secretly checked out the boy beside him.



He wondered what Jongwoon saw out there that made him smile so breezily.





"—That's what happened. I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess! I'll accept whatever you throw at me at an apology!"


During the afternoon break, Kyuhyun followed the aloof boy to his usual hang-out place and explained everything as well as apologizing. Jongwoon hummed in response and raised his hand, so he closed his eyes waiting for a punch or a slap. However, he opened his eyes to his deskmate's short finger rubbing his philtrum.



"How long have you been bullied by Seokjin? Why don't you tell the teacher?"

"It started this year because we were in different classes before, though I don't know why the jerk has beef with me."

"Hmm... Kyuhyun, I think your plan is counterproductive."


"Seokjin likes me so you're only pouring more oil on fire."



Kyuhyun was stunned beyond words and could only stare dumbly at the smaller boy who was busy pinching his cheeks.


"He never said it but I could tell. That idiot has been trying to act tough to get my attention."

"Wait. Something doesn't make sense. Chang Seokjin targeted me even before I lied about our relationship!"

"No, it makes perfect sense."


Jongwoon concluded despite his confusion and let go of his cheeks. Then, the boy lay down and put his head on his lap. Kyuhyun helpfully brushed aside the messy bang and his fingers lingered as he marveled at the soft black hair. He eyed the other boy and when Jongwoon didn't show any signs of being annoyed, he gingerly combed through the silky thread with his fingers, doing it more confidently when the boy hummed in approval.




"We haven't talked yet about how you will make up for me."

"Oh, yeah, right, it seems like I need to continue bothering you or else Chang Seokjin will definitely beat me up as soon as I'm alone. What do you want me to do for you?"

"Easy. Just accompany me once a week to hang out."

"Okay. I can take care of the expense while I'm at it."

"No need. Just tag along with me and be my personal photographer."

"That's all?"

"That's all I want."



Kyuhyun wondered if his combing technique was really that great. Is that why Jongwoon couldn't stop smiling and humming?





"Jongwoon-ah. What if we run into someone from our school?"

"Jongwoon-ah, where are we going? I thought you wanted to go to a cafe?"

"We will. But I have something to do first."


Kyuhyun followed his boyfriend into an alley a few blocks away from their destination. It has been a few weeks since Jongwoon agreed to be his fake boyfriend to keep Chang Seokjin away. Although the bully (who turned out to have a crush on Jongwoon) still glared at him in hatred, he didn't dare to bother him again. At first, Kyuhyun was worried that he would escape from one bully to another. However, he discovered after spending time together that Jongwoon was very easygoing. When his deskmate said that he wanted a company and photographer, the boy really meant it. Apart from hanging out together and taking photos for him, Jongwoon never asked him to do anything else. He had a great time and slowly got used to meeting his so-called boyfriend every weekend.


"Meow~ Meow~"

"Stray kittens?"

"Yeah, I've been taking care of them and their mother."


Kyuhyun watched his boyfriend kneeling down to pour canned cat food on a paper plate and felt his heart warm up. Not only is Jongwoon an alley of justice, but he is also kind to animals and plants. He didn't get along well with animals so he just watched the boy from the side. Suddenly, he felt something tugging his pants and looked down to see one of the kittens trying to climb his leg. He yelped and stood still as Jongwoon detached the hyper fluff ball from his pants. The black-haired boy giggled and kissed the black kitten who meowed loudly and tried to his face in return, before smiling at him.


"Aren't you a chatty kitty, hmm? You think so too, right, Kyu?"



Ba-dump ​​​​​​



Kyuhyun almost blurted out "You're cuter than the kitten" but he was too preoccupied with his sudden racing heart.




"Jongwoon-ah, this is the third time we've visited this exhibition. Aren't you getting bored yet?"

"Nope, because I always find a new interpretation to these paintings whenever I see it again."


Kyuhyun didn't continue with the conversation so he didn't bother his boyfriend. Although he didn't understand the charm of vague paintings, he respected Jongwoon's hobby so he just tagged along quietly. Besides... He looked at the shorter boy who was squinting and tilting his head at a portrait and felt the corner of his lips slowly rise. Ever since they agreed to a fake relationship, he had discovered many new sides of Jongwoon that he had never seen before. He thought that Jongwoon was very hard to approach and decipher. However, he found out that under the quiet surface is a person with the warmest and kindest soul. Jongwoon loved nature and always sent him beautiful photos of the sky, animals, or scenery. Twice a month, his boyfriend volunteered at a local orphanage and taught children how to sing (and he found out that Jongwoon's voice is heavenly). Jongwoon also took care of the strays in their community and even helped find a forever home for them. Jongwoon's sense of humor was weird but endearing. Jongwoon's rambling was also cute and he didn't mind listening to it. All in all, he had a great time with his boyfriend even though their relationship was built on a lie. 


"Wow, I just noticed that there are a lot of couples today."

"Well, it's Christmas so that's normal."



Kyuhyun murmured as he looked around the gallery full of lovers smiling and holding hands. He glanced at the smaller man who still looked at the portrait and then at his small hands hanging by his sides. Suddenly, he felt an urge to reach out but stopped it by scratching his cheek instead.


"...Jongwoon-ah, do you have any plans after this?"

"My family always holds a Christmas party for the orphans at our cafe so I'll help them."

"Oh, that sounds cool. Meanwhile, I'll be alone tonight because my parents won't be home until the new year..."


"Um, Jongwoon-ah, that sounds like a lot of work, I mean, the Christmas party at your place, so, like, need my help?"

"And we'll be spending a new year at your place?"

"Yes! That sounds great!"


Kyuhyun grinned and let his boyfriend take him by a hand to see the next painting, and he didn't speak up when Jongwoon forgot to let go of his hand.





"Jongwoon-ah... Do I really have to wear this?"

"Why are you shy? You look cute."


Kyuhyun groaned and pulled down the reindeer onesie hood to hide his blushing face. When he volunteered to help, he didn't expect that he had to wear a costume. Well, at least he got to see Jongwoon in a cute Santa costume. He thought to himself as the shorter boy put on a fake red nose for him. Ah, Jongwoon's eyelashes are long and rich. And his lips look really luscious tonight...


"Kyu? Your face is really red. Are you feeling okay?"

"What? Y-Yes!! Totally fine!!"


Kyuhyun turned around to curse himself as the Santa boy climbed on his back. What the hell did he just think about his friend? They only agreed to this relationship so that he wouldn't get bullied by Chang Seokjin.


"Kyu... Even your ears and neck are red now."



Jongwoon whispered next to his ear. The warm breath caused him to shiver and his throat constricted. Then, he heard a deep giggle and knew that his boyfriend just . His head snapped back as he was about to pout but stopped when he realized that their faces were really close. His heart pounded crazily in his chest and he couldn't avert his eyes from the shining dark eyes that drew him in. Then, his heart temporarily stopped when Jongwoon's forehead landed on his and the boy smiled dazzlingly.


"Kyu, let's go. The children are waiting for us."



For once, he selfishly hoped that he was the reason behind Jongwoon's beautiful smile.





"Ugh! I'm beat!! I didn't remember being this hyper when I was a kid."

"That's because the children like you. Thank you, Kyu, you were amazing tonight."


Ba-dump Ba-dump Ba-dump 


Kyuhyun couldn't hear anything else but his own heartbeat as the dark-haired boy caressed his face. The Christmas party was a huge success and he decided to stay a night at his boyfriend's place. After taking a bath, they just lounged in the bedroom sitting side by side. Kyuhyun had a hard time trying not to think about his friend inappropriately but Jongwoon's scent was distracting. Then, he froze when the person beside him leaned on him and even put his head on his shoulder. He didn't dare to move because he was afraid of disturbing his boyfriend. He stayed like that until he felt a steady breathing on his neck. Checking on the sleeping boy, his heart raced again when his gaze fell on the slightly-parting lips. He felt a strong force pulling him toward the angelic face and he stole a quick peck on the full lips.


".... I must be going crazy."


Kyuhyun mumbled and carried the smaller boy to the bed. He was about to leave to sleep on the floor but Jongwoon's small fists refused to let him go. In the end, he lay down next to his boyfriend and smiled as the sleeping boy snuggled into his arms. He held the slim body against his chest and kissed the boy's forehead.


"You know what? I wouldn't mind if we keep dating like this. The problem is, would you mind...?"


Jongwoon didn't answer as he was fast asleep but he wanted to believe that the boy's beautiful smile was his answer.




Before long, Kyuhyun has been in a relationship with Jongwoon for almost a year now. He made up his mind on that Christmas night that he had fallen in love with his fake boyfriend and wanted to continue their relationship. The next morning, he introduced himself to the boy's parents as Jongwoon's boyfriend and did the same to the other boy when they met his parents during New Year. Although Jongwoon did eye him suspiciously, the boy didn't deny the statement so he took it that Jongwoon also didn't mind dating him. Still, he decided to confess his feelings and asked his boyfriend out for real after they graduated.



He didn't expect someone else to share his idea.





"You shameless nerd. It's time for you to let go of Jongwoon already!"

"And why would I listen to an outsider like you? Leave us the alone."


Kyuhyun snarled at Chang Seokjin who approached him as soon as Jongwoon left him alone to see a teacher. After knowing that the jerk had a crush on his boyfriend, he had been intentionally flirting with Jongwoon to annoy the hell out of Chang Seokjin. But that was when he hadn't fallen in love with Jongwoon yet. Now, however, he got irritated just seeing the jerk's face because Chang Seokjin was a walking reminder that his relationship with Jongwoon started on the wrong foot.


"Other people might be too stupid to see through your lie but I've been watching Jongwoon for years so I know! You didn't like him and everything is a lie! The graduation is approaching so you have no reason to keep up with this fake dating anymore. off and stop taking advantage of Jongwoon's kindness!!"

"Shut up. I'm not breaking up with Jongwoon-ah! I don't care how it started but I genuinely like him now!"

"You shameless punk! I won't let you hurt Jongwoon anymore! I'm going to confess to him and show that I'm better than the like of you!"

"Chang Seokjin!! off! Leave my boyfriend alone!!"


Kyuhyun snarled and shoved the other boy, before narrowly dodging a punch. They jumped at each other and a few punches were thrown before Jongwoon arrived and easily separated them. Glaring at them back and forth, Jongwoon then demanded to know what the hell happened and they immediately dragged the other down.


"Jongwoon! This guy doesn't really like you and just uses you like a coward!"

"Jongwoon-ah! This guy lost his non-existent brain and told me to break up with you!"

"...Alright, shut up, both of you."


Clearly-irritated Jongwoon sighed and just a glance from the boy silenced them. Standing between them, Jongwoon turned to face Chang Seokjin first with his hands on his hips.


"So? Why are you going around telling people to break up with their lover?"

"Because he never liked you! He only hides behind you while abusing your kindness!"

"Seokjin, I'm touched that you care about me but this issue is between me and Kyuhyun. Plus, I enter this relationship knowing well that it's fake from the beginning. So, it's not like I'm being deceived."

"Jongwoong-ah, that—"

"T-Then, why...? Why can't it be me? You saved me from a bully just like you did to Cho Kyuhyun. But why...?"

"I'm sorry but love doesn't work that way. I really can't return your feelings."


Kyuhyun was shocked to see Chang Seokjin in tears which meant that his feelings for Jongwoon were sincere. At the same time, he was scared of meeting the same fate. Jongwoon turned down Chang Seokjin even though the boy had always been honest about his feelings. What about him who selfishly dragged Jongwoon into this mess and had never been honest with his boyfriend? Would Jongwoon leave him too...? Anxiety devoured him alive as he watched the depressed Chang Seokjin running away and he almost couldn't breathe when Jongwoon turned to face him next.


"Kyu, there's something I need to tell—"

"No!! Jongwoon-ah, please listen to me first! Don't break up with me!"

"Kyu, calm down—"

"I know that our relationship didn't begin nicely but I genuinely had a great time with you, so much that I wished time could stop."

"I know, so—"

"I love you! I really do! I might just realize it but I want to keep dating you and be with you! Give me a chance and I'll make you happy—"


Jongwoon suddenly grasped his face and kissed him. The softness and warmth were enough to make his brain stop functioning. So, Kyuhyun missed a chance to taste the luscious lips of his boyfriend and kept kicking himself mentally while the shorter boy sighed.


"No need to explain because I love you too, Kyu, and, no, we're not going to break up, not now or ever."

"Really...? You love me too? Then, the thing you wanted to talk with me?"

"Just follow me first."




"Meow! Meow!"

"This black cat..."

"Yes, the one that I've been taking care of. I managed to find a forever home for his siblings and mother but not him. Apparently, black cats are unpopular."

"Poor guy..."


Kyuhyun kneeled down to pat the feline and smiled when the black cat rubbed its body against his leg, though the fluff ball left him as soon as Jongwoon called it. His boyfriend picked it up and stared at him with adorable puppy eyes.


"Kyu, can we keep him at your apartment? My dogs don't get along well with cats but I don't want to let him live on the street either."

"Sure! I mean, you're my boyfriend so my house is pretty much yours too."

"Thank you, Kyu!"


Kyuhyun couldn't stop grinning as he looked at his gorgeous boyfriend. He really loved when Jongwoon used "We" to talk about themselves and he would love to hear more of it as they walked toward the future together. Looking at the black-haired boy, he felt like he made the best decision in his life to lie that day so he ended up with a wonderful lover like this amazing person. Noticing his whipped gaze, Jongwoon chuckled and tilted his head, smiling dazzlingly that his eyes had become a crescent moon.



"Yes, Jongwoon-ah?"





Jongwoon was staring out of the window when it happened. A lanky boy with fluffy brown hair dropped his books so he kneeled down to pick it up. Suddenly, the boy looked up and their eyes accidentally met. Then, the boy smiled at him and Jongwoon felt his cheeks warm up to the point that he had to look away. Pursing his lips, he pressed his palm on his chest and was surprised to feel a quickened heartbeat. Did he fall in love at first sight? But the school is very big and there are hundreds of students. Surely, they wouldn't meet again—


"Hello? Is the seat beside you taken?"


A charming and velvety voice caused his heart to speed up. Jongwoon glanced up and his eyes widened at the boy who beamed at him— the person whom he had fallen in love at first sight with just now.


"...No. It's vacant."

"Thanks! I'm Cho Kyuhyun, by the way. You?"

"...Kim Jongwoon."

"Oh, you're that famous Kim Jongwoon. But you look friendlier than in the rumor. Nice to meet you!"

"... Likewise." 





Jongwoon smiled and tip-toed to peck his boyfriend on the lips.




"Did you know that cats choose their own humans, not the other way around?"




Author's note:

Simple and light fluff to welcome the last month of 2023~ Also, this will be last fluff before the upcoming heartbreak so I hope you eat it well 😉

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pinkeussi #1
Congrats on your 80th story♡
Chapter 1: The last sentence tho *swoon*
JW being a cat who has chosen K as his home to return to
Papiixbabi #3
Chapter 1: Will I have my heart broken at the second week of December? It's not my plan to end my December heart broken
Honeymoon89 #4
Chapter 1: Argh so cute so sweet so fluffy🥰🥰🥰🥰 i keep on smiling from starting to the end😍😍😍

Oh no..im nervous..what will we get next work? 😨
Lunayaa #5
Chapter 1: Aaaa cutee
_MyName_ #6
Chapter 1: How cute is this!! I like Yesung being the "bad boy" with a soft heart ^^
Oh no, now I'm scared for next week, will I be able to handle it...? :(
Chapter 1: So cuttteeeee made me smile weirdy 11 pm(⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)💙
Chapter 1: oooooohhhh that is so cuteee
398 streak #9
Chapter 1: Cuteness overload!!!!

Gyaaaa~ I'm going to read this once again before you drop the angsty one LOL
i actually yelled out aigooooo at the last line omg