Who Are We? (Family)

To Mend A Broken Glass

Kyuhyun bolted up from his seat as soon as the doctor stepped out of the ICU ward.


"Doctor!! How is Woon-ah? How is my mate...?"


The doctor raised a brow at him.


"I'm Doctor Shin Donghee, Jongwoon-ssi's personal physician. However, this is my first time hearing that he has an Alpha."

"D-Does it matter whether he has one or not?"

"Of course, it matters a lot. After all, he wouldn't suffer from inhibitor overdose if he had an Alpha with him to regulate his estrus cycle."


"Sir, being marked doesn't mean that an Omega's estrus will be ceased. They are just unable to sense and receive pheromones from other Alphas not of their mate. The same goes for Jongwoon-ssi but he has no Alphas by his side. So, he's been abusing inhibitors these past five years to suppress his estrus. In fact, him getting hospitalized is a monthly occurrence. While the med does effectively stop the estrus, if taken for a long period or taken in a large amount, it might stop the heart from functioning too."


Kyuhyun was rendered speechless. They got together when they were young and he stuck by Jongwoon's side all the time so the Omega man never suffered from uncontrollable estrus. After the separation and reunion, it just slipped his mind that his mate didn't have any Alphas to help him go through such time, too fixed on his own anger and betrayal. To think that Jongwoon has been hospitalized many times because of this...


"Uncle Doctor..." Hyeonyun who has been quiet tugged the doctor's pants. "Can we see Mommy...?"

"Sunggyu wanna see Mommy too..."


Doctor Shin kneeled down to the children's eye level and ruffled their heads kindly. He took out two candies from his coat pocket and gave them to the twins.


"You two are good kids for worrying about your mommy. However, your mommy is sleeping now so why don't you come back tomorrow? This way, you can bring some gift for him!"


Hyeonyun and Sunggyu calmed down and nodded as they ate the candies. Although Kyuhyun wanted to catch even a glimpse of his Omega, the doctor subtly informed him via his gaze to leave for now so he had no choice. He coaxed the children and they went home, planning to see Jongwoon the first thing in the morning...



Or so he thought.





"What? I'm not allowed to visit him? But I'm his Alpha husband!"

"Not anymore, I'm afraid."


Kyuhyun's head swept in the direction of the voice and found Kim Ryeowook approaching him with a few bodyguards tailing behind. The cousin of his mate openly scowled at him but smiled kindly as he introduced himself to the twins.


"Hello, Hyeonyun, Sunggyu, I'm your Mommy's younger cousin but you can just call me Little Uncle! Say, do you want to see your Mommy?"


"Cool! This kind uncle will take you to see him but your Daddy has to stay and talk with me."


Hyeonyun and Sunggyu looked at him hesitantly so he nodded and told them to go ahead first. The twins kept glancing back at him while one of the bodyguards escorted them. Soon, they rounded the corner and were out of sight. He immediately confronted Kim Ryeowook.


"What do you mean by that? Why did you stop me from seeing my mate?"

"Ahem, it's 'My former mate', there, I fix it for you."

"What...? No! Woon-ah is and will always be my Omega!"

"And this is what you do to your mate? Hurting him to the point that he almost dies on many occasions?"

"I-I didn't mean to... I didn't know that..."

"You'd have known if you hadn't been busy wallowing in your own resentment."

"Even though he put our children in danger? You're his cousin, of course, you side with him! I can't forgive him for what he did to us!"

"No one said that your feelings are invalid but for the love of god, stop being selfish! You can't have everything in the world!! If you can't forgive Jongwoon hyung then divorce him properly. If you still love him then give him a chance. Your indecisiveness only hurts him!"


Kim Ryeowook scoffed and shoved his shoulder harshly.


"You seem to forget what you told me already. What? My one and only Omega? What a hypocrite. Cho Kyuhyun, I'll give you one week to make up your mind. Divorce or restart, choose one! You'll never see Jongwoon hyung again until then!!"


The Beta man scowled and left to see his cousin. When Kyuhyun tried to follow, the bodyguards in black suits immediately blocked him. So, he had no choice but to wait impatiently until the twins came back. Kyuhyun slumped on the chair and rubbed his face tiredly. His mind wandered off to what Kim Ryeowook said. Divorce? He still loved his mate a lot so he didn't want to do that. However, he couldn't turn a blind eye to the bitter taste of betrayal that simmered every time he looked at the Omega man. He couldn't let go of his lover but holding back Jongwoon only hurt both of them. What should he do...?



Then, the image of unconscious sick Jongwoon in his arms flashed past his mind.



No... He never wanted them to separate... He never wanted to push Jongwoon away... He didn't want their story to end like this!!! Making up his mind, Kyuhyun slapped his cheeks and bolted up. Then, he forcefully pushed past the bodyguards and ran to the VIP room where his mate was. Rounding a corner, his eyes widened when he saw Jongwoon just outside of the room. The Omega patient was staggering to move forward but his cousin held him back. At the same time, Hyeonyun and Sunggyu each grasped their mother's hands and tried to drag him away, probably to see him. Hearing the commotion, the four people looked up and Jongwoon's expression blossomed into a genuine joy.





The bodyguards let him go while Kim Ryeowook also stepped back. They ran towards each other as if being pulled by magnetic force. Suddenly, the Omega man tripped and fell over but Kyuhyun caught his mate in time. Finally returning to their loved one's embrace, Jongwoon squeezed him as if he was afraid that he would disappear again and Kyuhyun did the same.


"Woon-ah, I love you, stay with me... with us..."

"I will, Kyu, I will... I love you too..."


The man in his arms trembled and the sweet aroma of vanilla latte soon engulfed the hallway. Kyuhyun glanced at his mate's cousin and received a nod in return despite the Beta man's glare. Kim Ryeowook coaxed the twins and they left together while he carried his Omega and headed into the patient room. He sat down on the bed and let the sick man lean on him. He untied the patient gown's lace at the back and spread the lapels to reveal his mate's smooth and slender nape where a warm and swollen gland is located. He lightly traced his knuckle along the bump and inquired about consent softly.


"Woon-ah, may I...?"

"Mm, yes... Please mark me... I'm yours and forever yours..."



Kyuhyun pecked the burning skin and elicited a short gasp from the smaller man. He held his Omega against his body and covered the gland that kept secreting enticing pheromone with his mouth. Then, he and prodded the bump with the tip of his tongue, repeating it but harder each time until Jongwoon panted hoarsely. After that, he bit on the Omega's gland and injected his pheromone, more and more until the body in his embrace stopped stiffening. When Jongwoon's melted figure slumped on him, he smiled and kissed the gland that started to cool down and flatten.


"I love you, Woon-ah. Sorry for being cruel to you even though I knew you had no choice."

"M-Me too... Sorry for never contacting you and using our twins as bait. I-I love you so much, Kyu."


Kyuhyun smiled and cupped the Omega's face to make the man look at him, before planting a tender kiss on the sweaty forehead.


"Let's do this again, you and me, our children, our love, our family. Let's mend this long-await broken relationship."



He chuckled as Jongwoon nervously pecked the corner of his lips and returned the affectionate touch on the chapped lips. Seeing the Omega's face still reminded him of the betrayal but they just had to create new positive memories together until it overwhelmed the hurt they had been through. He knew that his mate also shared his sentiment because Jongwoon's smile was so unrestrained and full of hope.



Knock knock ​​​​​​



"Sorry to interrupt. I tried to coax them but—"

""Daddy!!! Mommy!!!""


The twins barged into the room with tearful faces and tried to get onto the bed. Ryeowook closed the door to give the family a private moment after checking that his cousin was alright while Kyuhyun picked up the children. As soon as Hyeonyun and Sunggyu touched the bed, they lunged at the Omega man and hugged the life out of him while crying.


"M-Mommy, Hyeonyun sorry! Don't leave us— hic!"

"S-Sunggyu love y-you, wah!!"



Jongwoon also cried and hugged the twins back. This time, the children didn't reject it and actually huddled closer. He was so happy that he couldn't talk properly because only ugly sobs came out of his mouth. It was only when he sensed familiar pheromone that he began to calm down. He looked up and realized that Kyuhyun has been holding the three of them all this time. The Alpha also cried so hard that he looked like a sad wet penguin. Jongwoon giggled and nuzzled his husband's tearful cheek with his own as he patted the twins, before making a promise.


"Mommy won't go anywhere again. I promise. Let's be together, Daddy, Mommy, Hyeonyun, and Sunggyu."




Finally, their little family is complete.




"Firmly put your arms under their bottoms and carefully lift. Let them lean on your shoulders so it'll be easier to balance."

"Like this?"

"The posture is correct but you should relax more, Woon-ah. Our kids are holding you so they won't fall."

"What if my hands slipped? What if I was careless and loosened my grip? I can't let that happen!!"

"Mommy, you're funny!"

"You look like Mister Stone Sunggyu see at the park."

"Pfft... Oops."


Kyuhyun quickly shut up when his mate glared and pouted at him. A few days after they reconciled and the Omega man fully recovered, he and the twins moved into Jongwoon's house to live together for real this time. Then, he began teaching his spouse about basic child care. Today, he taught Jongwoon how to pick up and carry the twins at the same time. Although his Omega was very determined to be a good parent, Jongwoon took the lesson so seriously that it actually looked silly. His cute mate has picked up their children for a while now but he is too stiff and anxious to even take a single step.


"What happened to the Multi-tasking King I used to know, hmm?"

"I'm paranoid... What if I tripped and accidentally dropped our babies?"


Chuckling fondly, Kyuhyun came to stand behind the anxious Omega and wrapped his arms around the thin figure, putting them under the other man's arms to secure the hold on the twins. He smiled and kissed his mate's cheek.


"Then, I'll be there to save you and our kids. Woon-ah, I'm right by your side now so don't ever worry about tripping or falling again. I'll always catch you."



Jongwoon blushed and grinned happily. The Omega then tried to return the kiss but two pairs of chubby small hands came to intercept. Hyeonyun cupped her mommy's face and made him peck her cheek instead. Meanwhile, Sunggyu pouted and shook his head repeatedly as the boy covered his daddy's mouth with his tiny hands.


"No!! Mommy can kiss Hyeonyun and Sunggyu only!"

"Daddy not fair!! We want Mommy's kiss too!"

"Aww, babies, Mommy promises to always kiss you first before Daddy, okay?"


Jongwoon chuckled and smooched his children's soft dumpling cheeks, earning a happy squeal from them that melted his heart. Then, he snorted when a certain jealous penguin husband nibbled on his gland as a protest.


"Kyu, are you sulking?"

"Am not..."


Still carrying the twins, Jongwoon beamed and turned around to face his husband, before planting a tender kiss on the taller man's lips.


"There, still sulking?"

"...A bit?"


Jongwoon smiled amusedly and kissed the Alpha man on the lips again. He didn't forget to peck the twins' cheeks immediately after that. He suspected that he is going to be busy soon, having both his husband and children fighting over his kisses.



But it would be a fight that he happily indulges.




"Do you remember it?"

"Yes! Sunggyu likes a star-shaped fired egg while Hyeonyun prefers a heart-shaped one. They hate green beans so we have to ground it and secretly mix it with other ingredients. They are allergic to nuts but they like chocolate so we have to be extra careful giving them sweet. Only one pack of ramyeon and two ice cream scoops per week. No sugary drinks. No kisses unless they finish their meals including veggies."

"As expected of you, Woon-ah, your memory is the best."


Kyuhyun smooched his mate's chubby cheeks and smiled as the shorter man beamed in return. Today, he let his Omega handle the twins' dinner. Although the Omega couldn't cook, Jongwoon did remember everything about the twins' needs and the meal went by peacefully. His mate happily fed their children, something that he didn't get to do before, and gave them equal attention, all the while he watched them with a big proud smile. Soon, it was dessert time. Jongwoon prepared sherbet for them— lemon sherbet for the boy and strawberry sherbet for the girl. Everything went smoothly at first until Hyeonyun wanted to try her brother's treat but Sunggyu refused to share. The upset twins then fought over the dessert and knocked over one of the cups while Jongwoon was left helpless.


"Babies, don't fight, Mommy will—"

"If you two don't stop now, Daddy and Mommy won't take you to see penguins and turtles anymore."


Knowing that his mate was about to bring more dessert, Kyuhyun decided to step in. He made the twins hugged and apologize to each other. While Hyeonyun and Sunggyu shared the sherbet that survived the discord, he took the Omega man to another room to talk.


"Woon-ah, you were about to give them more sherbet, weren't you?"

"Yes. Kyu, why did you stop me? They could have more instead of fighting over it."

"If you do that, you'll reinforce their bad behavior by rewarding them for a fight."

"But I want our babies to be happy and give them everything they want... Something that I should do but fail in the past five years..."

"I know, Love, but spoiling them too much might do them more harm than good."


Kyuhyun smiled and pulled the smaller man into his arms. He rocked the Omega and patted the soft black hair to comfort the man as Jongwoon murmured on his shoulder.


"Parenting is hard... Kyu, you're amazing for doing it all alone. Compared to you... I..."

"I didn't master it overnight as it's something that you have to learn and adapt. Woon-ah, you are a great parent and you'll do even better. Besides, you have me and I have you. Together, we'll be the best parents for Hyeonyun and Sunggyu."



The sudden outburst of the Omega pheromone made him shudder in excitement. The sight of his mate who snuggled in his arms with an adorable flushed face awoke his Alpha instinct that had been lying dormant after he marked his mate again that day. Kyuhyun pushed his Omega against the wall and left many bite marks on the slender neck, all the while Jongwoon gladly welcomed his attack by craning his neck and tugging down the sweater's collar to expose his skin to him. Kyuhyun gulped and eyed the Omega's gland where the alluring scent kept tickling his nose, before diving in to taste the tempting skin—


"Ah! Daddy! Mommy! Why are you fighting!?"

"Fighting bad!"


Just as his mouth was about to meet the alluring gland, the twins who finished their dessert suddenly popped up and dragged them apart. While Kyuhyun was crying inside over the loss of opportunity, Jongwoon crouched down to praise the twins for their actions. The Omega man then picked up the children to head to the bath while Kyuhyun went back to the dining room to clean up. However, his head instantly whipped towards the departing Omega after his nose picked up the extremely seductive and inviting scent coming from his mate. Jongwoon glanced over the shoulder and winked at him.


"Daddy, hurry up and join us in the bath~"



Kyuhyun was pretty sure that he just won the world record for the fastest time washing dishes.




When Kyuhyun joined the rest of his family, his mate was already washing Sunggyu's hair while Hyeonyun played in the bathtub waiting for her turn. He couldn't help but smile fondly at the way Jongwoon awkwardly tried to rinse the boy's hair without the soap water getting in the boy's face. Although the twins already put on a crown-shaped shower cap and he had shown his mate how to do it before, the Omega was still nervous.


"Woon-ah, why don't you take a short break? I'll show you a cool daddy technique."


He picked up their daughter and washed her hair skillfully even though Hyeonyun didn't sit still. Soon, it was time to rinse hair. Kyuhyun nodded at his Omega who nodded back, ready to learn from the pro. While the twins were playing, Kyuhyun took a deep breath and growled.


"Gah! A dragon is here to take a naughty kid!"

"Ah! Sunggyu! The bad dragon is here!"

"Hyeonyun! We have to hide!"


The twins then shut their eyes and covered their ears while bowing their heads. Kyuhyun nudged his Omega and Jongwoon got the message instantly. Together, they successfully rinsed their children's hair without any fuss and smoothly proceeded with the bath. After drying their children's hair and bodies, the twins insisted that they could put on pajamas themselves and ran to the bedroom in a towel. He was about to drain the bathtub when the Omega suddenly tackled him from behind.


"...I'm so damn lucky to have you as my husband and the father of my children."

"What?" Kyuhyun chuckled and squeezed the small hands on his abdomen. "Did my secret technique impress you that— Woon-ah?"


The Omega man shoved him into the bathtub. He pushed himself up to sit and was stunned when his lover joined him, freezing as he felt the soft bottom press firmly against his crotch. Jongwoon leaned in and his neck obsessively, causing his gland to release the pheromone in response. The stark contrast between their burning bodies and wet clothes clinging to them made their heads spin in pleasure.


"I always know that you're y but what you did just now, Kyu, so ing y."


"Hey, we're totally drenched now. Say, my dear Alpha, why don't we take a bath together?"



They proceeded to "take a bath" which resulted in the entire bathroom smelling like red wine and vanilla latte.




Knowing that they had curious five-year-old kids in the house, the couple skipped the and enjoyed a heated quickie. Then, Kyuhyun bit his Omega's gland to calm the man. Luckily, they made the right choice because Hyeonyun and Sunggyu were about to come find them when they left the bathroom. The twins did manage to put on pajamas by themselves, even though the girl wore them inside out and the boy's arms came out from the collar instead of the sleeves. After correcting their children's clothes, it was time for a bedtime story which was the twins' favorite time of the day.


"—Once upon a time, a lonely dragon took a kind princess to his tower because he wanted to make friends."

"Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha! I'm the Great Dragon!"


Jongwoon faked an evil laugh as he sat on his Alpha's lap with widespread arms, seriously playing the role of a dragon. Kyuhyun, playing as both the princess and the narrator, couldn't help himself and wrap his arm around his mate's waist, smooching the chubby cheek in adoration; earning him a weak glare from his Omega.


"Entered a brave little hero and heroine who were the princess' best friends. They went on a long trip to get their friends back without fear."

"Yeah! Hyeonyun, let's save the princess!"

"Let's go, Sunggyu!!"


Hyeonyun and Sunggyu who held a turtle plushie and penguin plushie respectively as imaginary swords squealed and jumped around on the bed, pretending to travel. While the hero and heroine were fighting invisible monsters, the sly princess successfully stole many kisses on the giggling dragon's lips. It took a friendly slap on the Alpha's arm from the Omega man to get the story back on its track.


"After many days of the difficult journey, the brave little hero and heroine finally arrived at the tower. They fought with the dragon and easily defeated it."

"Take this!! Turtle Beam of Love!!"

"Penguin Justice Laser!!"

"Ahhhh! Ugh! Hero... Heroine... You're too strong... I surrender!"


The twins attacked the 'dragon' with their 'weapons' and Jongwoon masterfully played along. He cried and held his stomach where he got attacked as he fell off his husband's lap onto the bed, closing his eyes and pretending to be dead. His children's happy cheer and his Alpha's fond chuckle made him feel so delighted that his heart almost imploded from happiness. He sneakily opened one eye to look at his husband and winked, signaling the other man to continue with the story.


"No! The lonely dragon just wanted to make friends with us! Said the princess who arrived too late to stop the fight."

"Ah! We didn't know! We just wanted to save you, Princess..."

"Can we help Mister Dragon...?"

"Of course, we can save him. The kind princess smiled at her brave little friends."


Kyuhyun picked up the twins and let them down on the bed next to the 'dead' dragon. He patted their heads and kissed their foreheads.


"We have to share our love and friendship with him to wake him up. My brave little hero and heroine, can you do that?" 

"Super easy!"

"We can do it! We can do it!"


Hyeonyun and Sunggyu dropped their 'weapons' and hurriedly gave the dragon a loud kiss on each of his cheeks at the same time. After that, Kyuhyun brushed aside his Omega's messy bang and cupped his face to give the dragon a loving kiss on the lips. After a while, Jongwoon sprang up from the bed and tackled the children into a tight bear hug, aggressively kissing all over their faces until the twins laughed and squealed in joy. Still holding their children, Jongwoon turned to face his mate and returned the tender kiss on the Alpha's smiling lips.


"Thank you so much, Princess, Hero, Heroine, for being my friends. I love you."

""We love you too!!""

"...Thus, the four of them lived together happily ever after. The end."


Hugging his precious family in his embrace, Kyuhyun kissed each of them on the forehead as he whispered "I love you too" from the bottom of his heart.




After the bedtime story, the couple sang a duet lullaby for their children and tucked them into bed. Retiring to their bedroom, Kyuhyun noticed that the Omega man seemed to be nervous about something. So, he pulled his mate into his embrace and released his pheromone to comfort the man, smiling as Jongwoon significantly relaxed and snuggled closer.


"Kyu... There's something very crucial that I must tell you..."

"I'm listening."

"You... know that I have health complications from inhibitor overdose, right? So, I had a check-up with Doctor Shin a few days ago and he told me that I-I might not be able to get pregnant again... even though I'm still in my late twenties... Everything is my fault. I'd have taken care of my family matter before settling down with anyone!"

"No, it's not our fault. Woon-ah, don't blame yourself and focus on recuperating. We can discuss it later in the future."

"B-But what if you wanted another child or our babies wanted a younger sibling later on? It might be too late by then! That's right! Kyu, when is your next rut? I should be able to force myself into heat and we can try—"

"Woon-ah, look at me."


Kyuhyun cupped the distressed Omega's face and made the man look into his eyes. He caressed the pale cheeks with the utmost tenderness and used his pheromone to help regulate the smaller man's erratic pulse and vanilla latte scent. After a while, Jongwon's body relaxed and he retracted his pheromone. His mate leaned on him with a sullen expression and brought his hand to his mouth to bite his nails but Kyuhyun stopped him. He interlaced their fingers and grasped the small palm, squeezing it to reassure his Omega.


"Woon-ah, let's not wallow in the past or worry about the future. Right now, I'm happy, our kids are happy, and you...?"

"I'm happy to be with you and our children too."

"That's all that matters," Kyuhyun left a soft kiss on his mate's gland. "Let's sleep. We have to take two hyper kittens to a zoo tomorrow."


Jongwoon nodded and lay down next to his Alpha. He snuggled into the waiting embrace and rested his head on the wide chest as Kyuhyun's arm wrapped around his body, tugging him closer.


"I love you, Kyu."

"I love you too, Woon-ah. Sweet dreams."


Jongwoon could feel the fatigue from running after the twins all day evaporate from his body at his mate's gentle touch and loving words. So, he closed his eyes and let sleep take him to his true home— his family.










"Jongwoon hyung... U-Uncle and Auntie died in a car accident... It's her doing!"


He pressed the accelerator harder and turned the steering wheel, barely dodging a car in front of him. His heart burned with rage but his hands and feet felt so cold. Although he ran away from home, he knew that his parents secretly looked after him and kept him out of the evil woman's sight. He felt disgusted and ashamed of himself for never doing anything for them. Now, they were gone and without their protection, his family could be in danger at any moment. It hurt him so much that he almost died, leaving his children and husband behind. Hyeonyun and Sunggyu cried when he kissed their foreheads as if they sensed that he would never come back. He didn't want to do it but he had no choice.




While cutting through the traffic, he accidentally swerved into the opposite lane and drove full speed into the oncoming truck. He turned the steering wheel to its limit and narrowly avoided the truck. However, the car lost balance and flipped many times, only stopping when hitting a tree. Hanging upside down, he unbuckled the seatbelt and groaned as his body crashed down. He climbed out through the broken window and ignored the shard cutting into his skin. Then, a familiar pair of black sandals appeared before him. Looking up, he found his Alpha stare at him in hatred while carrying the crying twins.


"Our lives are better off without you. Don't show your face in front of us again."

"No... Kyu... My husband would never say that!! This is just a dream!"







Jongwoon woke up with a start. For a second, he didn't know where he was and panicked. Then, a familiar embrace pulled him back to the reality. He glanced over to find his Alpha snoring and sleeping soundly next to him. Kyuhyun's warm and steady breathing on his nape completely chased off the last remnant of his nightmare. Smiling in peace, Jongwoon turned over to face the sleeping man and nuzzled his nose in the crook of the Alpha's neck, inhaling the red wine scent that made his heart feel at ease.


"Mm... Woon-ah...?"

"Morning, Kyu~"

"M'ning... What time is it?"

"Almost six in the morning now."


Jongwoon gasped in surprise when the other man suddenly rolled on top of him. His heartbeat increased tenfold, seeing the Alpha's gorgeous face so up close.


"Kyu, what are you doing?"

"Saving my mate from broken bones."


""DADDY!!! MOMMY!!!"


The door was slammed open and two little children barged into the room like a cannon ball. The twins then climbed onto the bed and dropped themselves on their father who did his best to bear the weight without squeezing his partner. Hyeonyun and Sunggyu squealed happily as they rolled off their father's poor back while Kyuhyun groaned like an old man.


"—Cough. O-Our children tend to get very excited on the morning of a trip day..."

"Aww, I see. Thank you, my handsome knight in shining armor~"


Jongwoon chuckled and patted the Alpha's cheek with the back of his hand. Kyuhyun grinned and lay down, leaving a space for the twins. Hyeonyun and Sunggyu immediately settled down between their parents with a big smile on their faces.


"Sunggyu wanna see penguin!"

"Hyeonyun wanna play with that big hamster!"

"It's called a capybara, Pumpkin."

"Can we eat lot of ice cream?"

"And buy more toys!"

"Of course, Pumpkins, let's do everything together, but—"


Kyuhyun yawned and lightly patted his children's tummies until they yawned too.


"Let's sleep a bit more..."


Soon, the father and the children fell asleep the second time. Meanwhile, Jongwoon watched the scene before him with a genuine smile. He scooted closer and put his arm on top of the twins, bowing his head to nestle next to his Alpha's messy brown locks. He shut his eyes and murmured from the bottom of his heart.


"I'm home..."



And I won't go anywhere else this time. 




Author's note:

Happy ending for our little family~

The journey might be rough but I'm not that cruel enough to post bad ending kyusung during festive season like Christmas  xD  It's a time for family~

I thought the reconciliation was a bit abrupt but hey! I doubt anyone would want to continue the drama after their loved ones almost died. Kyuhyun knew that he was lucky for still having a chance and he didn't mess up this time~ Plus, Jongwoon had shown more than enough sincerity so it was time for the family to be happy!


How are you doing on Christmas Day? Here in Thailand the weather is cold for once so I'm going to do nothing but lying in warm bed all day xD


Merry Christmas and love you!   <3


PS. One extra chapter left!

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Thank you!
I got to see Yesung this 👌 close irl omg he's stunning very handsome I can die without regret now 🫠


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398 streak #1
Chapter 4: I can't believe I missed the extra chapter!!!! 😭

I want to read Sungie calls Kyuhyun 'daddy' again pleaseee~ 🤣

Cute extra! I love the twins! They're sooo precious ❤️
Chapter 4: Happy new year
Thanks for the update ❣️
Chapter 4: Happy new year authornim 🥳🥳🥳
Let's be more happy and always spread Kyusung love 🥰🥰🥰
Gloryah6002 #4
Chapter 4: Happy New Year !! Thank you for your stories .
Im looking forward for Kyusung fics in 2024.
idiyanalexx #5
Chapter 4: Happy New Year! Thank you for writing 💙 looking forward to many Kyusung fics in the future
Chapter 4: Cute story ~ happy New year sweetie ~
bluesky0125 #7
Chapter 4: Thank you so much for this wonderful story! Happy New Year! 💙💙💙
Chapter 4: Thank you authornim. Merry Christmas and Happy new year. I am looking forward for new KyuSung fics. I hope you will have a great year.

PS. I will see Yesung in Manila. I am so excited.
398 streak #9
Chapter 3: I thought it would pure angst 😂

Thank you for the ending, it's sweet and melt my heart 🥰

PS : Merry Christmas! I went to the mall and spend so much time with my family until yesterday. Now I have a fever, headache and stomach pain coz I eat to much food 😂 hope that you have a great holiday too tho it's cold there, keep safe and healthy babe~
Lunayaa #10
Chapter 3: Cute family~
Plz woon pregnancy soon! Hahaa