Opposites Attract

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Hyukjae is known for needing some 'me time', maybe a bit more than others do. Donghae is known for being so clingy, to the point one can call it abandonment issues. They're painfully different, yet make a beautiful couple for more than one decade. How?


i'm so sorry for not updating my other works. i want to write, i truly do. but this small one-shot happened to be everything i'm able to do now, sorry :") hope you'll like it still!♥


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Chapter 1: HELP THIS IS SO SWEET 💙💙💙
Urlia_ #2
Chapter 1: loveeeeee this one
967 streak #3
Chapter 1: Merry Chrismas and a Happy New Year!
I always love how well you expound on a single thought, act or concept. This one shot is a testimony to it.
Thank you so much for sharing.
1455 streak #4
Chapter 1: This is so heartwarming. 💙
Achichi #5
Chapter 1: Perfect story , thank youuuu 🥺❤
HelenDamnation #6
Chapter 1: Awwww. That was lovely.
1585 streak #7
Chapter 1: It's lovely how they both adapt to each other. Donghae, though clingy and wanting more affection and time together, doesn't insist on tagging along with Hyukjae at all times - whether it be just a lazing around by himself introvert day, or a weeklong (or more) trip with his friends or family. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, of course.

Hyuk also does initiate a lot more of those displays of affection and makes time for Donghae outside of just work, even though he's a notorious tease. He is also the one who often mentions how different they are, the first to talk about how those differences compliment and have made them stronger, and their personal and professional relationship last so long somehow. They kinda just fit like puzzle pieces - if they were the same shape, they wouldn't go together as well.

Thank you for sharing this cute read, Merry Christmas! ♡
Chapter 1: EH: What do you want from me? DH: Just breath.
DH: I don't need more money, just Hyukjae&morning is enough.
The story captured that feeling beautifully. Thank you.🌹
1455 streak #9
Looking forward to it. They say opposite attracts, guess this applies too to our fav couple ;))
967 streak #10
Looking forward.