
hey, soul sister
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"Irene!" Seungwan calls out, strutting out of her bedroom the moment the clock hits 6AM. 

She's been waiting in her room, patiently working on some music until she knew the older girl's alarm would go off.

She bangs on the door for a moment before slamming it open.


It's like a scene from a movie, the gorgeous Bae Joohyun has her nose squashed on the ground, legs still hanging on for their dear life, twisted in the bedsheets. 

We pan back to Son Seungwan, smirking haughtily with hands on her hips and a determined spark in her eyes.

"Yah, Son Seungwan!" Joohyun groans, falling completely onto the floor with a thud. "What is it?"

"It's time to wake up, Irene unnie!"

Joohyun mumbles something incoherent and let's Seungwan lift her up onto her feet.

When did she get this strong, Joohyun thinks to herself with a blush warming her cheeks.

"It's 6AM..." Joohyun whines and leans into Wendy's arms, sighing into her cheek.

So warm... So comfy... 

"You have work don't you?" Seungwan asks, running a hand on her lower back. 

She feels Joohyun shake her head in the spot between her neck and her shoulder. "Not today, I swapped shifts."

Seungwan nods to herself, gently prying Joohyun away from her and with extravagant outstretched arms, she announces, "Then it's settled! We shall spend the day together, unnie! You plus me equals a date! Brush your teeth, I'm making pancakes."

And with Seungwan's stomping feet leaving Joohyun's bedroom, the older woman stares at her wall slowly processing what just happened. Her zombie-like state in just waking up quickly disappears when she realises what the other had just said.

"Wait what?" She murmurs and quickly rushes into the kitchen.

Already, the Canadian is mixing the batter, humming a song Joohyun doesn't recognise.

"S-Seungwan..." Joohyun slowly approaches the other by the counter. 

"Did you brush your teeth, Irene?"

Joohyun frowns, "Yah--"

"Unnie. Did you brush your teeth? It'd be rude to go out with someone without doing so. Or are you the type of person who doesn't kiss on the first date?" Seungwan says nonchalantly, pouring the batter onto a pan. 

"D-Date? Date?"

Seungwan gives her a noncommittal hum, not sparing her a glance as she focuses on getting the pancakes the right size. "I have a lot planned today, unnie. First, you should look at the coffee table."

Joohyun whips her head there to see a vase with the most expensive flowers she's ever seen. "W-What is this?"

"You like them?"


"Well you got me flowers last week right? So I thought I should return the favour."

"Yah, these are... This must've cost a fortune, Seungwan-ah. You should be saving your money."

"I got a raise," Seungwan replies simply.

"Then, the next flowers seem in this apartment will be bought by me, given to you, and will be even grander."

"What? What are you saying, it's not a competition--"

"It is now."

At this, Wendy finally turns around to meet Joohyun's fiery gaze; she recognises it to be the ones she sees everytime she plays a game with her before proceeding to have her handed to her. "Unnie, wait you don't have to--"

"So what is this about a d-date? Wasn't it two days ago when you told me--"

"Things have changed," Seungwan interrupts with a grin. "I changed my mind! Gave it a lot of thought and realised ten years doesn't go away that quickly. But I can't take back my confession, so I might as well take you on a date. What say you?" 

Joohyun blinks. She'll admit to the fact that yes Seungwan is a little... Weird, quirky, all of the above, in an adorable and charming manner. But this?

Joohyun doesn't know what to make of it. She's babbling and she's energetic and her facial features reveal all of her excitement in the matter. But there's something different about her that Joohyun can't put her finger on. 

"Uh..." Joohyun starts, then sniffs the air. "Is it burning?"

Another time, Joohyun would giggle at the overexpressive widened eyes on Seungwan's face before she turns around to check on the pan; but today, Joohyun leans her elbows against the counter and observes Seungwan with her bottom lip between her teeth.

"Seungwan, is everything okay? Is SM putting a lot of stress on you about your album?"

Seungwan shrugs, chucking out the burnt pancake and trying again. "I'm working on it. It's going swimmingly, unnie. Do you not want to go out with me?"

"No! I mean-Yes! Of course. I'd love to go out with you. But, I'm not sure what you mean by 'date' is this in a romantic stance?"


"Like... A date where people hold hands and kiss?"

"Would you like that, unnie?"

"I-I-I um... I... Should go brush my feet--teeth! I'm gonna brush... Yeah, okay," Joohyun stutters out and rushes out of the kitchen with embarrassment biting at her ankles.

Joohyun enters the bathroom not with the intent to brush her teeth (or her feet) but to call Kang Seulgi.

"YAH!" Joohyun hisses upon hearing the phone line connect.

"Hi unnie. Is everything--"

"Son Seungwan just asked me out on a date."

There's nothing on the other line for a pregnant beat and Joohyun checks her phone to see if it died or the call hung up. 


"She did what?!" Seulgi yells, and Joohyun instinctively brings her phone away from her ear and lowers down the volume. "No way!"

She groans quietly and sits on the toilet seat, one hand clutching the roots of her hair. "I don't understand what's going on. Friday night, she said she liked me for a decade but didn't anymore, come this morning, she badges into my room and wakes me up, declares that I'm to go on a date with her and then leaves to make pancakes! I'm so confused."

"Well, she's probably really nervous, unnie. Especially because you didn't tell her you liked her back."

"She didn't let me!"

"Okay, well are you going to tell her now? Maybe on your date?"

"Do I have to..?"

"No, you could just kiss her I guess. That's basically an unspoken confession."

"No way," Joohyun cries shaking her head furiously even though Seulgi can't see her. "I think if I kissed Son Seungwan, I might actually melt into a puddle of goop."

"A 'puddle of goop,' seriously? What are you even saying, this is Wendy of all people. Why're you so scared?"


There's a moment of silence as neither of them says anything and Joohyun starts to bite her fingernails.

"Is it because you're scared she doesn't actually still like you? That she really did lose feelings..?"

"..." Joohyun stops biting her nails and instead tucks them into a fist, frowning at how well Seulgi knows Joohyun that it's a bit unsettling.

"Unnie, I've been best friends with you guys for over a decade. I don't think she could ever lose feelings for you. She looks at you like you invented the word 'diminuendo'."

"Does she...Really?"

"Yeah. And even though I haven't seen you guys like at all because of my research paper, I can feel it in the air, and in the tteokbokki I just ate--that she still feels something very strong for you, unnie."

[Two demons and a soulless ]


i feel nothing 
this isnt working
where's my soul 
do i need to kiss her
like snow white


the devil (literally):
snow white got kissed without her consent too
do not do that
just be patient unnie
did you give her the flowers yet 


yeah she liked them i think
better be worth it
that was almost 300k won
a whole month's rent


yermy germy:
jeez, why didn't you just ask one of us to get it for u


doesn't it have to be all real?
your magic powers would be cheating and inauthentic


yermy germy:
were not wizards it's not magic
and why r u being so moral all of a sudden 
the sun's not even up yet

Seungwan wonders that too, but quickly chalks it up to her wanting to make sure everything goes smoothly to get back her soul. It's the same reason why they can't use a love potion, Seungwan insists to herself.

The Canadian looks up from her phone hearing the bathroom door click open. She quickly does a last minute check on the pancakes served on the table before turning around to greet Joohyun with a dazzling smile.

"Brushed those pearly whites?"

If Joohyun's a bit unnerved by Seungwan's suspiciously over-the-to

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GUYS i was supposed to update hey soul sister today because i did have a chapter drafted up in word, but today i found out that EVERYTHING that i wrote on it in the past 6 weeks didn't save :((( I'm so sorry, the hiatus will be a bit longer


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 26: Waiting
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 3: Cute
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 1: Hahahaha weird but hahahahaha like it
Chapter 26: Author!! No worries. I guess of course you know this story didn't turn out how you planned but the rest of us are blissfully unaware and are just here enjoying the story :') so thank you! I think you write nightmarish scenes so well. I could never.. in my brain they play out really well like some kind of scene from beetlejuice or something. Thats a compliment so yeah! Anyway thank you! 🥰
orangebearies #5
Chapter 5: enjoyed reading this story, well balanced humor crack fluff and their banters are so funny, the dialogues just flow, i’m excited for next chapters :)
1700 streak #6
Chapter 26: "HE has high hope for you" Who's this he? Is it only typo or someone else? And of course I still interested! These dual Wendy and Seungwan are like Wish you hell mv eh, tho I hope that real Seungwan didn't die.
wishwishwish #7
Chapter 26: don’t worry, i’m still invested eith this story. its interesting
jmjslrn #8
Chapter 26: If I could upvote this fic again and again I would
Leo0209 #9
Chapter 26: Im still interested! I love this story, to me it’s exactly the right amount of crack turning serious. It that you lost your drafts but ill wait patiently if you ever want to get back to it ( i like all your wenrene stories )! Just wanted to let you know, i was super happy when i saw this update :)
Chapter 25: Goddamn I stayed up the whole night finishing this hit the roof wdym only half the soul was put back omg I can't wait to see what happens next