
Our Story
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Winter's POV:


The persistent ringing of my phone sliced through the early morning silence, jolting me awake. Groggily, I fumbled for the device, squinting at the bright screen to see Karina's name flashing on the caller ID. With a sigh, I answered, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Good morning, Winter!" Karina's cheerful voice echoed through the phone. "Guess what? I was thinking we could go to the aquarium today!"

I groaned inwardly, not quite ready to face the day. "Karina, it's too early for this. Can't we talk about it later or let's just hang out here?"

"But Winter, we've been going out for a week… I mean the library and your house are nice but. There are other places out there you know?, and aquarium is the perfect place! You'll love it," she insisted, ignoring my request.

I hesitated, still wrapped in the warmth of my blankets. "Karina, you can go without me. It's fine."

"No way!, I wanna go to aquarium~We're a couple, and couples do things together. Come on, Winter, it'll be so much fun!" Karina's enthusiasm was infectious, even through the phone.

I sighed, searching for an excuse. "It's too hot outside today. I don't want to be sweaty and uncomfortable."

Karina laughed, "Trust me, the aquarium park is chilly inside. You won't be hot at all!"

"Well, I don't have enough money for the tickets and stuff," I countered.

Karina brushed it off, "Don't worry about that. I'll pay for everything. Just say yes, please?"

I hesitated once more, my defenses slowly crumbling. "Karina, I just... I don't have anything nice to wear. I want to look presentable for our date."

“So you cared about being presentable on our date” Karina is definitely teasing me. 

“Alright then, I guess we can’t go out today, see you tomorrow Winter!” she concluded.

“Ah. yes” then she hung up the phone. 

I wonder if she’s angry 

Going out with someone like me wouldn’t be fun anyways, but what if I hurt her feelings….?

I spent my day thinking if Karina was upset with my excuses.


The doorbell rang unexpectedly, and I stumbled out of bed, still in my pajamas. Opening the door, I found Karina standing there with a paper bag in hand, her eyes sparkling with excitement as per usual.

"Surprise!" she exclaimed, holding out the bag. "I got you a complete outfit for our aquarium date!"

“I passed by the mall last night and remembered that you don’t have clothes for our date so I bought you some” she then added. 

I blinked in surprise, unconsciously taking the bag from her. "Karina, why are you here so early?"

"I wanted to make sure you had everything you need for our date! Go on, open it!" with urge after giving me the paper bag. 

I peeked inside the bag to find a beautiful dress, matching shoes, hair clips, and even accessories. 

"Karina, you really didn't have to do thi

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i'll continue tom (hope so)


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564 streak #1
Uyy bago, kaso nawala yung mag-gbf 😔