4-1 The Angel Held Captive Has Set Me Free

Professor Kang is Getting Married and I Want to Know with Whom
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MINJOO couldn't help but to shake her head at the sight of her whining 'lover'. They only had a little bit of sleep after arriving at their houses but they didn't miss their afternoon class. How good it is to be young.

They weren't sleepy at all or anything. They would even manage to attend their club meeting but Yujin was in such a down mood.

"What's wrong with you?" Minjoo asked with a sigh. "Aren't you happy that the case about Selene's bride is already solved? Why are you whining about not meeting the other ex?"

The sobbing Yujin slowly turned to Minjoo. "Don't you understand how I feel? Of course I will feel sad. The person where my favourite story is based was on the same flight as me but couldn't even manage to meet her formally. I am really curious about the reality behind the fiction there is from [The Angel Held Captive Has Set Me Free]."

"Then how about asking Selene about it privately? Not in front of Irene just like what you did earlier." Minjoo took out the book for their class. "Everything is getting better between her and Irene. If you keep showing your enthusiasm to know about that certain part of Selene's past, it might have a negative effect on Irene."

"She doesn't have to worry about it though. Selene has already proposed to her. There's no need–"

"But feelings change, Yujin."

Yujin was silenced at that serious response from Minjoo. Her back subconsciously straightened as her widened eyes got fixed on Minjoo who was busy looking for the last page where they stopped.

"I don't think that Selene's feelings for Irene are that shallow but Selene had a history of being a casanova. Isn't that the reason why Irene couldn't even believe her confession at first? That's also the reason why Selene is trying to win Irene's trust completely. If we keep talking about the other exes then it might destroy whatever they are building now."

Yujin had to gulp. That was one of the rare times she saw Minjoo that serious. Yujin always dorks around so Minjoo couldn't stay serious most of the time. "W-Why are you serious–"

"Because feelings change, Yujin." Minjoo stressed, eyes now back at Yujin. “Just a few weeks ago you were talking about confessing to someone else but then yesterday you told me that you’re in love with me.”

Yujin felt like she was splashed with cold water. She ended up speechless. 

Minjoo just pressed her lips together before going back to her book. “That’s why it will be better to calm down your curiosity. I know you’d really love to know more about the book. I know how you really love it too. Save it for some other–”

“You’re right, Minjoo.” 

The girl with the long hair had to look back at Yujin in that sudden agreement. “Yes?”

“I said you’re right.” Yujin looked her straight in the eyes. “It’s not time to be curious like this if I still have something more important to face.”

It was Minjoo’s turn to be taken aback. “Y-Yu–”

“I know. I understand. It came to me as a surprise as well.” Yujin placed her hand by her chest. “I didn’t even know that your existence is this big for me. I wasn’t aware of how I was subconsciously thinking of you more than just a best friend. It was indeed quite a shock for me.”

Minjoo looked around, making sure that no one was listening to their conversation but Yujin didn’t seem like she bothers about it. “Y-Yujin…”

“But I was more surprised about how easy accepting this wild discovery was for me.” A shy smile curved up Yujin’s lips. “It felt so automatic. It felt so natural.”

Minjoo’s face was already so red. She didn’t expect that Yujin would react like this. She was just trying to test the credibility of Yujin’s confession but she found something else more than sincerity.

“I know this isn’t the right place to talk about this but I am willing to prove to you that what I feel for you is true. I know it came to you as a surprise because I was crushing hard on someone else and then suddenly here I am professing my feelings for you.”

Yujin lowered her head as she looked away. Professor Bae has already entered the classroom and that means silence is now required in the room.

Feeling a little off, Yujin took her mechanical pen and started writing on her notes. She then sneakily slid the said note towards Minjoo who was already trying to focus in class. She did soft taps on Minjoo’s book to take her attention back even for a short while. 

Minjoo then noticed the note and her face instantly turned red. 

‘If it’s what you need, I will show you how serious I am. Take your time for your response to my confession. I am willing to wait. But I will make sure to show you how sincere my feelings are.’

Minjoo weakly covered her face with her hands. “P-Please stop…”

Yujin cutely snickered. “Did I make you blush?”

The other girl just shook her head but she knew how her face was burning that time. The two were in the middle seats and Joohyun saw them right away. The professor just shook her head while she pulled out the attendance sheet. ‘They are having their own moment.’

Joohyun then froze for a second before a cute smile curved up her lips. She’s happy for her mentee. The way Yujin smiled and looked at the blushing Minjoo flashed back in her head and the younger dork looked really in love. ‘They are so cute. I wonder if it would be like that if me and Seulgi became a thing back in college.’

Camera sounds then echoed in the room and Joohyun had to lift her head up right away only to find out that the students’ phones were all her. Her eyes squinted and the goosebumps travelled from the first row to the last. “What on earth is this?”

“S-Sorry, Professor…” One of the guy students raised his hand. “I-It’s just really rare to see you smile.”

“Delete.” Joohyun said with a stern voice. “At once.”

“Yes, Professor!”

Joohyun watched how her students hurried to erase the pictures without them realising that their professor was actually smiling at them. Yujin and Minjoo couldn’t help but to smile seeing how blooming Joohyun is. 

“Now that you think about it, she only lets one person take her picture.” Yujin whispered to Minjoo. “And she even lets her upload it on her SNS.”

“Right.” Minjoo nodded, her eyes still fixed on Joohyun. “I really hope for the best for them.”




MINJEONG just took off her wig when Jimin came into view. The aspiring writer waved at her with such enthusiasm while presenting the drink she bought for her. Just that cute gesture made the school’s Ice Princess smile.

Jimin ran towards her and gave her the drink. “Thanks for your hard work again! We had quite a weekend but you didn’t miss practice.”

“Of course, I won’t miss practice. This is a very important play.” Minjeong opened the drink and hydrated herself. She gave Jimin a wider smile as a sign of her gratitude. “I have to give my 1000% to this. It’s a chance not just for me but for you as well.”

“Ey~ How thoughtful of my Minjeongie~” The taller girl playful elbowed her while the latter had to look away to hide the blushing of her face. 

“Shut up.” Minjeong tried to shove her away but she instantly regretted it since she really wanted to be closer. She’s just really thankful that Jimin has the tendency to act like a koala who likes clinging on her. She’s back to hugging Minjeong’s arm in no time. 

“You practised with the wig on today?” Jimin cutely asked. “Too bad I wasn’t able to see it.”

“I have to practise with the wig so I know how I will control my movements with it.” Minjeong explained, which was shortly followed by whining sounds from Jimin. “What?”

“Did you take any selca with it?” Jimin asked with puppy eyes. Minjeong could only roll her eyes. She knew exactly what was happening. 

“Jimin-ssi, did you purposely casted me as the lead of your story so you can see me in guy makeup and attire again?”

Jimin just smiled at Minjeong and that answers everything. The smaller girl could only sigh. It was back in highschool when they did a play in the school festival as well. In the said play, Jimin was casted as the princess while Minjeong, who was surprisingly the taller one back then was casted as the prince. They were in an all-girls school so casting a guy was impossible. 

Jimin was so awestruck at Minjeong’s rendition of a prince. Her makeup was fantastic and her sporting that short hair was really something that fed the fantasies of the whole school for quite a while. Jimin even confessed that she would fall in love with Minjeong if she happened to be a guy… a confession that actually has a sharp side on it.

Minjeong’s eyes landed on the wig that she placed on the table. Her character is a girl who was raised as a guy to keep a family tradition. Acting as a guy isn’t really hard for her but the drama is something that she’s practising really hard before the protagonist has very strong suicidal tendencies. 

“What do you even like about me looking like a guy?” Minjeong asked despite already knowing the answer. 

“It’s because you really look cool and handsome as a guy! It’s really perfect!” The taller girl even clasped her hands together while remembering how Minjeong looked when she acted as her prince. “You really looked like a royal back then! I’d really fall head over heels with you if you ever happened to be born as a guy.”

Minjeong just stayed quiet. She was actually tired of getting hurt by that statement. It’s just an indirect rejection despite not being able to confess at all. 

She then quietly freed herself from Jimin with the latter instantly sensing the change in Minjeong’s mood. “Is there something wrong?”

“Nothing.” Minjeong nonchalantly answered. She then picked her bag and turned to Jimin. “Anyway, Jimin… After the play ends, please make some time. I have to talk to you about something.”

“A-After the play?” Jimin suspiciously repeated. “Can’t you say it now?”

Minjeong just shook her head. “No, I’ll talk about it after the play. It’s just one week so please make sure to make some time.”

Jimin felt off. “Do you really have to say please though? You know I always have time for you. We’re like the best of friends!”

The aspiring actress’ lips just curved into a smile even though her heart broke once more. She could already see the impending rejection but better just make it official than linger on the feelings longer. “Good then. I’ll hold on to that.”

“I also have someone to introduce to you that day.” Jimin said with a giggle. “So I am sure about meeting you after the play.”

“Someone? And who is that?” 

“You’ll have to wait after the play~”

Minjeong just gave up. The playfulness of the girl in front of her is just really something. “Is this revenge?”

“I hope you didn’t forget that I am a writer.” Jimin giggled as she clung on Minjeong again. “I know how to make things more exciting~”




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1760 streak #1
Chapter 24: Just checking in! Hope you are doing well authornim and adjusting to your new chapter in life! I am officially on summer vacation! Hope everyone else are doing well!
Kimchi43 #2
Chapter 24: I'll be waiting patiently ;-;
areytrea #3
bro someone spoil please, i just wanna know if there is good cute joygi in here, not interested in anything else someone pleasee tell meee
261 streak #4
Chapter 23: Finally I'm up to date with this story. I can't wait for what's to come. Thank you author 🧡
1760 streak #5
Chapter 23: Rereading this chapter and oh my gee
bluejin #6
Chapter 24: take your time author-nim!
bluejin #7
Chapter 23: haha that fourth wall break at the end so cute
bluejin #8
Chapter 22: hoho sooyoung is back but it doesnt matter anyways.. seulgi is joohyun’s lover
zjkdlin0121 #9
Chapter 24: congrats cut-nim💗💗
1760 streak #10
Chapter 24: Congrats on your new chapter in life Cut-nim!!! Take your time and rest! Thank you for always sharing your stories with us! See you in the next chapter!