It’s okay, you’re here with me

Fear of Love
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The living room lights are off, the only illumination coming from the drawn curtains.


The city sky line, each light a life of its own. A beautiful sight.


A glance at her smart watch, the actress becomes surprised. 10:15 pm, the older woman shouldn't be asleep yet. 


But the apartment is strangely quiet, in an almost life-less sort of way. 


She places her belongings on the coffee table, removing her coat to lay on the couch. A hand goes to her button up, removing the first two buttons.


Silently creeping towards Jimin's room, she twists the doorknob slowly, a small clicking noise comes from the handle, luckily, not loud enough to wake anyone. 


Jimin is sleeping slightly more on the left side of the bed, where Minjeong usually lays. Is she sleeping there on purpose? To be closer to me?


Minjeong grabs a tshirt and a new set of underwear out of the drawer Jimin had prepared for her, grabbing her yellow towel before walking to the bathroom in the hall, deciding the usage of the master bedroom bathroom would have woken Jimin up.


Soaking her head in the warm water that gushes out the shower head, Minjeong closes her eyes, wondering what to do about the situation of Jimin relapsing, cursing her younger self for even dismissing their relationship that adamantly.


She attributes the headache she was going through, and the heartache Jimin was put through to it. Younger Minjeong being dumb.


Even if that younger Minjeong only meant 4 hours ago Minjeong. 


Bare faced, Minjeong had run around set trying to look for the older woman. To no avail.


That was the confirmation she needed, that Jimin was in fact the one who had overheard her and Hyeri's conversation. 


That she ed up.


And at first, she had blamed the older woman for over reacting. What, was she supposed to be all "yeah we're dating now...please don't tell anyone." To Hyeri? That wouldn't work, this damn industry wasn't like that.


And how was the two of them going to work well together if Jimin never learns how to communicate? 


If all she does is run away, how on earth was Minjeong going to fix their issues everytime? Chase after her back to this apartment building? What if Jimin runs away to a friends house? 


Sure, they had mutual friends, but one thing Minjeong never got about the older woman was just how many friends she had. It was almost a phonebooks worth of people Jimin could call and talk to and hang out with.


But Aeri was there. 


Aeri, like the beautiful angel she always is to the young actress, guided her doubts.


" What? Jimin relapsed?" Two blinks. It took two blinks for Aeri to work everything out.


" So I'm guessing you did something or said something to deny your relationship to someone." Eyes widen, the red headed actress looks over, confused how the older woman had known.


" Well, when it comes to the whole flower throw up thing, there's one thing that makes it really really annoying doesn't it?" A silence, the two sitting at a secluded corner of the convenience store's second floor. 


"It's this." A gesture to place a palm over her own heart, Minjeong looks down.




"s?" Aeri throws an ice cube out of her americano at the younger woman.



"HEART!" The Japanese woman rolled her eyes, side eyeing her artist.


" You've seen it first hand haven't you? Jimin still got hanahaki, even when you loved her. So why do you think she got it?" A period of silence, the only noise coming from the actress' head, trying to figure out the reason.


" Because she thought I didn't love her back?" A head tilts for a second before straightening itself again.


"Half. There's a lot of people with crushes or one sided loves, not all of them would contract the disease. The answer you're looking for, is rejection, an inrefutable one." 


" When the heart itself breaks from rejection. And this need not be directly either, a person can watch their loved one fall for someone else, rejection."


"Their loved one could move away indefinitely, the heart is rejected. This doesn't mean rejection of their feelings, but a rejection of their future together. There's a lot of little things that change, of course, as with all other things." Fingers stir the straw rested amongst ice cubes, with each stir, the ice spins round and round.


" But when it comes to hanahaki, I've noticed a trend of a thinking more like ' she'll never love me' or in the case of moving away, even if they might be in love, 'we'll never be together' and I guess...for Jimin..." The straw stops mid movement, pulling the ice cubes to a stop.


" That you rejected her at some point?" A pin drop, a light switch.


"Aeri...I ed up." 


"Everyone does...once in a while. The important thing is to fix it. So well, tell me about it." Aeri has her chin rested on her palm, elbows on the table.


"Why do you think Jimin has relapsed?" A raised brow, investigative, questioning. 


" I rejected her at first...I thought I wasn't good enough, the fact I had to hide her from the world, to leave her worrying if I wasn't proud to be dating her...I didn't want that for us, so I rejected her." 

"But she refused to remove the flowers." Fists clenched, pushing against her thigh, the girl looked away to the ground, where the ice cube had fallen, melting.


"So I told her I loved her instead, I know, I know. But I just- I just thought that if I had to live knowing she was dying because of me, just because of my cowardice, it would hurt both of us. And since she refused to remove them, I thought to fix the situation in the way I could for now, and leave the career things for future me."



A scoff.


"Though I guess...this is future me now." And as Minjeong slowly dried her hair with the towel, not wanting to use the hair dryer in case it would wake the older woman up, her phone buzzes.


I got you the thing you wanted, I explained to them too, about everything. 

Thanks Aeri.


You're VERY welcom





No thanks, you can't even spell





With that, the actress gets dressed before heading out of the bathroom, steam still slightly coming off her body. She smiles, thinking of what to say tomorrow.


It's time to put an end to all this huh? 


Minjeong once again creeps into the model's bedroom, shutting the door with nothing but a small click, patting herself on the back for doing so successfully.


Placing her phone on the nightstand on the right side of the bed, she picks up Jimin's extra charger before putting it down to charge, noticing Jimin's phone in the older woman's hands.


She's gonna cry if she wakes up tomorrow to a dead phone.


With that, begins mission (im)possible. Slowly plucking each finger off the sides of the phone, Minjeong pursed her lips, eyes widening with each pluck.


"come on...2 more... why is she clutching the phone like this anyway- Yu Jimin you absolute weirdo!"


"What are you doing?" Jimin's tone is flat, almost cold sounding. It sends a chill down the red headed actresses spine, as if she was caught doing something wrong.


"Your phone...I wanted to charge it." Minjeong finally notices their position.


Her legs are on either side of Jimin, with her hands on the sides of her head, and she's bent over to the woman's chest where the phone had been.




The younger woman watches as Jimin turns over, plugging her phone in before turning back, facing Minjeong who was practically straddling the older woman with an unamused expression.


"Get off?" Jimin's tone remains the same, cold, emotionless. Leavin

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A cute ending~


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poka_dots #1
Chapter 9: thank you for a happy ending! i'm glad Minjeong eventually found her courage.
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: 🥰 loved the story 🫶🏻
taenggo09 #3
Chapter 9: take care of your health author-nim
thank you for this chapter
taenggo09 #4
Chapter 8: asdffgjjkslfuabbsydde
Chapter 8: WOW! 😭 cliffhanger on my birthday. 🫠 gonna just cry in the corner
kasterian #6
Chapter 8: “heh” the author said… left a whole cliffhanger 😩
Chapter 6: truly a sad day 😔 wish her happiness tho 🫶🏻
Chapter 3: gonna cry now 😭😭
kariselleheart 12 streak #9
Chapter 3: ohh my heart
akotosiwinter #10