
Witchcraft For A Beginner

Kyuhyun suspected that his beloved Yesung hyung partaked in some suspicious witchcraft.








The first sign: A secret book



"Yesung hyung~ I'm home!"


Kyuhyun pouted in slight disappointment when his boyfriend didn't come out to welcome him. After joining the new agency "Antenna", he was busy with adapting to the new workplace and preparing for his first album, including participating in various variety shows and media. For that reason, he rarely got to spend time with his boyfriend. However, he managed to clear his schedule early tonight so he practically sped the car home. He looked forward to his beautiful cat brother jumped into his arms as soon as he stepped inside their house. Sadly, the temperamental kitty seemed to be busy hiding in the bedroom. Sighing, Kyuhyun put away his backpack and went to find the older man to recharge his life battery with a few hugs and kisses.


"Hyung~ I'm home—"

"—On a full moon... Aish! W-Welcome back, Kkuru."


Kyuhyun frowned at his lover's suspicious behavior. Just now, he saw Yesung hyung shoving something like a book under the pillow. What kind of a book was that? Why did his boyfriend have to hide it from him? He was curious but pretended to be clueless. If his hyung doesn't want to tell him, he will respect his partner's wish. He discarded his overcoat and jumped onto the bed. While grinning widely, he lay down on top of the older man and rubbed his head against the man's beautiful neck, acting like a baby asking to be pampered.


"Hyung~ Today, I flawlessly recorded the title track. Heeyeol hyung also said that I did awesome! Am I amazing?"

"Aww, of course, our Cho Kkuru is the best~ Hyung is proud of you~"


Kyuhyun beamed with reddened ears when the older man praised him and kissed the crown of his head. Suddenly, he spotted the mysterious book sticking out from under the pillow. He was about to squint his eyes to take a better look but Yesung hyung's small hand came to push it away further. Then, his boyfriend cupped his face and made him look into his eyes as if to avert his attention.


"Kyuhyun-ah, you must be tired, right? Have you eaten yet? How about taking a bath first? I'll order some takeaway for you."

"Mm, what a tempting offer! I do have something I want to eat in mind~"


Smirking, Kyuhyun whispered in the smaller man's ear and enjoyed watching the chubby cheeks slowly turning rosy. Yesung hyung cursed and called him a ert while slapping his shoulder. The hits lacked power though. If anything, it felt as if he got swatted by a cute kitten's paw on his heart. It only made him feel ticklish from love.


"Can I take this as a yes~?"

"... Did you hear me say no? ert brat."


As usual, his beloved hyung never said no to him. Kyuhyun quickly got up and skipped to the bathroom. Before rounding a corner, he glanced at the other man and saw Yesung hyung taking out the suspicious book to hide somewhere else.



What is that book?




The second sign: Odd objects



"Kyuhyun-ah, don't you think it's time to trim your bang?"

"Huh? Is it? I'm thinking of letting it grow a bit and curl my hair for my new album. Hyung thinks I should trim it?"

"Yes. By the time you actually curl your hair, your bang will be too long. Leave it to me!"


Kyuhyun nodded obediently and watched with a softened heart how the Super Junior main vocalist happily took care of the hairstyle for him. He always loved every opposite he got to observe his gorgeous boyfriend up close— perfectly-styled short brown hair, sharp brows, mesmerizing eyes, cute little nose, heart-shaped lips, and round chubby cheeks... Ah, his boyfriend is too beautiful and handsome~


"—Kyuhyun, are you listening to me? What dirty thoughts are you having again?"



Kyuhyun pouted after his ear was pulled even though it didn't hurt at all. He just liked to be spoiled by his beloved hyung. As he thought, Yesung hyung smiled fondly and rubbed his ear, before dropping a light kiss on his forehead.


"I said, I'm done t your bang."

"Thank you~"


Before his boyfriend stepped back, Kyuhyun wrapped his arms around the slim figure and stole a quick peck on the luscious lips. Yesung hyung was caught off guard but didn't push him away when his hand slid up to imprison the older man's nape and deepen the kiss. Both of them were blushing and panting by the time they separated. He was about to taste his lover one more time but a pair of adorable small hands came to block his mouth first.


"... That's enough, Kyu. Don't you have to go to the company and continue the recording?"



Kyuhyun whined but gave up on pursuing his boyfriend. He got up and left to get dressed, only to spin around and walk back; hoping to at least get one more kiss on the cheek. However, his steps halted all of the sudden when he saw Yesung hyung carefully sweep the trimmed hair into a small grip seal bag. Then, the older man smiled to himself in satisfaction and put it in his jeans pocket...



Have Yesung hyung become a stalker and started collecting his personal items?




The third sign: A voodoo doll



Kyuhyun noticed that his hyung's fingers sported bandages again during the time he was busy preparing his album and couldn't meet his lover. Yesung hyung probably didn't expect him to come home tonight so he quickly put his hands behind his back. The older man tried to appease his anger with an innocent smile plus puppy eyes and he hated to admit that they were super effective. Any complaints he had before became a resigned sigh. He gently held the thin but strong arms and tugged them out from the other man's back. Then, he observed the bandaged fingers and left a tender kiss at the tip of each of them.


"Yesung hyung... What's wrong? Are you anxious about something? Are you feeling lonely because I've been busy?"

"No... Kkuru, this isn't what you think... I swear that I didn't bite my nails, not anymore!"

"Then, how did you get these bandages?"

"Well... I've been wanting to try some new hobby and I got these while practicing."

"A new hobby?"

"Yup. Wait a sec!"


Yesung hyung ran to the bedroom and came back with a dark-blue handkerchief. Smiling proudly, his boyfriend handed the item to him and happily pointed out the words "Cho Kyuhyun" that was sloppily stitched by a red thread at the lower right corner of the fabric. Kyuhyun took the handkerchief and looked at the embroidered name in surprise and joy.


"Hyung... You made it for me? For what occasion?"

"Hn, nothing in particular. I just want to do something for you who works hard~ Do you like it?"

"Like? Kim Kanghoon, I love it."


Kyuhyun conveyed his feelings through a passionate kiss that elicited a low moan from the older man, before picking up the man and heading to the bedroom. After indulging themselves in a sweet and spicy lovemaking, Yesung hyung went to take a bath first while he cleaned after their mess. That was when he found a handmade doll with a tiny black dot under its right eye hidden under his lover's pillow. The poorly-made doll was about the size of his palm. The half-finished "Cho Kyuhyun" word was stitched on the doll's body by a red thread that looked somewhat ominous. The actual human hair (probably his trimmed hair that Yesung hyung secretly kept) stuck on the doll's head by a glue only creeped him out further. What the hell? Isn't this a voodoo doll!?



From that moment onward, he began to suspect that his boyfriend might get himself involved in some suspicious witchcraft.




The fourth sign: Numerous red candles



"I'm home—"

"Congratulations on your successful restart!!"


Kyuhyun yelped and stumbled back in surprise after he was startled by a loud bang. Looking up, he saw the beaming Yesung hyung holding an empty party popper while wearing a colorful party hat. He knew without asking for what occasion did his boyfriend plan the surprise. Today, his first album under a new agency "Antenna" was officially released and he just came back from a fanmeet, though he didn't expect that his boyfriend would hold a party for him. Beaming equally wide, he threw himself at the older man and hugged the life out of his lover, all the while sprinkling kisses over the man's face and neck amidst the man's chuckle. He hung on his beloved boyfriend's body just like that as they dragged their feet to the kitchen. His grin inconceivably widened when he realized that Yesung hyung prepared a traditional romantic dinner under candlelight. The table was full of mouth-watering meal, beautiful red roses in a vase, a bottle of wine with two tall glasses, and a few red candles on a golden metallic stand.


"Hyung, you didn't cook these dishes, right?"

"Are you actively ruining the mood? Hmph! Of course! I order them from our favorite place..."


Seeing the adorable pout on his lover's lips, Kyuhyun snorted and pecked them to coax the older man. Then, he headed to one of the drawers to fetch a corkscrew—


"No!! Don't open that!!"


—But came across a bunch of red candles instead. Stunned, Kyuhyun picked up one of the candles and estimated the total number with his gaze— at least twenties or so red candles... He turned to look at his boyfriend with a questioning raised brow.


"Yesung hyung, what are these candles for?"

"Um, well... You see... Actually, I only wanted to buy a few but I accidentally added a zero... So... That's it!"


Kyuhyun was half-amused and half-suspicious. He knew that his dear lover tended to be clumsy but even Yesung hyung wouldn't make such a silly mistake like this. Plus, he could tell from the way the Super Junior vocalist avoiding his eyes that the poor explanation was a lie. Why though? He didn't mind Yesung hyung buying a bunch of silly stuff. He is rich, after all, and he likes to spoil his boyfriend. However, he didn't understand why did the older man lie to him— 


Yesung hyung's recent suspicious behaviors flashed past his mind.


Wait... Hiding a mysterious book... Collecting his hair... Making a voodoo doll... Now, buying red candles...? Aren't these items the main recipe for conducting a ritual!? Kyuhyun's suspicion shot through the roof with the fourth evidence that his lover might get himself involved in witchcraft. Should he ask?


"Cho Kkuru...? What's wrong?"


The soft and hesitant whisper of his boyfriend snapped Kyuhyun out of his puzzled thought. He looked back at the other man and his heart melted at the sight of an anxious cat who stared at him with beautiful eyes full of worry. It seems like Yesung hyung is worried about him finding out the truth no matter what it is. Although he was full of curiosity, Kyuhyun decided to feign cluelessness because he completely trusted in his beloved hyung. He picked up the corkscrew as intended and closed the drawer.


"So that's what happened. Yesung hyung~ You really are a big babo~"

"Yah!! Do you have a death wish!!?"

"You're my one and only babo though~"


Before his ear was pulled by the pretty (deadly) small hand, Kyuhyun skillfully coaxed the ferocious cat by acting coquettishly which, as always, was very effective.




The fifth sign: Scary chanting



Kyuhyun didn't announce his presence as usual after he arrived home. His schedule ended very late at night so it was almost dawn by the time he came home. He knew that his lover who had a difficulty falling asleep probably just went to bed a few hours ago so he didn't want to wake up the sensitive man. He put away his backpack, took a quick shower, and changed into pajamas quietly. After that, he carefully lay down on the other side of the bed and smiled at the sight of the peacefully-sleeping Kim Kanghoon. Not wanting to bother his boyfriend, he picked up the Sister Penguin plushie and got ready to take some rest. However, just as he was about to doze off, a weird noise startled and roused him first. He turned over and blinked quizzically at his sleeping angel. Huh? Did Yesung hyung sleep talk? Kyuhyun chortled quietly and scooted closer to the older man, before leaning in to try catching what his boyfriend murmured about.


"Kyuhyun @#$_#"#$&& Die die die -+('#"((#....."



Kyuhyun didn't know whether he should laugh or cry. Due to the nature of his vocalist boyfriend's low and hoarse voice, he only caught his name and the scary "Die die die" from the man's sleep talk. Did he become the target of his beloved hyung's suspicious witchcraft ritual? Hence his hair and the voodoo doll with his name? He couldn't recall ever making his boyfriend upset though...


"Yesung hyung... Really, what are you scheming...?"


Kyuhyun whispered against the slightly-parting lips of his boyfriend, before kissing them tenderly. Even though he was being very careful, the older man still woke up because of his touch. Yesung hyung yawned and rubbed his eyes groggily while staring at him.


"Kyu... You're home?"

"Mm, sleep more, baby."

"Okay... You... Sleep... Too..."


Yawning again, Yesung hyung snuggled into his arms and put his head in the crook of his neck. Not long after that, a steady breathing hit his skin and Kyuhyun's suspicion resolved into pure adoration. He no longer cared what his lover might be planning. He couldn't help it. He loves Yesung hyung so much... He wrapped his arms around the smaller man and left a soft kiss on top of the short hair.


"Baby... If you're going to curse me, at least choose a spell that won't hurt much, okay?"




The final sign: Primary evidence obtained



Kyuhyun miraculously ended his schedule even before noon so he had the rest of the day to relax. He had been very busy after releasing his first album at the new agency, not to say that he had to prepare his Asia tour and practice for Super Junior fanmeet in Japan too. Therefore, he decided to just laze around at home. Unfortunately, his beloved hyung had something to do so he couldn't cuddle with his beautiful brother. Boring without his boyfriend, he rolled around on their bed but accidentally knocked over a pile of his boyfriend's magazines sitting on the bedside table. He lazily got up and took care of them, half-heartedly glancing at the covers while picking them up. As expected, most of the magazines are basketball related—


One book stood out from the rest and Kyuhyun's jaw almost dropped.






















"... Witchcraft for a Beginner? What the hell!!?"


Yesung hyung's past weird behaviors came back to his mind and prompted him to check the book. Kyuhyun quickly flipped through the strange book until he came across a page with a bookmark...



How to bring destruction upon your enemy.

You, too, can make those you hate suffer beyond wildest imagination 😈 



"Seriously, Yesung hyung, what are you doing!?"


Kyuhyun really wanted to cry for real. He checked the curse's ingredients and it included everything he had secretly found so far— some hair of the recipient, a voodoo doll labeled with the recipient's name, red candles, and a cursed chant. Is Yesung hyung really going to curse him? Why? Last he checked, his gorgeous boyfriend still begged him to do more and kept shouting "I love you" the last time they did it!


"Wait... Could it be that I too much in bed? Is that why he wants to curse me?"


Eager to know the answer, Kyuhyun immediately sent a message to ask the older man.



Yours truly Cho Kkuru: Hyung, be honest with me.

Yours truly Cho Kkuru: You like it when I edge and overstimulate you in bed, right?

(10 minutes later)

Ye: *Penguin crosses arms over chest and bugged eyes emoji*

Ye: *Penguin holding a knife emoji*



Kyuhyun shedded a single teardrop after reading the message. It seemed like he needed to get ready to be cursed...












With all evidence obtained, Kyuhyun was certain now that he unknowingly got on the bad side of his boyfriend to the point that he might get cursed. Although he didn't understand why wouldn't Yesung hyung just talk about it with him, he still fully believed in his lover and pretended to know nothing. Plus, he is actually curious about how Yesung hyung will curse him. So, Kyuhyun went on with his life as usual and treated his boyfriend well the same. His 4D angel also acted the same, very touchy and loving when they were alone. He almost couldn't believe that this person wanted to curse him and got even more curious about the older man's plan.


Finally, the full moon night arrived.


According to the "Witchcraft for a Beginner", the ritual must take place on a full moon night. Kyuhyun purposefully left his schedule free today. He pretended to go out to meet his drinking buddies but actually waited impatiently in his car at the parking lot. One hour later, Yesung hyung left the building, probably going to get something nearby. Kyuhyun quickly went back to their apartment to undercover the truth. Goosebumps creeped up all over his body after he found out that their living room had become a ritual ground. Numerous lit red candles were placed in the dark room and cast a weak, ominous light contrasting to the bright moonlight shining through the window on the main star of the ritual. Eight lit red candles surrounded the voodoo doll with his hair and his name, lying on top of a bunch of his photos; both taken by his boyfriend and by their fans. This is serious stuff! His beloved hyung is really going to curse him!


Before he got to think about the next steps, however, he heard the door opening and hurriedly hid behind the kitchen island. After a while, Kyuhyun cautiously peeked above the counter and almost got a nosebleed seeing the gorgeous main vocalist in a translucent, white short-sleeved shirt and white shorts. The gentle moonlight bathed the brown-haired man and made him glow almost seductively. He almost forgot the purpose of his plan until Yesung hyung sat down before the ring of candles, holding a lit red candle in his right hand. Then, the little cute witch waved the candle in circles above the voodoo doll and his pictures, letting the candle tears melt and drop on them. At the same time, his left hand was place above his heart and the man began to chant...



"With the moon as the witness, I'm going to cast a spell.

With these red candles surrounding the object, I'm going to cast a spell.

Please let Kyuhyun love only me forever and ever...

Please let no one make him shaken...

Please let my love for him blind his eyes and make him only look at me...

Please make Kyuhyun fall in love with no one but me..." 


Yesung hyung paused a bit and continued.


"...Oh, please make whoever dares to have impure thoughts about Kyuhyun feels hot as if they got burned by melted candle tears. Tsk, that's my husband you lot talk about..."


In the kitchen, Kyuhyun was now on the floor, one hand clutching his shirt while the other covering his mouth to block an overjoyed squeal. Omo! Turned out Yesung hyung didn't want to curse but charm him!! His boyfriend is too cute!! No longer bothering to keep a secret, Kyuhyun bolted out of the kitchen and lunged at the clueless man from the back, startling the smaller man with a bear hug.


"Yesung hyung~ No need to do something complicated and roundabout like this. I'm always yours and only ever look at you~"

"Kyuhyun-ah!!? What!? H-How!?"

"Silly baby, I found out about everything from the beginning~"


Smirking playfully, Kyuhyun took the candle from the small hand and blew it off, before making the stunned man turn around to face him.


"Hyung, I've long suspected that you might partake in some suspicious witchcraft. However, I only found out tonight that you actually want to charm me, not curse me."

"What? Why would I curse my boyfriend?"

"But you left a bookmark on the page about ruining people's lives!"

"I already got everything memorized so I just put it back at whatever place. Although you do deserve it sometimes, I'd never harm you..."

"I know~ That's why I never say anything~ However, I still didn't understand why would you do this? Is it because we didn't spend much time together recently?"

"No!! It's not your fault!!"

"Then, why? Please tell me, hyung..."


"Yesung hyung... Baby..."

"...Ugh! Do I really have to say it out loud!? Did you not see how gorgeous you've become recently!? Did you not see how those young, good-looking idols and your fans gawking at how handsome and beautiful you are!? Did you really not see how many people talk about wanting to be your lover...?"

"Hyung... You..."

"I know! I'm being silly and childish for getting jealous even though we've been dating for a decade. That's why I didn't want to bother you who's already very busy—"


Seeing that his boyfriend was about to bite his lip, Kyuhyun decided to end the negative rambling by sealing those tempting lips. He carefully tended to the soft and plump lips until he tasted a quiet moan from the older man. After pulling away, he loosely hugged Yesung hyung and rocked their bodies in a soothing rhythm.


"Hyung~ Did you find me silly and childish when I got jealous of your friends?"

"No, I thought you were very cute whining."

"See? I also thought the same. You're so cute pulling all these stunts only to try bewitching me, though I'd be happier if we just talk heart-to-heart next time."

"I know... Sorry..."

"Don't be~ I'm really happy that you love me so much~"


Kyuhyun kissed the smaller man one more time to reassure him. After cuddling together for a while longer, they got up to help clean up the messy living room (and he happily teased his boyfriend about the secret stash of his pictures that Yesung hyung hid from him). When everything was taken care of, they decided to spend time together doing nothing, just snuggling in the bed. That was when something occured to him.


"By the way, hyung, where did you get that suspicious book from? Did you buy it?"

"Huh? The witchcraft manual? Nope. A junior I met at Idol vs Idol show, the one I did with Teuk hyung, gave it to me as a gift when he dropped by my cafe."

"A junior...? And it's a he...?"

"Yup! Maybe he knew that I had a love trouble. See, he even drew cute heart doodles and left his phone number on the page about this love ritual just in case I had a question. Isn't he kind and—"


Kyuhyun snatched the damn book from his boyfriend's hand and heartlessly threw it across the room.


"Yesung hyung, Baby,"


Kyuhyun smiled.


"Do you happen to have a picture of this kind-hearted junior and a few strand of his hair?"




Author's note:

RIP the no-name junior. You will not be missed for messing around with a taken man and angering Kyuhyun lol.

Hi! I'm back temporary for the sake of Kyuhyun's birthday! It was supposed to be published yesterday but I really had a hard time getting things done recently   :")  That's why I'll go IA again after this and I can't tell you when I will return. Maybe next week, next month, or a few months later, really, it depends on my mood.

Thank you everyone for your kind words and continuous support! See you again when I got better mentally and spiritually  :)


Take care and love you!   <3

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389 streak #1
Chapter 1: Baby... If you're going to curse me, at least choose a spell that won't hurt much, okay? >> 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Oh gosh, these two 🤭
Ta_fics #2
Chapter 1: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 love it!!
389 streak #3
Suju version?? The way I like it 🥰
Rinirin07 #4
Chapter 1: Oh so funny 😍😍😍
I love it. Please makes another chapters for this 🤣
I enjoy it so much 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 1: Omo it's Funny *-*
_MyName_ #6
Chapter 1: The book cover is just the cutest!! Did you draw it?
Love how Yesung and Kyuhyun are acting completely different when jelaous xD poor junior... :D
Chapter 1: WOOHOOO THANKU FOR THIS CUTE PIECE amidst the drought for kyusung fics 😮‍💨 love it i squealed at ye's spell
Chapter 1: Damn Yeye would really do things beyond for kyu 🤭

I had a lot of laughs reading this! 😆 Thank you, really needed that ☺️💙