Three is Company


In which Kyuhyun plans a to spend an evening with Yesung and Siwon tags along for the night.


This is my 15th Story...I know its hard to believe. I should probably stop

This is sweet fluff piece, just till I get back into the swing of things. It is set after Against the Fate and is part of my No Words Needed continuum. It can be read as a oneshot as usual. It is extremely long, nearly 11,000 words and 16 pages. To think this was supposed to be a little you are prevailed upon to read it, then I suggest you do so slowly and when you have the time. Its not exactly fluffy but I am fond of this one. Give it a try and let me know :)

Comments are Appreciated Always :)


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Chapter 2: Ahhhh amazing ☆-☆
398 streak #2
Chapter 2: Rereading after all these years 😚
398 streak #3
Chapter 2: masterpiece!!!! From all of your stories (15), this is my favorite!!! >___< Good job author-nim~
Chapter 2: "Yesungie hyung will prtect us he loves us" Oh these members reallllyyyyy
Chapter 2: First off, can I just say that I love the title? I mean Our Dating Woes XD, so dramatic yet perfect. And Kyu's snarky relationship with Siwon cracks me up. Yesung is such a mother hen that even I sometimes feel embarrassed for Kyu zD. But I know he enjoys it so it's all good. Though Kyu really does need to learn to share sometimes. And I love when you bring the EunHae couple into this, cause they always make the story that much more entertaining especially the “Yah! We are the hyungs here” and then they end up hiding behind Yesung >: ). Thanks for this authornim!
Chapter 2: This is...just...I...can't..even. Loove this so much Siwon tagging along and Kyuhyuhn thirdwheeling even thought he and yesung were goin on a date XD
Ladyghai #7
Haha so cute! Haha i love you Yesung! Hahaha
#8 I'm realy curious about what he did to EunHae last time XD
lmao monkey fish and horse !! it was kind of annoying and upsetting that kyu's plan for a "date" didn't go well ~ but hey ! at least jongwoon had initiated a kiss ! kyaaaa !!! >w< don't stop writing ! i think i've read almost every kyusung fanfic on the net and i'm relying on you for my dosage of kyusung fanfics ! hahaha ! i love the way you write. (: i can't write like you. its been a long time since i wrote essays in school and i've lost my writing ability, sadly. ): oh well. waiting for your next story ! :D
ice420 #10
*throws stuff at EunHae* They disturbed a seriously good moment!!! Oh, but I am not mean enough to throw Kyu at them *lol*.

Seriously, this was a really good chapter. Throwing in Siwon to watch a movie was a nice touch. At least Kyu and Siwon managed to have a talk and understand where each of them stands. And it somehow curbed a bit of Kyu's possessive tendencies, well, enough to think about Yesung at least ^^

You know, I think a planned date is not for them. Maybe a spontaneous one could happen? Hmm.. lemme see. In BKK they shared a room, though it was YeWook and KyuHae ^^ And then, I dunno, maybe room service? a bit of wine? Probably they could talk. Maybe their room would have a terrace/verandah overlooking the city? Soft music.. No one would interrupt. Well, not if other members won't just barge in and ruin Yeye's planned night *lol* Yeah, I said planned coz' so far, at least Yesung's successful in that area. (remembering the sunrise chappie) oh, this could happen further in their story. They are going to Paris, the city of love *sighs* Perfect! Maybe something more could happen? I dunno. They are MEN. Sure feeling love is okay for now but, sooner or later, at least in Kyu's part.. the issue of gay relationship should be addressed. In passing? Sure, why not. They are awkward but they've been friends for many years, I think they could survive talking something they OUGHT to. Make them drunk. Loose those inhibitions. Loosen that tongue. Maybe in Yeye coz' I heard Kyu can hold his liquor *lol*. OH well, ideas are running wild but you are the writer.

Good job. Don't be discouraged. KyuSung fans are reading this. Posting this on livejounal is good coz' there are lot of KyuSung readers there. Me as well :D I have an LJ account to, my first blog actually. You could try posting there, lots and lots of fics. Oh, I could recommend one for you. Very good fic. Leap of Faith ( Totally different style :D