What even is Minjeong's life!

The Diva's Assistant
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I hear you guys loud and clear! Separating reality from fiction, please remember this story is just for fun and something for the fandom to enjoy, while I can continue doing what I love! Here is a short and quick one. Hopefully, despite everything you guys will still enjoy it :)

I have my plate full recently, so I may miss my daily upload schedule from time to time, but please dont fret, this story will be continued. Thank you so much for everyone's kind words and support. Let's go through this rollercoaster ride together! I'll see you guys in the next chapter!



Filling up her sink with water, Minjeong had a small smile on her face whilst she submerged the now two empty bowls underwater so she could begin washing them.



Jimin eats well, so that’s a good sign.




The younger woman was actually beginning to feel worried over Jimin's diet, outside of seeing the actress ingest her usuakl“coffee” and occasional salads at work, admittably, Minjeong had never seen her eat much else.



It honestly made her concerned over the actress' nutritional intake and overall health, especially considering how little the latter tends to sleep already. Apparently, it's not just for the G-wagon ages ago when the girl woke up at an obscene time, but Jimin actually religiously wakes up before 6 am everyday to get ready...



She has a whole makeup crew.. but she still chooses to get ready herself... I actually don't understand her at all.



Initially she wanted to bring up her worries to the older, but after countless attempts, just to be shut down by the A-lister's ridiculous set of "rules", the blonde just gave up voicing her opinions on the matter entirely...



But that didn't mean she wasn't still concerned.. even going as far as thinking about taking a different route and making an extra portion of whatever she makes for herself in the mornings and giving it to Jimin for lunch so the woman can have more than leafy salads in her diet..



But then there was that crouton incident, so the blonde gave up on that idea too.



Her suspicions were further confirmed today when Jimin revealed to her, that instead of taking her starving self to a restaurant, or buying ingredients from the grocery store to make a hearty meal, she was going to buy herself snacks to fill up on.



That girl seriously needs to take care of herself better.



Either way though, it didn’t matter now, because Minjeong had agreed she was going to buy Jimin those very snacks before taking the girl home.



She walked out of her kitchen, intending to inform the A-lister that she was about to leave for her errand and would return to get her once she made the purchases. However, just as she was about to call out Jimin's name, she noticed the latter sound asleep on her couch, hugging a cushion close to her chest.



Minjeong had to suppress a small snicker that almost escaped her, watching the very sight before her.



Well I’m not surprised… she must be exhausted



She pondered then and there if she should just leave the woman alone in her slumber and quietly grab the snacks and get back before she wakes up.



No… Minjeong shook her head



Not when she had been crying non-stop, not even an hour ago.



Approaching the sleeping woman, the blonde was about to grab Jimin's shoulder to shake her away softly... but had to stop herself.. when "Rule 3" popped into her head in read writing.



Aish.. not like that hadn’t already been broken today... but whatever



“Jimin…” She called out softly, not wanting to disturb the pretty girl too much. “I’m going to grab you your snack now okay? You stay here and I’ll be back as soon as I can and I’ll take you home”







No response..



The only thing that can be heard was the calm consistent breathing from the actress as her chest rose and fell in sync with her breathing.


Kneeling down beside the woman to be closer now. The thought of lightly tapping Jimin comes to mind.


“Jimin? Are you awake?” Minjeong tried again




Still nothing..



She must be a heavy sleeper…



Shuffling through her brain to formulate another plan of waking the woman up... her eyes began to drift on the sleeping figure’s face…



Oh wow…



It’s no surprise to anyone, but Minjeong just really just needed to preface this fact one more time: Jimin is absolutely gorgeous… even her sleeping face is so pretty.


And this might be the first time Minjeong had ever seen the actress without makeup either. She had always thought the girl was pretty regardless before… but now at such a close proximity.. there was no denying it at all..



Yu Jimin, must be the most beautiful woman Kim Minjeong had ever witnessed in her life…



“Why were you so worried about what everyone would think about you?” The blonde whispered out, no longer wanting to wake the older up “When you’re even more gorgeous without makeup on”

Her gaze began to relentlessly travel around Jimin’s features… savoring every detail— from the perfectly shaped eyebrows to the long lashes, and the enchanting bl

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Hey guys, just wanted to clarify since I think my a/n must’ve caused some confusion in chapter 37. The story won’t be ending next update. There is still a little bit left I want release until the very end ;)


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0 points #1
Chapter 42: Omg speedy recovery authornim. Take your time.
Keiko_ney 0 points #2
Chapter 42: Get well soon author nim, eat some good n healthy food n have a good rest ya
0 points #3
Chapter 42: Get well soon, authornim! Take care and make sure to eat healthy food, we'll wait for your comeback!
0 points #4
aaaahhhhh get well soon, otornimmm🥺
Aeri_chan 0 points #5
Chapter 42: Author hope u get well soon, take it also as a rest Author.. u deserve it. We will wait for uuuuu muahhh
888 streak 0 points #6
Get well soon otornim 🫶
mindeongie 0 points #7
Chapter 42: take your time otor! i hope you get well soon ♥️♥️
0 points #8
Chapter 42: take all the time you need 🫶🏻
375 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 42: cts is really a bich i hope u get well soon and get enough rest, we will wait patiently for your return
reveluv316 805 streak 0 points #10
hope you get well soon