
My Best Friend's Hot

Grasping a bottle of water in his hands, Jongwoon looked at the brown-haired player running in the field and thinned his lips.


"Score and time out! The Libero number ten Cho Kyuhyun successfully intercepted a ball and passed it to the Striker number nine Choi Minho who beautifully performed a trick shot. SM High won the Grand High School Football Championship with a score of 2-3!!"


While the people around him jumped and cheered crazily, Jongwoon just focused on player number ten who exchanged a high-five with the player who got the winning goal. That player, Cho Kyuhyun, is his best friend of eighteen years. Their grandparents and their parents have been friends forever. So, it goes without saying that they are the best buddies too. He used to believe that they would continue this beautiful friendship to the next generation just like their families did. However, everything changed two years ago when he realized that he liked men and had a hopeless crush on his best friend. He couldn't help it. The way Kyuhyun treated him so nicely made his heart flutter like a butterfly in the spring. The problem is...


"Kyuhyun sunbae, I brought water for you."

"Thanks. You're as kind as you're cute."


...His best friend is as straight as a pole. Jongwoon sighed and tried to ignore the prickling jealousy in his chest, caused by seeing his crush flirting with junior girls. When he first realized his forbidden feelings, he thought smugly and happily that Kyuhyun definitely loved him too. Why else would his best friend treat him like a precious jewel? He believed so very strongly and developed a grand plan to confess to his best friend. Unfortunately, his plan and delusion crumbled to pieces when Kyuhyun told him one day that he liked being cheered during a game by cute girls. Jongwoon wisely threw his stupid plan out of the window and kept up with his act of a good friend. He thought of giving up on this hopeless one-sided crush but his best friend made it extremely hard for him to do so...


"Jongwoon!" Kyuhyun beamed and ran towards him. "Is that bottle of water for me?"

"Yeah... But you already got some so I'll throw mine away..."

"Why would you? Just give it to me."


With that said, Kyuhyun put down the water bottles he got from girls on a bench and took the one in his hand instead. Jongwoon tried hard to not blush while his hot best friend (literally and figuratively) quickly gulped down the cool water. Again. Kyuhyun showered him with kindness and gave him false hope... It almost looked like Kyuhyun treated him more special than the others. However, he knew better than to think highly of himself.


"Kyuhyun, the DVD that I pre-ordered arrived just last night. Do you want to watch it with me after we go home?"

"That... Sorry, Jongwoon! I already promised those girls that I and the team would celebrate our win at a karaoke place. How about tomorrow?"


See? You are a nobody to Cho Kyuhyun. Jongwoon chuckled bitterly in his heart while maintaining an understanding expression outwardly. He said goodbye and watched his best friend running with a bright smile to the group of cute girls. He repeatedly told himself as he went home that he should give up on Kyuhyun. No. He MUST give up on Kyuhyun. He bit his bottom lip as he stared at the paper in his hand.



Acceptance Letter

You have been granted a scholarship for a college exchange program at Paris the School of Fashion



"Should I tell him now...?"




Jongwoon was watching a movie when a knock on the door startled him. Getting to it, he didn't expect to see his best friend standing in front of his bedroom with a handsome smile, not when it was almost midnight now.


"Kyuhyun? What are you doing here?"

"Well, I promised to watch that DVD with you, right?"


Kyuhyun smiled dazzlingly and took out his hands from behind, showing a pair of cute penguin and turtle plushies.


"I also have a gift for you. I saw them in a claw machine at the game center I went to and immediately thought of you! Here, take them."

"...Thank you. They're cute. I like them."


Jongwoon avoided looking into the taller boy's bright eyes as he wasn't confident in hiding the blush on his face. He stepped aside and let his best friend come inside. Kyuhyun casually flopped down on the bed as if he owned the place, even tapping the space next to him to indirectly urge him to join. However, Jongwoon ignored the boy and sat down on the floor instead, with his back to his best friend. Then, he continued to watch the movie as if he didn't have a guest. During that, he got poked occasionally at either his cheeks or shoulders, trying to get his attention which he gave none. Kyuhyun is the sun— too bright and out of his reach, and prolonged staring will only blind his eyes and judgment.


"Jongwoon... Are you upset that I keep you waiting...?"

"No. I understand that today's victory is huge and you deserve to celebrate it."

"Really? Then, why don't you look at me?"

"I'm watching a movie."


He secretly sighed when the inquiry finally stopped. Good. Please leave him alone—


"Liar! Jongwoon, something is definitely bothering you."



Jongwoon yelped in panic. The other boy suddenly came to sit down next to him and wrapped his arms around his body. His face slowly got hotter and his heart sped up to the point that he feared his best friend might accidentally hear it. He tried to shove the bigger boy off himself but to no avail. In the end, he had no choice but to let the popular student hang on his body like a baby koala.


"Jongwoon~ Forgive me, please?"

"I told you, I wasn't upset at you."

"If you insist, you have to look at me!"


Jongwoon took a few deep breaths to steady his racing heartbeat, before turning around in the boy's arms. His heart somersaulted like a rollercoaster when he came to meet Kyuhyun's shining brown eyes that reflected his image. As if that wasn't bad enough, his best friend had to put their foreheads together and beamed.


"You finally look at me~"

"...Are you happy now? Can you let me watch the movie in peace?"

"Yeah, sorry for interrupting your fun!"


Kyuhyun let him turn back to see the TV but the taller boy refused to let him go. His best friend's arms wrapped loosely around his waist while his chin rested on his shoulder. Jongwoon blushed again despite his resolve when he could feel the warmth from the boy's body through his back. He couldn't focus on the movie at all because Kyuhyun's breath kept tickling his neck. He sat frozen like a statue until he heard steady breathing from the boy behind him. He glanced over his shoulder and sighed in relief, seeing his best friend falling asleep. The torture finally ended. Jongwoon tried to untangle himself from the strong embrace but the sleeping boy just hugged him tighter. He cursed but leaned into the taller boy's arms in defeat.


"...Is this really what friends do?"



... Maybe he should take a risk and confess?




In the end, Jongwoon decided to follow his heart and tried to confess to his best friend. Sadly, he only got discouraged further...




"... Kyuhyun, do you think I'm cute?"

"Absolutely! My best friend is the cutest~"




"... Kyuhyun, d-do you want to go to this cafe with me?"

"Oh, isn't that the one that has a special menu for couples?"

"Huh? How did you know?"

"I went to this place last week with a cute junior from the first year. So, when are we going?"

"No. I changed my mind now."



"Jongwoon, stop rubbing my knee and thigh! It's tickling!"

"Do you feel anything when I touch you...?"

"Of course! I feel ticklish and want to scratch it!"




"Kyuhyun, how do I look?"

"Cute as usual~ But don't you think those shorts are a bit... short?"

"This is an upcoming trend for spring. So? Do you feel anything when you see my legs?"

"That you'd make a great football athlete!"

"... What?"

"Jongwoon, your legs are long and sturdy. You'd make a great striker. I know! Why don't we play football today?"





After failing to seduce his best friend countless times, Jongwoon decided to bitterly accept the truth that Kyuhyun didn't swing his way; that Kyuhyun would never look at him the same way he looked at cute girls. He only had one week left before departing for France. However, he had yet to tell his best friend about it. He already informed Kyuhyun's family and even their friends Hyukjae and Donghae, but he couldn't bring himself to tell Kyuhyun. He sensed that doing so might really eradicate any chances he had to win his best friend's heart. After spending a few sleepless nights, he decided to directly confess to Kyuhyun and left the rest to fate.


"Kyuhyun... I have something very important to tell you... Can you stay with me tonight?"

"Tonight...? Ah, does it have to be tonight? Can it wait?"

"Why? Are you busy?"

"Yup! Jongwoon~ Your best friend is about to get laid tonight! I asked Kang Hyerim from Class C, you know, the Diva of the drama club? We agreed to meet tonight!"


Any remaining fragments of hope he had now completely shattered into a million pieces. Despite knowing that he could never win, Jongwoon still clung to the dust of hope.


"Can you postpone it just for tonight? This is really important to me..."

"What? Why would I do that? We can meet whenever we want. Our houses are literally next to each other! However, I don't know if I'll get a chance like this again. Alright, Jongwoon, I promise that I'll dedicate tomorrow to you, okay?"

"But I won't be here anymore by the time you come back!!"

"Jongwoon, don't say something like that! Not even as a joke!"

"I wasn't joking—!"

"Ah, Hyerim texted me. I have to go now but I promise I'll be with you all day tomorrow. Bye!"



His voice didn't reach his best friend whose back kept getting farther away. Finally, Jongwoon gave up and looked at the sky to prevent tears from trickling down his cheeks. He really is the biggest fool for thinking that Kyuhyun might love him. He blinked hard to get rid of the tears and went inside the house to find his parents.


"Appa, Eomma, can I leave earlier than the plan?"








After that, Jongwoon left Seoul and never came back again...

















Four years later...



"Kyuhyun, is it just me or do you look uncharacteristically excited for this reunion party?"

"Of course. I saw in the guest list that Jongwoon confirmed to attend. I'll finally meet him again after four years."


Kyuhyun answered Donghae half-heartedly as if it was very obvious. At the same time, he kept craning his neck and looked around the hall for his dear best friend.


"Jongwoon? I thought you were angry at him? When he suddenly left to study abroad without telling you and cut the contact, you went bat crazy and couldn't function properly for months. You broke up with that chic only after two weeks of dating and almost failed the college entrance exam. Yet you said you were excited to see him?"

"Truth be told, I'm still angry and feel betrayed. However, Jongwoon will always be my best friend no matter what happens between us."


Hyukjae and Donghae exchanged knowing looks. Then, Donghae carefully spoke up.


"Are you going to tell him that you love him this time?"

"What?" Kyuhyun glared at the duo. "I didn't think of him romantically if that's what you implied."

"Dude, you're freaking in love and head over heels with Jongwoon. Everyone knows that, well, except you."

"Shut up, Hyukjae. Our friendship is more special than that. Besides, we're both men."

"So what?" Hyukjae sounded offended. "Hae-ah and I are also men too."

"No... I didn't talk about you guys. I'm talking about mine and Jongwoon's circumstances."

"And? Hae-ah and I also started from being friends first and look at where we are now, happily in a relationship."

"What's good for you doesn't mean it'll do for me. Besides, you know that I only like y women and Jongwoon is neither."

"And I know you're lying through your teeth."

"I didn't—"

"Guys! Isn't that Jongwoon?"


Kyuhyun instantly dropped the argument with Hyukjae and snapped his head in the direction Donghae pointed at. Then, his brain temporarily stopped functioning when he spotted a gorgeous tall man stepping through the entrance— his best friend Kim Jongwoon. However, the chubby quiet boy has grown up to be a slender hot guy whose aura exudes confidence. The short black hair framing the man's oval face made him look young. His best friend's style also changed a lot. In the past, Jongwoon used to wear whatever was comfy for him but now he dressed like a top model— a white inner and fitting faded blue jeans topped with a leopard-print overcoat. When his best friend came closer, Kyuhyun noticed that Jongwoon actually put on makeup— sharp coal eyeliner, a light-pink tinge on cheeks, and pale-red glossy lips. A silver dangle earring hooked on the man's left ear reflected the neon light and blinded his eyes for a few seconds that he forgot to greet his best friend.


"Hey, Kim Jongwoon in flesh and blood!"

"Hi, Donghae, Hyukjae, long time no see."

"It's been a long time, really! Hey, Jongwoon, look who's here."


Kyuhyun snapped out of his reverie when Hyukjae suddenly turned the newcomer's attention to him. His heart sped up a bit when those dark eyes, still as mesmerizing as he remembered, stared into his soul. Kyuhyun gulped nervously as he repeated the prepared conversation in his head: Jongwoon would greet him and apologize for ghosting him, he would play it cool and forgive the man, and then, they would become best friends again! Kyuhyun stared at the shorter man in expectation. However, Jongwoon just barely nodded at him and turned his attention back to the EunHae couple, completely ignoring him; and it made him feel lost. In the past, Jongwoon always put him first before others!


"Judging by your closeness, I assume that you two are still going strong? Congrats. It's not easy to maintain a special bond. I'm happy for you guys."

"Thanks!" Donghae beamed shyly. "What about you though? Have you found that special someone for yourself yet?"

"As a matter of fact, I just broke up with my boyfriend a few days prior to returning here."

"What!? Jongwoon... You have a boyfriend...? You... Like men...?"


Kyuhyun blurted out due to the shock. He knew that his best friend rarely hung out with girls back then, but he didn't expect it had to do with his friend's uality. Then, when Jongwoon's cold brow rose at him as if to challenge him to speak up, he hurriedly shook his head and smiled sheepishly. Luckily, Hyukjae stepped in before he said something stupid.


"What happened? If you don't mind me asking."

"Of course. It's all in the past anyway. So, he was actually an amazing guy and he treated me well. However, I broke up with him when he proposed to me."

"Why? Didn't you two love each other?"

"Trust me, Donghae, I'd love to settle down with him. Sadly, he didn't want to leave France but I couldn't stay there forever. My home is here, right? That was why we agreed to end things peacefully..."


The rest of the three men's conversation got lost to Kyuhyun. His brain just refused to process after the part Jongwoon said someone proposed to him. His best friend who liked men found a boyfriend he liked and they almost got married... For some reason, the thought of it bothered him a great deal. Could it be... Is he actually a homophobe...? Shaking his head, Kyuhyun looked up from the champagne glass, hoping to see his best friend's smile to ease his discomfort. However, Jongwoon wasn't here anymore and he panicked.


"Where's Jongwoon?"

"He said he would greet his old friends and stuff. But I don't think you should—"


Kyuhyun didn't wait until Hyukjae was done and bolted out of that spot. No! He refused to let Jongwoon out of his sight again! He asked around until someone pointed him to the garden adjacent to the hall where they saw his best friend head to. There, standing under a dim lamp post, Jongwoon was with another man and they stood too close for his comfort. Just as he was about to announce his presence, Jongwoon put his arms around the other man and they kissed, causing his legs to freeze. What did he just witness...? Jongwoon... His dear best friend... Kissed a man...? Kyuhyun stared dumbfounded at the two men who were busy kissing and feeling each other up. He only got his wit back when the erted guy started to nuzzle their face in his friend's neck— Jongwoon's beautiful neck that only he got to appreciate. White fury suddenly blinded his eyes and Kyuhyun stormed in to shove the bastard away.


"—What the hell!!?"

"Get your ing hands off Jongwoon!!"


Kyuhyun roared angrily and stood in front of his best friend protectively. However, Jongwoon just casually pushed him aside and went to check on the other man.


"Jongwoon, be careful! That guy is up to no good! Let's go with me—"

"Kyuhyun, calm down. You're misunderstanding us."


His best friend said his name for the first time tonight and it made him so giddy. His heart also acted up a bit when he realized that Jongwoon's (already) charming deep voice had leveled up into a total seduction. It took him a few seconds to catch up with what his best friend said.


"What? A misunderstanding?"

"Yes, I asked him out and I also initiated the kiss. He didn't force himself on me."

"No way... That..."

"Now, it's time for you to scram."


The infuriating guy put his arm around his best friend's slender body and it made his fist feel so itchy to punch something. Before he actually got to act, Jongwoon stepped out of the man's arms and walked away without looking at either of them.


"Hey, Jongwoon! Where are you going? Thought we were going to have fun?"

"Sorry, I'm not in the mood anymore."


With a noncommittal wave, Jongwoon really left just like that. Kyuhyun glared at the annoying guy one last time, before running after his best friend. Catching up, he slowed down to walk beside the smaller man and watched his side profile in silence. Noticing that Jongwoon shivered slightly, he quickly took off his overcoat and put it on the thin shoulder. Kyuhyun grinned unnaturally when the shorter man stared at him and felt disappointed after Jongwoon looked away without saying anything.


"Jongwoon, where will you be staying tonight? Are you coming home?"

"Appa and Eomma live in our second house and transfer the first house plus the cafe to Jongjin. He's staying there with his girlfriend so I don't want to bother them. I'll stay in a hotel for now and find a place."

"Then, do you come here by a rental car? Or by subway? I remembered that you didn't want to own a car. How will you go back?"

"By taxi, what else?"

"So you come here by yourself! Do you want me to give you a ride?"


Jongwoon suddenly stopped walking. The dark-haired man stared at him without saying anything and it made him feel nervous.


"Your car."


"Are you not going to take your car?"

"Oh. Yeah, my car, wait a sec!"


Kyuhyun happily ran off to get his car and opened the passenger door for his best friend. When Jongwoon's long and slender legs crossed over one another, he found himself strangely excited. He has always thought that Jongwoon's legs are beautiful and never changed his mind. After inputting the hotel's location in the GPS, the black-haired man just looked out of the window quietly, allowing him an opportunity to observe the man's features. Jongwoon got a lot thinner so his face appeared sharper. Luckily, the chubby cheeks that he liked to pinch didn't change much.


"Eyes on the road."


"I told you to look at the road, not at me."

"O-Oh, sorry..."


Kyuhyun blushed after he was caught peeping. The current Jongwoon is actually scary, unlike the younger Jongwoon he used to know. So, he didn't dare to be distracted again. The drive continued amidst the unnerving silence in the car. He had so many questions he wanted to ask his best friend but he was too afraid. He could sense that Jongwoon put up a wall around him...




"... Why are you still treating me nicely? I left without telling you and ghosted you for four years. Why do you still want to see me?"

"Well... I won't sugarcoat. During the first few months, I was very furious and hurt. What did you take our friendship for? I was mad and told myself that I wouldn't forgive you. But..."


"But as time went on, I realized that I missed you more than I was angry at you. And when I saw you for the first time tonight, I was very happy that I completely forgot everything else."

"But why...?"

"I don't know. I guess I treasure you more than I care about the betrayal? Despite everything, you'll always be my best friend."


He thought his best friend would be overjoyed to hear that but Jongwoon actually looked hurt and disappointed. The way those beautiful eyes dimmed and cast down dejectedly made him feel so uncomfortable as if he was sitting on a hot stove.


"I see... I take that it's my cue to apologize then. Sorry, Kyuhyun, for being a childish jerk. I knew I was wrong but I couldn't bring myself to contact you, sorry for that too. Just, give me time. I promise I'll correct my attitude and you'll have your best friend back soon."


"You can drop me off here. Thanks for the ride and be careful on your way home."


Kyuhyun panicked when the black-haired man got out of the car without even looking at him. His hunch told him that he wouldn't like whatever that followed after Jongwoon "corrected" his attitude. However, his brain was too slow to decipher why he would hate it. Right now, he only knew that he shouldn't let his best friend get away again. Kyuhyun quickly got out of the car too and snatched the smaller man's wrist (and unnecessarily noted how he could pin both of Jongwoon's wrists in one hand.)


"Wait! Aren't you going to invite me in...?"

"Why would I? You can drive home, right?"

"I-I feel a bit tipsy... Can I stay a night at your place...?"


Kyuhyun held his breath unconsciously and only exhaled when the other man nodded with a resigned sigh. He happily followed his best friend to the hotel room and chuckled at the clothes scattering on the floor. He picked up the discarded overcoat and everything else to put away properly.


"Jongwoon, you didn't change at all, huh? Still leave your clothes everywhere and wait for me... To pick them up..."


Kyuhyun dropped the clothes when he turned around to find his best friend in only red briefs. His whole face boiled hot but he couldn't look away from the small yet muscular back, slender waist, slightly upturned buttocks, and smooth long legs. Although their heights are around the same, his best friend has a thin frame so Jongwoon always appears small. With his clothes off now, Kyuhyun felt like he could easily embed Jongwoon in his embrace and his chest tightened for no reason.


"Bed or couch?"

"H-Huh? Did you say something?"


Jongwoon who already put on an old white t-shirt frowned.


"Your face is really red. Are you sure that you don't want to go home?"

"N-No! I'm fine! Erm... What did you ask me again?"

"Do you want to sleep in the bed or on the couch?"

"Can't we sleep together?"


Kyuhyun's mouth blurted out before his brain got to think and he regretted it immediately, especially when Jongwoon looked at him as if he lost his mind.


"I mean, sleeping together like the good old days! Whyyy~? You don't want to do it now that we're adults?"

"Frankly speaking, yes. It's embarrassing and inconvenient. You have to drive later so I'll get the couch."

"Wait, Jongwoon!"


Kyuhyun's body moved by itself and clung to the shorter man from behind. He felt disheartened when he sensed the man in his arms stiffen so he loosened his hug a bit. Only when his best friend relaxed and leaned into him did he dare to whine.


"Jongwooooon~ We didn't see each other for four whole years! Don't be so cold to me~ Please~"

"...Sigh. Fine, fine, Just go wash up and join me..."

"Yes!! Thanks!!"


Kyuhyun squeezed his best friend once before letting go. Jongwoon's annoyed but affectionate smile practically melted his heart. He was so giddy that he could float to the bathroom. When he came out, the light was already turned off and the room owner was asleep in the bed. Kyuhyun lay down next to the smaller man and grinned widely while observing his best friend's face. He really missed seeing Jongwoon sleeping like this. Plus, Jongwoon still had a cute habit of curling his body in his sleep like a shrimp—


His eyes accidentally gazed into the sleeping man's wide collar and spotted two pinkish buds.


Kyuhyun blushed and repeatedly reprimanded himself inwardly, but he couldn't look away from the flawless shoulder blade and toned chest of his best friend. He wondered how Jongwoon would react if he was to feel up his friend's body...






Kyuhyun glanced down at his lower body and wanted to jump out of the window.





He got an while peeking at his best friend's body.




Author's note:

Welcome March with a new chaptered fic! 🥳

Dense Kyu is always fun to write but this time Jongwoon didn't wait for Kyu to realize his feelings like my other fics. He actually moved on and found other men, much to Kyu's displeasure even tho he didn't realize it yet  :P

3 chapters & update on Sunday as usual~


I still can't believe that Yesung really went to Kyuhyun's solo concert in SK yesterday!!! I thought I would never see it happen again bc of how notorious Kyu akgae in SK are about hating Yeye. I'm soooo happy to see kyusung showing affection in public 🥹 (And Yeye looked sooooooooooo happy supporting and proud of Kyu 🤭)


Take care and love you!    <3

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mnfjchan #1
Chapter 3: Great happy ending!!
KH should be thankful for LT🤭
I enjoyed very much the story of the dense KH and the beautiful JW🥰
I look forward to more of your wonderful Kyusung fanfic!
Rinirin07 #2
Chapter 3: Happy Ending 🥳🥳🥳
Cute penguin 🐧😍
398 streak #3
Chapter 3: Those tease just soooo cruel dear Jongwoon! 🤣

Get well soon my favorite kyusung author. I thought covid wasn't a thing anymore 😬

See you next month (?) you're going to make me - us happy again, can't wait! 🥰
Honeymoon89 #4
Chapter 3: Arghh KH! Why are u so dumb???!!!! Luckily, JW are fool in love with u...if me, i will not stay anymore..🤭🤭😂😂
'Lucky im in love wih my bestfriend🎶'🥰🥰🥰💙💙🥰🥰🥰

Oh God! Get well soon dear authornim. Rest well and take u as always💙💙💙
bluesky0125 #5
Chapter 3: Thanks for this wonderful story and get well soon!
Chapter 3: Author-nim, wish you speedy recovery 💙
I'll be back later after thoroughly reading all the chapters
mnfjchan #7
Chapter 2: Kyu finally realized his feeling!!
Johnwoon worried about Kyu's pale face, and he was right there with Kyu. So sweet…!🥺
Can't wait next chapter!!
Rinirin07 #8
Chapter 2: Dense kyu is the cutest 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Honeymoon89 #9
Chapter 2: Hoho i think i know where this going💃💃and Dr Park & JW's cousin aka Heechul are somewhat the mastermind here i guess.. i cant with that part where Kyu went to see Dr Park and he get turn on there! Oh God, you're so helpless Kyu😂 than the most popular 3rd person in Kyusung world (SW) too maybe one of the 'plan' by Dr Park & Chullie🤭 oh oh 'his beloved future boyfriend' already ha Mr Kyu?😂im so happy with what he 'get' from hurting my precious JW🤭😂👏👏🎉🎉sorry kyu😌

Dear authornim...arghh why did Sunday only comes after 6 day??!!!😭😭😭i cant wait😭😭😭
398 streak #10
Chapter 2: I'm sooooo into this chapter! Finally Kyu! Finally! I'm looking forward to the final chapter! 🥰