At The Mercy Of Cruel Fate
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Hello, here the new update.

sorry if there a mistake in my writing




April 2007


‘Why you skipped lunch?’

‘Why are you always rushing home?’

‘Where did you go during lunch? I didn’t see you at cafeteria’

‘Did you know there is 100 years old tree at this school?’

‘Me and Seungwan gonna do some study at the library this weekend, do you want to join?’

Seulgi is about to pass out from the hyper Joohyun, who keeps bothering her with new things every day.

School was already hell for Seulgi, but now with Joohyun, it's worse than hell.

She wants to avoid Joohyun like a plague, but Joohyun is her classmate. She can’t run anywhere, Joohyun's desk is two desks away from her, and she always turns to smile at Seulgi every chance she gets.


It’s the ten minute break between lessons, and Joohyun is already dragging her chair to sit beside Seulgi.

Joohyun didn’t realise Seungwan's eyes were on her; her friend feels empty with this sudden change in Joohyun.

What did Joohyun see in Seulgi? was a question that popped into Seungwan's mind.


‘Are you going to draw?’ She asked softly.

There is a small gap between them because Seulgi is not a fan of physical touch. It made Joohyun have the urge to squeeze Seulgi into a tight hug, but she held herself.

She's a playful friend; she is at that age.

‘uh – y-yes.’ She sweated. Pupils are shaking as she stares at the blank page of her sketchbook.

There is no way Seulgi gonna make eye contact with Joohyun.

‘How do you start your drawing? Did you sketch first? Do you always carry this sketchbook with you? Do you have a specific pencil for it?’

By the time Joohyun reached her final question, Seulgi had already forgotten what the first one was.

‘Um – I just… I don’t know’

Joohyun pouted.

Seulgi knows her passive response hurt her classmate because Joohyun stayed silent and she felt bad, but what else can she do… She hates herself for being socially awkward too.

She wants to answer Joohyun's question thoroughly too, but she was born to be awkward.

She cannot change that; she is already fifteen years old. It’s too late to change; she's gonna live like this for the rest of her life.

At that time, Seulgi didn’t know what the world was going to offer her in the future to make her a renowned artist.

‘You need to stop pestering that kid’ Seungwan is also getting tired of Joohyun trying to make Seulgi join their study group.

‘I just want to be friends with her and also’ She raised her forefinger, ‘she is not a kid, same age as us –

‘I knew that’ Seungwan rolled her eyes. Sometimes her best friend can be dumb. ‘But you need to respect her. She is clearly uncomfortable.’

Joohyun disagrees with that. Shaking her head. 'She's just a shy type. We need to break that shell of her.’

Seungwan scans her best friend's face, trying to find any clue why Joohyun is so determined to be friends with Seulgi.

Part of her feels a bit hurt; isn’t she Joohyun's best friend? Shouldn’t that be enough?

Why does Joohyun need to add another person to their friendship? Three people will make one person feel left out, and Seungwan is not ready to face that.

She cares so much for her best friend and hopes Joohyun will only be friends with her.

Seungwan wants to be the first person to know everything about Joohyun.

She knows all of Joohyun's secrets, but what if things change once Seulgi becomes Joohyun's friend too?

What if Seulgi takes her place?

‘She already said no to your offer about friend tho, let her be?’ Seungwan tries to convince Joohyun; she really hates the idea of Joohyun being close to someone else other than her.

She feels jealous.

‘She doesn’t, like I said’ Joohyun smiled at Seungwan. ‘she's shy, she will come around.’




May 2007


‘Do you want to eat lunch with me?’ Joohyun managed to stop Seulgi from leaving the classroom this time.

For two months, she missed her chance because Seulgi was like the flash; she took out her lunchbox, and Seulgi is poof!


Vanish into thin air.

However, this time she achieved her goal, standing just in front of the girl with the monolid eyes and gazing into Seulgi's beautiful eyes.

The colour of it, it is dark brown… so dark to the extent that it almost looks black, making it more attractive.


So here Seulgi is on the high school rooftop with Joohyun because she cannot say no.

It feels like no word does not exist in her life dictionary.

Rooftop is a place where she has hid for the past two months. No one comes here since the weather is getting warmer now.

This was supposed to be her hidden spot, behind a water tank, but now there are Joohyun and Seungwan here.

Seulgi has a feeling Seungwan doesn’t like the place; it's quite hot up here.

Or maybe Seungwan doesn’t like her… no one really likes her.


‘Where is your lunchbox?’

‘Uh – uh I – woke up late today’ It’s a lie; there is nothing she can cook at home. They only have two packs of ramen left.

Now Joohyun is giving her that look—a look that Seulgi hates the most.

It makes her feel so pitiful.

She is ready to take out her sketchbook and draw, but –

‘You can have mine’ Joohyun pushed her lunchbox towards Seulgi, and she scooted closer to the monolid girl. ‘We can share’ she smiled, that toothy smile of hers.

Picking up the eggroll with her chopstick, Joohyun excitedly brought that to Seulgi's lips. ‘Try this! I cook this.’

Seulgi observed the girl beside her, her eyes sparked like how star shine at night.

That eye is brighter than any star Seulgi has ever seen. Seulgi can feel her soul getting into it.

This classmate of her, why does she keep doing this even when Seulgi has pushed her away so many times already?

Why is she different from everyone else? Why doesn't Joohyun avoid her like everybody else does?

She wears a used school uniform that she bought from a senior.

Her school bag is not branded and is all dirty because she has been using it since junior year in middle school, since she was thirteen- years -old.

‘aaaa’ Joohyun opened slightly, gestured for Seulgi to follow suit and eat.


'Really, you made that?’ Seungwan quipped in; she feels like she is the transfer student here.

Joohyun nodded while keeping her gaze fixed on Seulgi's f

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tiffhoera #1
it’s them against the world now.
917 streak #2
Chapter 10: Hopefully push and pull will be end soon because they finally talked their feelings.
And for Judge Ahn, I hope she'll be the one who judge in the court room soon for distroying Seulgi's life
Chapter 10: Man Seulgi's mom is really what a mother shouldn't be. She's really gonna hate Joohyun when she finds out she's dating her daughter and not her son.
AnneTokki #4
Chapter 10: Finally, please be strong for each other.
eunxiaoxlove #5
Chapter 10: Finally
oofiee 1072 streak #6
Chapter 10: wishing the worst for her mother 🙏
Ruenthusiast #7
Chapter 10: My heart hurts…….
Oct_13_wen_03 #8
Chapter 10: They will make it ,those old hag should go to hell 🔥🔥🔥
Alexav94 #9
Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Thnks author 🥹🙏✨️