
Winter and Yeji
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Written in English.

This is a recycled plot from pandemic when I was just starting to write again hh I tried to revise it for a better read. Tried.

Have fun!



  One rainy Saturday,  


Yeji was tip-toeing as she silently opens the built mailbox on her unit neighbor's door. She opens the plastic of cut rotten onions she had in her refrigerator. Giggling, she clicked the doorbell of her neighbor's and hurriedly ran back to her unit. She didn't have a mailbox like that, her neighbor is one of those who like old things and doesn't make use the new technology so she has all the reasons to make fun of her. The neighbor's name is Seulgi. She's older than Yeji and they don't really get along well just because.




With that, Yeji bursted out laughing. She can still hear Seulgi whining outside.


Anyway, Yeji's got a long day for work. It's Saturday and because of the new virus from the news, their boss told them to take the work home for this week. 


"As Coronavirus is declared as a pandemic, the following cities will be under community quarantine..."


Yeji is busy drinking her coffee while scrolling on the unfinished estimate reports that was sent to her by her workmate, Karina. Her TV was on only for the white noise as Yeji likes it better that way.


"Everyone is advised to stay at home. Frontliners, government officials and staffs will be..."


She shook her head at the news and placed the glass of coffee on the center table of her living room as she sat on her couch.


The noise from the TV was taken over by her phone ringing. Yeji sighs when she checked her phone and saw that it was Ryujin, her friend, calling.


"Yeji, do you know that you're the most hardworking and most patient person I've ever met? Not to mention that you have the looks and the intelligence-"


"Where the hell are the final layouts?" Yeji had to cut her friend off. She knows when Ryujin's being like this, either she has a favor to ask or she wants to request an extension for their work task.


God.. Don't tell me she's still not done?


"Yejiiiiii, you know that I love you and-"


"Ryujin, I already told you last night that I can't extend the layout for another day. You're already due for two days."


"And that's why I called because I finished it!" Oh thanks God.


"So? Where is it?" A little annoyed now, Yeji brushed along her already messed up hair.


"It's on the way there, the new intern will be delivering it to you." Yeji's eyebrows almost met, how will the intern give it to me in the first place?


"What do you mean? Why aren't you the one who'll give it to me?"


"Shush! I'm with Lia right now, bye!"




Yeji stood up from her seat, grabbing the empty glass with her as she tries to redial Ryujin's number.


"Shin Ryujin you're dead to me." She murmurs. Just as she puts the glass on the sink, her doorbell rang.


Who would it be? Ryujin?


Yeji shoved her phone in her jacket's pocket and walked over to her door. She checks the intercom but there was no one. Must be mistaken?


She was about to go back to the couch when it rang again but when she checked it, there's no one by her door, again.


This time, she didn't leave her position and waited until a familiar face appeared at the screen of intercom, the intern. Her doorbell rang again, now confirming that someone's playing with her. How dare she. What's her name again? Winter? It is Winter, Yeji wouldn't forget that name.


Yeji watched as the girl moved her face closer to the camera lense. She could see her face too close. Weirdly, a smile grew from her earlier annoyed face.




The girl seemed to be speaking but Yeji couldn't hear her. If she could, it'd be just a little murmur from behind the door.


Should I open it? Entertained at how the intern is even blinking cutely at the intercom, Yeji chuckled. The girl almost looked like a puppy with her pigtails. Why wasn't she styling her hair like that at work? It's cute.


When the girl looked like she had given up because no one was opening the door, Yeji saw her pouting.


Yeji shook her head, scoffing before she finally opened the door. She saw how the girl was startled at the sudden motion. Yeji tried her best to suppress her laughter.


"Miss Yeji! I thought nobody's home, why didn't you open it earlier? I've been ringing your door for-" Winter stopped. Yeji was just looking at her, waiting for what she's about to say. When she looked the girl's eyes, Winter suddenly avoided her gaze and instead looked at the ground.


What? What did I do?


"Uhm.. Ryujin unnie told me to deliver these reports to you." The intern said, pointing at the folder she's hugging in her arms. Yeji was confused for a moment. Isn't she supposed to give it to me? What's wrong with her? Impatient, Yeji takes the folder from Winter who seemed lost.


After she's made sure that the report has no error, satisfied Yeji looked at the intern again, saying. "Thanks. You can go now."


But Winter didn't move, she just stood there, still staring on the ground as if she did something wrong.


"Pst." Yeji called her attention and finally, Winter looked at her. Yeji can't understand why.. Winter looked cheerful earlier before she opened the door. 


What's with the sudden change of behavior?


"I said, you can go now."


"Oh.. Thank you Miss Yeji!" The intern smiled at her and started walking away. Yeji saw the girl hitting her head while murmuring by herself. Weird.



Yeji woke up, it's almost 4 PM. She fell asleep after reading Ryujin's report. Hugging her pillow on the right, she checks her phone from the side table of her bed.

10 Missed Calls from Shin Ryujin

What's going on? Yeji was worried something might have happened to their project because clearly on her last talk with Ryujin, her workmate wanted to avoid her.. and now, missed calls? Hastily, she got up from her bed and called Ryujin. 


The number you have dialed is either unattended or out of coverage-


Thinking that Ryujin's phone must be off, she checks her inbox, there were texts from Ryujin. 


Shin Ryujin: Yeji, our company's savior

You are the one and only.

But my cousin is trapped there because of you.


"Me? Why me?" And who's her cousin? Yeji can't remember if Ryujin told her about her cousin, she hasn't met her workmates' family though. It was all pure work so.. is she pranking me?



Yeji: Yeah, I could tell. What is this about your cousin?


It took time before Ryujin could reply. Yeji wonders what this is about. She's used to Ryujin being a dork all the time so it's safe to think that maybe.. Ryujin is just pranking her?


Shin Ryujin : Winter's still there, she told me she couldn't leave the place bc of the quarantine rmb? can u let her stay for a while?


Winter... Winter the new intern? She's Ryujin's cousin?


Yeji: The intern? Are you for real? Why would she stay here?

Yeji: Tell her to find an apartment or something.

Shin Ryujin: She didn't bring enough money, ok? And it's your fault for being too workaholic! B(

Yeji: Why don't you just fetch her?

Shin Ryujin: Because you're miles away pls


Yeji sighed. Suddenly, she feels bad though she didn't know this would happen.


Yeji: How many days?

Shin Ryujin: Five days? I'll pay for whatever she needs, promise!


Yeji scoffed, she knows Ryujin wouldn't really pay her. But still, she takes her coat, planning to go out to look for the girl.


Shin Ryujin: Actually, she's just there somewhere in your building since she couldn't call a taxi.


Yeji didn't have a hard time looking for Winter.


Just as Yeji opened the door, she saw the intern crouching down by her doorway, leaning by the wall, asleep. 


Yeji checked the hallway and luckily, there was no one. Luckily.. because Winter's position is embarrassing. Yeji leans down a little to tap the sleeping girl's shoulder but Winter didn't wake up. How can she sleep like this? Do I have to shake her or what? No, I can't. What if she has covid? 


"Why haven't I seen around in the office?" Yeji whispered, staring at Winter's face.


For a moment, she's stuck mesmerizing Winter's features. She's..


She's pretty. Yeji wonders why she never really did see Winter at the office when she's always there, working. 


Oh.. was I working too much? No.. I will surely remember any interaction with her with this pretty face.


After a few seconds, Yeji heard Winter humming. She pulled away quickly, standing up. Winter yawns softly but stopped when she saw Yeji standing next to her. 


"Ryujin talked to me. You can.. stay here.. or I could find you some other place but she told me to look after you, intern." Yeji scratched her nape. She doesn't know why she feels embarrassed right now.


Winter stood up anyway,


..with that eyesmile. 


That's cute. 



"Thank you so much Miss Yeji for letting me stay!" Winter smiled and sat on Yeji's couch. She looked like a little girl on a field trip, she kept looking around Yeji's living room. Yeji panicked when she saw a shirt--which is apparently a shirt she wore the other day hanging on the couch's arm.


"Ryujin said she'll come here soon. Don't thank me.." Yeji quickly grabbed the shirt while Winter's still busy looking around. Unlike Yeji, Winter seemed unbothered about the new virus. "And please go take a shower, we're not sure if you're as healthy as you are when you left your house."


"Yes, Miss Yeji!" Winter responded cheerfully. She takes the TV remote from the center table. The intern looked at Yeji, as if she's asking if it's okay to turn on the TV. I never had a guest like her before.


I never had a guest before.


"Um, sure.. Winter-" 


"Oh! You know my name!" Yeji nodded.


"I'll go back to my room to sleep, don't break anything. Or else.." Winter nodded, taking the small pillow next to her, hugging it. 

 DAY 1 


Yeji woke up and it's already dark outside. She yawns a little before getting up from her bed. She was stretching her arms when she saw a figure from the kitchen. It was the intern. Is she cooking? Yeji's still not used to having Winter here. It hasn't been hours yet-- 


Oh no. It's already 8.


"Are you hungry?" Yeji asks her. Winter has her hair tied in a bun now, she's holding a bowl of blackbean noodles on her right hand, chopsticks on her left. cute. Yeji bit her bottom lip, thinking of how she doesn't really have any food to cook, she used to just oder food outside or visit restaurants for her meals. And obviously, she and Winter can't go out tonight. 


"Oh! Miss Yeji, I got hungry so.. I looked for food. Sorry I didn't tell you, you were sleeping."


Yeji raised her hand, telling Winter to pause. "I'm okay with that, don't worry. But will you stop calling me Miss Yeji? I'm good with Yeji." The girl nodded and turned back to continue eating. 


"Uhm.." Winter turns to face her again.


"Are you not going to ask me if I want to eat?" Yeji asks, I mean.. how can she eat knowing I haven't eaten yet? 


"O-Oh!" Winter swallowed what's in and moved closer to Yeji which caught the other off-guard. Winter almost tripped while holding the bowl! Thank god, Yeji got to hold her in place or else Yeji's kitchen would smell greasy.


"Sorry Miss Yeji! I'll just cook another one for you." 


"Can you be a little careful?" Yeji asked her, the girl was pouting before she continued eating. Meanwhile, Yeji took her phone to order meals for the both of them.


"Anyway, you can take the couch. I'll give you extra clothes later after you shower." Yeji told her while cooking,


Winter nodded. "Thank you M- Yeji!" 


Yeji didn't need to take a look to see how cute the girl is. It seemed that she managed to develop an image of Winter in her head, she couldn't help but smile.


 DAY 2 


"Miss Yeji, I think I sleepwalked last night. I don't remember turning off the AC." Winter says, sitting on the couch with her legs crossed, watching a morning cartoon show on TV.


It was actually Yeji though. She saw the blanket she gave to Winter last night that's already folded at the edge of the couch. Yeji swore she almost laughed at how cute the intern was when she saw Winter wearing the clothes she gave her last night. She's skinnier than I thought.


"Good for you, then. Was it cold last night that you sleepwalked?" Yeji just went along with Winter's sleepwalking conspiracy. She kept hearing Winter whining at how cold it was even when she's asleep and Yeji happened to wake up the same time. 


Yeji thought of what she looks like when she's wearing her clothes, big t-shirt and home shorts. She seemed satisfied with her appearance though.. Why do these clothes look big for Winter? Apparently, after Yeji threw her clothes and the blanket and a pillow to Winter on the couch last night, she went straight to sleep again so she didn't know if her clothes were comfortable for Winter. It was also dark last night when she went out of her room and Winter's body was all covered under the blanket.


"Oh... Maybe I felt really cold." Winter stopped talking after that.


For today, Yeji prepared sandwiches for herself and Winter before she joined Winter on her couch.


Yeji doesn't know what to feel about Winter staying with her. Sometimes, she's comfortable. Sometimes, she's not, especially when she's enjoying the silence and Winter would start talking. 


"Do you think there are ghosts living here with you?" Yeji had chills all over her arms, she stopped chewing and glared at the intern who just shrugged at her and focused back on the cartoon. 


"Don't talk nonsense and finish your food now. We'll get to work later." 


Yeji stood up and walked over to the sink on the kitchen, cleaning the utensils she used earlier. She heard a huff and another whine from Winter. 


"We're in quarantine and we're gonna work?"


"Are you complaining?" 


Yeji wiped off her wet hands and looks at Winter. The intern asked, "Can I at least finish this episode first?"




"What are you doing?" 


Yeji almost had a heart attack when Winter hopped behind her. She immediately shushed the girl. Right now, she's on her door, sneakily watching her neighbor—Seulgi, who's busy spraying scented perfurme on her mailbox, even on the whole surface of the door. Seulgi looked like she's going out somewhere, probably off to her morning exercise. Yeji guesses that her neighbor won't be able to do so because of the frontliners outside. 


"Why are you watching her?" Winter whispered. Yeji didn't answer, she's too busy waiting for her chance to go out and do her entry for today's prank. 


"Wow my door smells nice today! I hope no one would MISTAKENLY put onions here. It's a MAIL box, not an ONION box." Seulgi talked by herself although Yeji was sure Seulgi was letting the culprit hear her. After Seulgi walked away from her door, Yeji waited for a few more seconds before opening her door wide. Winter almost stumbled behind her, causing them to fall on the floor together. Yeji grunts at the weight on top of her. 


"Sorry!" Winter had her fist clenched, eyes closed. Yeji furrowed her eyebrows as she waits for the girl to get up. 


"Are you not getting up?" Yeji asked the girl and weirdly for Yeji, Winter slowly opened her eyes with cheeks flushed red. 


"Oh. Sorry!" Finally, Winter stood up, panicking. Yeji sighed and sat up. Remembering what she's about to do, she went over to her neighbor's door. Winter followed her.


Yeji pulled out a legal sized bond paper with a print of a photo of a roaring gorilla on it from under her shirt. It was a little crumpled because of what happened to her and Winter earlier but she still continued slipping it under Seulgi's door.


"Why didn't you just give it to her? She was here earlier." Winter asked. Yeji ignored her question and took Winter's hand, pulling her back inside her room. 


"Come on, she'll be back soon." 




Winter quietly sat back on the couch, while Yeji remained standing by her door, peeking at what would be her neighbor's reaction. Winter was about to turn on the TV, but she ended up falling back to her seat when she heard a loud scream from outside.




Winter was so confused while Yeji was laughing hard. Yeji locked her door and took her laptop from her room before sitting next to Winter, almost crying out of the funny scenario she just saw. 


After a few minutes as Yeji work on her laptop and Winter was quietly doing something on her phone, Yeji's phone rang. 


Shin Ryujin calling...


Winter excitedly looked at Yeji who already looked annoyed at the sight of Ryujin calling her. 


"What?" Yeji asked as soon as she answered the call. 


"I sent you the email for the client, have you received it?" Ryujin asked, her voice seemed sleepy.




"Ok." Yeji furrowed her eyebrows. 


"That's it?" She heard a chuckle from the other line.


"I'm joking. How's the intern?" Yeji looked at the girl next to her. She isn't sure if Winter could hear Ryujin but Winter was listening to them. 


"Clumsy." Yeji answered the first thing she thought of, she saw Winter pouting. 


"Is she really your cousin? Why is she so clumsy? And she doesn't look like you at all." Yeji asked again.


"Ey, shut up. She's my cousin, not sibling. Is she not cute? Lia and Karina are both dying for her cuteness." Once again, Yeji glanced at Winter who's blanky staring at her. Like a puppy.


Yeji shook her head, or shook off the thought that Winter is actually so cute in her head. "And.. why are you telling me that? Aren't we supposed to be cramming today?" 


"Yeji, don't you check your inbox? Boss said we can postpone work for now!" Yeji heard another voice from the background.


"What the hell.. is that Lia? Why are you together?" 


"Long story but we're out for lunch yesterday and Lia decided to just stay at my place." 


"Ok. I'm hanging up." Yeji said, Winter on the other hand leaned back on the couch. After turning off her phone, as she doesn't have plans to check more messages from work that annoys her for whatever reason it is, she looks at the girl next to her who's still staring at her with a questioning look.




"Do you not like the idea of Ryujin and Lia dating?" Winter asked her. Yeji looked away, pretending to be busy on her laptop. 


"No, I don't really care." She answered half-heartedly. Winter's eyes squinted.


"Really? Not because you're jealous of them?" 


Yeji gave Winter a look, the intern bit her lip and quickly apologised. It seemed like Winter didn't bother talking again. Yeji took another glance at Winter but her company isn't doing anything at all other than dealing with the silence.


"I just don't like being left out even though I know I'm always taking time for myself." Yeji muttered, enough for Winter to hear it. 


Winter stayed quiet, which Yeji didn't expect. She thought Winter would bomb her with more questions.


"Why aren't you saying anything?"


"Nothing.. Just thinking how different you are from my first impression. I always thought you look so fine on your own, Miss Yeji."


Yeji forced a small smile. She wanted to point out that Winter should stop calling her Miss Yeji but her mind focused more on what Winter told her. 


"That's because you don't really know me." She said. Winter nodded slowly.


"Hm.. Then let me know you." Winter responded without any second thoughts.


Yeji chuckled. "What? Why would you want to know me?" 


"Because we're technically going to live together for more days." Winter hugged the pillow as she faced Yeji. "And you can ask me things abo

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This is a real letter I sent to someone before graduation and since I’ve always been sharing my experiences through my published stories, I decided to put that here.


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gandlafchua #1
Chapter 4: I rlly love this. Idk why i didnt see there was an update
gandlafchua #2
Chapter 2: Part 3 ;(
75 streak #3
Chapter 2: Aaaargh! Why can't they just date each other? Ako naffrustrate sa inyong dalawa 😭
fanficethusiast #4
Chapter 2: this winter x yeji pairing is unexpectedly cute 🥺
_multiplayer__troy #5
Chapter 1: tao po winter x yeji 🥺
Chapter 1: ☺😢😭😭😭
fanficethusiast #7
Chapter 1: omg looking forward to the next chapter author! 😭
75 streak #8
Chapter 1: Well, this is hard. They're afraid of risking their friendship but I can feel na may feelings sila for each other. This is sad 😞
_multiplayer__troy #9
Chapter 1: uy 🥺🥺🥺
27 streak #10
Chapter 1: OMGGGGG 😿