doc title: 5x irene hits on seulgi

tales of a dreamer

started: feb 2020

tags: fluff, (eventually)

pairings: seulgi/irene


The five times Irene hit on Seulgi, and the one time Seulgi finally realized it.


The first time was during Seungwan’s birthday. They were out at the local bar they frequently attended to have some drinks for the birthday lady and for whoever was not designated to drive home that night. Joohyun wasn’t going to pass up some drinks, especially with Seungwan. Give her all the soju shots in the world and she would down it one after another like nothing with Seungwan! Okay, maybe not all with Seungwan since the birthday lady herself had to take shots with other people as well (and because Joohyun was definitely not going to destroy her liver).

A soju bottle in, Joohyun was introduced to Seulgi, a fellow designated driver (bless her soul for providing her service). And wow, Joohyun was probably in love already. Or was that the alcohol making her feel this way? She couldn’t have been drunk already. She only drank one soju bottle!

Back in college, she was able to drink three soju bottles, so this should be nothing.

But one soju bottle was apparently something now.

“Hi, Seulgi!” she cheerfully greeted, sliding close to the sober woman who was taking sips of her cold water.

Seulgi politely smiled at her. “Hi. Joohyun, right?”

“Yup~” Joohyun said with a pop at the end. “Hopefully the name you’d be screaming at night.”

Because damn, Seulgi was hot. 

Like, h o t.

H O T.

That tight, black sleeveless shirt tucked into those tight, black skinny jeans with a tight Gucci belt with a tight—okay. Seulgi’s outfit was pretty tight. Not to mention very, very attractive on a stunning woman like Seulgi herself.

The music suddenly increased in its volume when Joohyun was slurring her drunken words, so Seulgi couldn’t have caught what sinful thoughts were swimming in Joohyun’s mind.

“Sorry, what?” Seulgi asked.

“Um.” Joohyun pretended to be clueless regarding her previous statement, eyes staring up and away at Seulgi. “You’re pretty hot.”

“Oh, uh.”

Seulgi scratched her head with a finger before raising the glass cup of water she was holding. It was ice cold.

“Actually, I’m not that hot. This water keeps me cool.”



The second time was at Sooyoung’s cozy apartment. Sooyoung invited Joohyun, Seulgi, and a bunch of other people over for a night of board games and fun. Work was just a mundane routine to Joohyun at the moment, so she couldn’t pass up this opportunity to have fun. Rare fun. Like so rare because Joohyun worked every single day and barely had time to herself since she would be so exhausted by the time she went home. And then the cycle would repeat.

Since there were sixteen people present at Sooyoung’s, they decided to play a game that could accommodate large parties—Taboo. Two teams of eight. Seulgi and Joohyun were on a team together, sitting next to each other as they watched whoever was the one trying to explain a word to them without saying any of the keywords on their card.

Joohyun was getting more excited and competitive the more the game went on, which spurred on the other guests. They decided to play until whichever team got twenty cards first in ten minutes. By the time it reached the ninth minute, the two teams were neck-to-neck. So, the next person was surely the deal breaker.

It was decided that Seulgi would go up from their team.

“Come on, Seulgi, you got this!” Joohyun cheered for her.

Seulgi shot her a dazzling smile with a thumbs up as she stood next to Sooyoung, who was on the opposing team and had the responsibility of being the buzzer in case Seulgi said a keyword.

Thankfully, Joohyun was sober tonight, so she didn’t say any lustful thoughts out loud to Seulgi like she did before. Before the games, the two were amicably chatting, getting to know each other better and on a more personal level. However, whenever Seulgi was talking and Joohyun was staring at all of Seulgi, her thoughts were still lustful because, yes, Seulgi was still hot and she couldn’t believe that this clueless woman didn’t pick up on the flirting during Seungwan’s birthday (she sure as hell wasn’t able to see how Irene’s eyes would flit from Seulgi’s own and then down to her moving lips and then a little further down to admire her torso and then back up to Seulgi’s face all while biting down on her bottom lip).

It was just…

It was just a little too much.

“Alright, so it’s related to what you would do outside,” Seulgi started to explain. “Athletic people would do this thing. There are, uh…factions of them as well in schools.”

“Sport teams!”

“No, but related!”


“Uh, no, but…” Seulgi waved with her hands as if to tell her team to continue with listing off sports.




“Yes!” Seulgi exclaimed. Their team won. She faced the other team and delivered a very harmless threat by smacking the sides of her hands against her pelvis. “ it!”

On her way back to the couch, Seulgi stripped off her leather jacket, unbeknown to the hard gaze that was following her every move. She sat back down next to Joohyun and grinned at her, folding the jacket on her lap.

“Wow, you’re so cool,” Joohyun commented. She was becoming amazed at herself for being able to hold such a long gaze with Seulgi that somewhat spoke of tension this time around. “How do you like your eggs in the morning?”


Seulgi’s brows furrowed.

It was silent.

Oh, my goodness, was Seulgi realizing that Joohyun was hitting on her now?

Her brows keep deepening by the second while still locking eyes with Joohyun.

Then, she tilted her head.

“That’s pretty random,” she finally said. “But, uh, I don’t really have a preference? I like them all. Scrambled. Sunny side up. Over easy. Some cheese makes it a little delicious, too!"

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Chapter 5: Soooo good! I know you already said that none of these are meant to be completed but i'd be very happy even if you finish just one but it's still up to you! I don't have the right to demand however you must finish Exterria and WWDYDTM idc how long it takes so don't worry. You write very well in all genres. You don't know how much I reread your works as they've become my comfort fics. I'm still sad that your other acct is gone so please don't delete this acct no matter what happens. You're not active on twitter anymore so it surprises me everytime a new update from you here pops up and it automatically makes me smile! Thank you for sharing your wips. I love all your works. Completed or not, they're all satisfying and i would read them again. <3
430 streak #2
Chapter 5: Oh damn irene would totally be right. Aseul together is a lethal combo 🤯🤯🤯
Taitai84 1233 streak #3
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Your WIPs or throwaways are very fleshed out. shows your creativity and the amount of time you spend on them. Also an indication on how much more you pour into the completed works.
Chapter 5: NOOOOOOOOOOO this fic is way too unique from the others🤧 now i will let my mind to imagine what will happened nect 😭
Chapter 5: once again im left hanging to wonder what would've/could've happened... 😔 i liked seulrene's comfortable dynamic here and definitely dont blame seulgi for catching feelings because 🫠 there were moments reading this where i was like omg does irene have an OF?? and seulgi was gonna come across it eventually or something
67 streak #6
Chapter 5: 😁🐻🐰🤭
eunxiaoxlove #7
Chapter 5: Hahaha got seulgi shookt
430 streak #8
Chapter 3: Oh my gooood..... Poor joohyun 😂😂😂
I really wish we could've seen what made seulgi eventually realise lol
Chapter 4: damn.. these wips always ending before seulrene get together is really killing me 😭 this oc is such an ick... but that means you did well in writing the behaviours of gymbros (experience? 🥴) i was really hoping i'd get to see irene dump his pathetic and be with seulgi who is >>>>>> in every sense, but we can't have it all! i'll just be grateful for these daily updates from you :')
irenes better than me bc i still havent gotten into weights SORRY!
Chapter 4: do you gym?