My online gal is a guy

My Online Girl Friend is a Guy (But I Don't Mind It)

Cho Kyuhyun was born a genius. He was quick-witted and a fast learner. No subjects were too difficult for him as long as he was given time to study it. For that reason, he led a successful academic life since he was young. He always got a scholarship, from middle school to college, and was known by all as an honor student. He participated in countless academic competitions and won, receiving numerous trophies and awards.



Despite his awesome achievement, he still ran into an unsolvable situation.









Ye_Nyan: Penguin-chan, wanna meet irl?



It had been about ten minutes since Kyuhyun stared at the message but he still couldn't come up with any answers. He accidentally met and befriended this novice player named Ye_Nyan on his smurf account that he sometimes used because his main account attracted too much attention as a pro-gamer. He was idling around a market place in the game, chatting with his friends in real life. Then, he saw a veteran player trying to scam a newbie to buy bad equipment for an unreasonable price. So, he stepped in and saved the day. He didn't think much about it. He just hated people who took advantage of new players and immediately left without greeting the newbie.


However, he came back to that place two hours later to find the said novice waiting for him, all just to say thank you.


Ye_Nyan shyly asked to add him as a friend and he agreed because their sincerity touched him. Plus, seeing how they used a female avatar with black cat ears, he assumed that Ye_Nyan must be a girl who was inexperienced in gaming. She probably thought he was a girl too because his second account was a princess class. Therefore, he accepted the friend request and began hanging out with her. He had fun teaching and guiding a clumsy but hard-working girl into the world of his favorite game. Anyway, Ye_Nyan was polite and always had fun stories to share so he didn't mind this online friendship. He even agreed to be her in-game lover to get the special accessory that she wanted.


That was until Ye_Nyan suggested them to meet in real life.


Honestly, Kyuhyun didn't have any problem meeting online friends in real life. He had done that a lot of time. After all, he was a famous pro-gamer so naturally people wanted to get to know him. However, it was different this time because Ye_Nyan knew nothing about him. She just genuinely believed that she found a fellow gamer girl so she wanted to befriend them in real life. The problem was, he was actually a man... After pondering it, he decided to gather intel first.



Princess Penguin: Why?

Princess Penguin: We've been friends for months & U never mentioned it.

Princess Penguin: Just curious 

Ye_Nyan: U R kind & always have good advice for me

Ye_Nyan: Need help

Ye_Nyan: Love advice 

Ye_Nyan: >///////<

Princess Penguin: 0_0

Princess Penguin: U in love???

Ye_Nyan: (〃艸〃)

Ye_Nyan: Actuallyyyy

Ye_Nyan: I play this game cuz my crush likes it.

Ye_Nyan: I wanna find topics to chat w/ him




So cute 



Kyuhyun chuckled fondly. So, this gamer girl had a crush on a gamer guy so she tried to understand his hobby? That guy sure is lucky to have a cute girl like Ye_Nyan crushing on him. He already came up with a decision. He wouldn't mind meeting her in real life. At first, he was worried about Ye_Nyan falling in love with him if she met him (not to be an egotist but he is the most popular guy among the sophomore). However, he didn't have to worry about it anymore, knowing that she already had someone in her heart. Although he wasn't sure how much of a help he could be, being a single guy himself, he still wanted to help his online friend.



Princess Penguin: Sure! Let's meet!




Two weeks later...



Kyuhyun arrived at the meeting place twenty minutes earlier. After agreeing to meet in real life, they exchanged their Kakao Talk to discuss the details (though he felt like he had seen Ye_Nyan's profile pic of a beautiful scenery somewhere before). To his surprise, his online girl friend actually studied in the same college as him but one year a senior. So, they chose a cafe near the campus as a meeting place on a weekend. Kyuhyun dressed casually, just his go-to sweatshirt, sweatpants, and sandals. After all, he didn't come here to impress anyone—


Kyuhyun froze next to the cafe window and hurriedly crouched down on four.


That gorgeous guy just now... with honey blond hair framing his small oval face... perfectly drawn brows... sharp, beautiful almond-shaped eyes... chiseled nose and jawline... cute chubby cheeks... luscious red lips... And alluring swan neck... That handsome and cute guy whose arms were full of artistic tattoos who dressed like a supermodel...


What the hell is his crush doing here!!?


Kyuhyun panicked. That gorgeous guy was senior Kim Jongwoon, a junior student whom he had a crush on since highschool. In fact, he enrolled in this college because his senior studied here too. He had been in love with the cool senior ever since the older took him under his wing to protect him from the bullies in highschool. He didn't dare to burden the kind-hearted senior with his feelings so he stopped following the older man around after entering college (although he still secretly watched and admired his hyung from afar.) The problem was, why did his crush of four years happen to be here on the same day he agreed to meet an online girl friend, dressing like a jobless uncle!?



Ye_Nyan: Penguin-chan? U arrived?

Ye_Nyan: Am here now

Ye_Nyan: >=< Y






Kyuhyun cursed when his online girl friend suddenly messaged him. He cautiously peeked over the wall into the cafe to look for Ye_Nyan. A few young women sat around the homey cafe and any of them could be his friend. Who is Ye_Nyan?


Princess Penguin: Where R U?

Princess Penguin: Ur outfit?

Ye_Nyan: Oh...

Ye_Nyan: Actually...

Ye_Nyan: I'm a guy.

Ye_Nyan: Sorry I never told u  ><

Ye_Nyan: *Sending a selca*


Seeing the picture, Kyuhyun got up and ran away as fast as he could.







Kyuhyun retreated to his apartment located not far from the cafe to calm his shaken world. He just found out that his online girl friend was actually a guy and that guy was none other than his crush! What kind of a twisted coincidence is this? What should he do next? Just go and meet his hyung as if nothing happened? Wait. He felt like he forgot something important...



Ye_Nyan: Actuallyyyy

Ye_Nyan: I play this game cuz my crush likes it.

Ye_Nyan: I wanna find topics to chat w/ him



That's right!! They agreed to meet because Ye_Nyan wanted to ask him for love advice! If Jongwoon hyung is Ye_Nyan... THEN HIS CRUSH IS IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE NOW. BUT WHO!? Kyuhyun is really going to lose his mind and die from jealousy. His hyung tried an online game just because he wanted to be in the same circle with his crush. Who the hell is that lucky bastard!!? Fuming in rage, Kyuhyun decided to investigate his hyung's secret crush by any means necessary and called his older sister.


"Noona!! I need your help!"





Ye_Nyan: Penguin-chan, R U angry? T_T

Ye_Nyan: U went quiet for an hour...

Ye_Nyan: Sorry. I didn't mean to lie to you 

Ye_Nyan: .·°՞(≧□≦)՞°·.

Princess Penguin: No I'm not angry!

Princess Penguin: Something urgent came up. My bad.

Princess Penguin: Behind U 🤭


"Penguin-chan! Nice to—"



Kyuhyun held his breath in anxiety when the older man became speechless after seeing him. Well, he was like that too when he first saw himself in a mirror— luscious, wavy caramel-blond wig cascading to his midriff, sharp charcoal brows, rich and alluring (fake) eyelashes, pale pink cheeks, glossy peach lips, and a long-sleeved, crimson cheongsam flowing to his shins that were cut at the sides to reveal his lower thighs. He managed to pull off this look with his sister's help (who happily drove to his place faster than light when she was told that he wanted to crossdress). He went through all the troubles and embarrassment for exactly one reason: find out who Jongwoon hyung likes and kill him. Kyuhyun faked a feminine voice and called the other person.


"Ye Nyan oppa, what's wrong?"

"O-Oh! Sorry!! I didn't think you would..."


Jongwoon hyung blushed madly and looked away. The older's cute chubby cheeks and ears were dyed red like a budding rose. What? He thought his hyung liked men? Could it be that his hyung swung both ways? Kyuhyun wondered to himself and sat down opposite his crush who still refused to look at him. Hmm. If Jongwoon hyung easily got swayed by his crossdressing like this, maybe his hyung didn't like that bastard gamer guy that much? Maybe he still had a chance to change his hyung's heart and made the older fall for him instead!


"Ye Nyan oppa, didn't you say that you want to ask for my love advice? Shall we talk?"

"Y-Yes... You see... There's a guy who I'm fond of as a cute dongsaeng. However, I realized that I was in love with him when he no longer seeked me out. Plus, I got jealous seeing him chatting and smiling with other people... even though we used to be so close..."

"Hm? So, he basically ditched you for no reason? Sounds like a bad guy! Oppa! Just forget him and find someone else!"


Jongwoon hyung finally looked at him, though the senior was smiling for some reason.


"I don't know. That didn't sound like a good idea."

"Why not!? What is so good about this guy anyway? Wait? Who is he? Is he in the same college as you?"


Kyuhyun saw an opportunity to get a name of the bastard and immediately went for it. The MMORPG online game they played was very popular among their peers so it was impossible to pin down who the older's crush was just from that information. In any case, no matter who that bastard is, he will convince his hyung to dumb his stupid !!


"Yes, he also studies at the SM College," Jongwoon hyung answered with an amused smile.

"What!? So, he could see oppa anytime but still avoided you? He is a jerk! You should get over—"

"His name is Cho Kyuhyun, a sophomore in the Faculty of Business~"

"—He is a perfect boyfriend and husband material! You can't find any men better than him!!"


Nice save!! Kyuhyun praised himself internally when he smoothly shifted from digging his own grave to promoting himself. But wait!! Jongwoon hyung's crush was actually him all along!!? HE IS SHOOKETH.


"Eh~ Why are you suddenly changing your attitude? Didn't you tell me to ditch him?"


This time it was Kyuhyun's turn to get flustered because his crush suddenly leaned over the table until his gorgeous face was right in front of him. Tilting his head, Jongwoon hyung batted his eyelashes slowly while smiling. A little red tongue snuck out to the plump bottom lip, causing Kyuhyun to gulp.


"T-That was before I knew oppa liked Cho Kyuhyun! Believe me, he is a good guy who will love and take care of you."

"Would he? Why did he ignore me after becoming a college student though? Is it because he no longer needs me now that he's popular?"

"What!? Absolutely not! H— Oppa, this is definitely a misunderstanding!"



Jongwoon hyung pouted and Kyuhyun wanted to punch himself so badly. Why the hell did he think that distancing himself from his hyung was a good idea!? Now that he knew his beloved hyung's heart, he would definitely make sure to reconcile and chase the older!!


"Really!! Oppa, believe me and my woman's hunch. Talk to him and you might find out that Cho Kyuhyun still thought of you all the time!"

"You think so? I'll do just that then. Thank you, Penguin-chan. You're really kind."

"N-No problem, Ye Nyan oppa."


Kyuhyun blushed at his future boyfriend's deadly sweet smile that K.O. him in one hit. At the same time, he was so excited that he couldn't sit still and barely registered the conversation after that; too preoccupied with the fact that Jongwoon hyung liked him too and would approach him soon to make up!




Two days later...





Kyuhyun paced in his room impatiently. That day, he repeatedly told Jongwoon hyung (while crossdressing) to approach him and resolve the misunderstanding. He even repeated it later while they were chatting in the game. Yet he still couldn't see his hyung at all! The older man didn't update his social media so he wasn't sure if his hyung was just busy or what. However, he couldn't wait any longer, especially after knowing that his crush also loved him! Kyuhyun logged into the game and cheered when he saw Ye_Nyan's status as "Online".


Princess Penguin: Oppa!

Princess Penguin: Any updates?

Ye_Nyan: Penguin-chan~

Ye_Nyan: Nope. I didn't get to meet him yet.

Princess Penguin: Eh? Whyyy?

Ye_Nyan: I got anxious & changed my mind :(

Ye_Nyan: I mean, he never talked to me for years

Ye_Nyan: He probably hated me now 🥲

Ye_Nyan: I should give up & find another man

Princess Penguin: NOOOOOO

Princess Penguin: I mean 

Princess Penguin: Don't give up so fast!

Princess Penguin: Maybe

Princess Penguin: Like

Princess Penguin: Wait a few more days first?

Ye_Nyan: Alright. I believe U~


Kyuhyun released a breath he was unconsciously holding. Phew! He successfully stopped his crush from finding another boyfriend! Truth be told, he wanted to call his hyung immediately but that would be too suspicious. So, he played the game with Jongwoon hyung for about an hour, before excusing himself to log out and call the older man. The waiting ringtone almost suffocated him to death. Too unnerving!



"Jongwoon hyung! It's me—"



... Jongwoon hyung hung up on him! Kyuhyun quickly dialed his crush again, but his call got cut off the second and third time. He didn't give up and made another call, and shouted "Yes!" loudly when it connected.


"Jongwoon hyung, It's me! Your beloved brat Cho Kkuru~"

"Oh? You still remember my name? I thought you already forgot about this boring hyung."

"H-How could I!? You're my hero and my most beloved hyung, really!"

"So you ghosted me for no reason for almost two years?" 


"You respected me so much that you decided to avoid me? Wow, I'm beyond touched." 


"... You're so mean, Kkuru. I really believed that you hated me..."

"Hyung... Sorry..."


The more the older man talked, the further his body shrank from guilt. He really couldn't refute his hyung's accusation because it was true. He did avoid Jongwoon hyung without any explanation. No wonder his crush didn't dare to approach him. At first, Kyuhyun considered confessing his heart to his crush but quickly changed his mind. He contacted Jongwoon hyung out of the blue after avoiding him for a year. Knowing his beloved hyung's nature, his crush would be absolutely furious more than happy if he did that. So, he decided to appease to the older man first.


"I can't tell you now why I did something stupid like that but I promise it won't happen again! Jongwoon hyuuuung~ Forgive me please... I miss you... I mean it..."

"Hmmmmm. Should I?" 


"Then, you must hang out with me every Saturday from now on!!"

"Of course, of course! Why only on the Saturday though?"

"Because I already agreed to meet my online friend on Sunday." 


Oh. His hyung probably talked about "Princess Penguin". Kyuhyun grinned. Good for him! He got to spend time with Jongwoon hyung every weekend from now on!


"I see! Should we start this Saturday? Where should we go? Where do you want to go?"

"I want to see a movie, shopping, visiting a cafe, and taking a stroll in the park!"

"Anything you want, Jongwoon hyung~"

"I'll definitely kick your this time if you dare to ditch me again!" 

"I won't, I won't~"

"Hm! I'll wait and see! And... Kyuhyun..."


"I miss your voice." 


Before he got to say anything back, his hyung already ended the call. Kyuhyun grinned until the corner of his lips almost tore to his ears. What Jongwoon hyung proposed was basically a dating plan! He is going on a date with his crush since highschool!! He must utilize this chance wisely and make his beloved hyung completely his!




Speaking of his beloved hyung, Ye_Nyan messaged him in the game.


Ye_Nyan: A miracle happened!

Ye_Nyan: That brat called me first & apologized.

Ye_Nyan: Penguin-chan, it's like U can see the future~


Kyuhyun coughed and pretended to be a fool.


Princess Penguin: Told ya. Woman's intuition!

Princess Penguin: What U gonna do with him?

Ye_Nyan: Am actually here to ask Ur opinion.


Kyuhyun typed "KISSES" but deleted it after giving it a second thought. No. He should take it slow. He typed "Kisses on cheeks" but also deleted it. Why was he obsessed with kissing!?


Ye_Nyan: Should I kiss him?

Princess Penguin: YES


Okay. It was Jongwoon hyung who suggested it so he wasn't obsessed with kissing, alright? Kyuhyun nodded to himself as he happily chatted with his future boyfriend while disguising as a girl. He kept giving advices about what Ye_Nyan should do on a date (AKA everything that he wanted to and had been wanting to do with his crush).



Ah, he couldn't wait for Saturday!




Author's note:

Silly kyusung crossdressing shenanigans to lighten up your day!  xD

Yes it's as you suspected, Jongwoon already knew everything & enjoying it to the fullest lmaoooo But how did he find out & how it would affect their date, find out in next chapter 😉


Take care and love you!   <3

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Chapter 2: ACKK ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡ kyusung couple goals in crossdressing 🤭

best of wishes author-nim in finding a new job 💙
Chapter 2: wait I love this so much 😆 idk why it's so fun to see Kyu being teased most especially by Yeye 🤭
_MyName_ #3
Chapter 1: Yeah, I thought right away that Jongwoon knew who the pretty lady was xD he must've had so much fun seeing what Kyu would come up with next
Chapter 2: So cute thanks for always updating
Honeymoon89 #5
Chapter 2: Aaaa no wonder at first meet jw blushing and cant see kh face! He know already from that time...hahah i love how jw play along with kh (and princess penguin) even when he knows the truth already. And wow! Is that some sort of new kink jw? 😏😏Well.. your kh hubby will probably love that too! Happy for u both!🥰🥰😍😍

Dear authornim, all the best in finding new job💪💪may the kyusung power will always be with u!😘💙
389 streak #6
Chapter 2: XDDD we all need Kyu and Woonie crossdressing together!!!
Chapter 1: Hahahaha. I ship this crossdressing Kyu. I remember he did it in SMTown.
Thank you authornim for the story.
haha cho kyu pabo loser LLLLL
Chapter 1: Ye_Nyan emoticon is too cuteee 😆😆😆
Lunayaa #10
Chapter 1: Cuteee