The Park

Counterfeit Hearts
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The weeks following Ryujin's birthday party were a whirlwind of activity for Karina. She found herself taking on extra shifts at the hospital and spending long hours at her clinic, immersing herself in the familiar routine of check-ups, deliveries, and consultations. It wasn't that she was intentionally avoiding Winter, or at least that's what she told herself. It was simply a coincidence that her schedule had become so hectic lately.

Karina knew that Winter was also busy with her own work as a lawyer, which made it easier for her to justify the lack of communication between them. They were both professionals with demanding careers, and it was only natural that they would have periods where they were caught up in their own lives.

On a particularly busy afternoon, Karina was just finishing up with a patient when her assistant, Lia, popped her head into the exam room.

"Dr. Yu?" she said, a curious note in her voice. "There's someone here to see you."

Karina glanced at her watch, puzzled. "I don't have any more appointments scheduled for today," she said.

Lia bit her lip, looking a bit sheepish. "It's not a patient," she clarified. "It's Winter Kim."

Karina's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Winter? What is she doing here?"

Lia shrugged, looking just as perplexed as Karina felt. "She said she needed to see you. And, well, she can be quite persuasive."

Karina sighed, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension. It wasn't like Winter to show up unannounced at her workplace. "Alright," she said, straightening her lab coat. "Send her in."

Moments later, the door swung open, and in walked Winter Kim, looking like she'd just stepped off a fashion runway. She was dressed to the nines in a sleek black power suit that accentuated her curves in all the right places. Her vibrant red hair was swept up in an elegant twist, and her lips were painted a bold shade of crimson.

"Winter," Karina greeted, trying to keep her tone casual. "This is a surprise. What brings you here?"

Winter smirked, leaning against the doorframe with an air of nonchalance. "Hello, Doctor. I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd drop by to see my favorite fake girlfriend."

Karina rolled her eyes, amused despite herself. "I'm your only fake girlfriend," she pointed out wryly.

Winter waved a dismissive hand. "Semantics. Anyway, I'm here to whisk you away for an impromptu date."

Karina blinked, caught off guard by Winter's boldness. "A date? Winter, I'm at work."

"Not anymore," Winter said smugly. "I already cleared it with Lia. You have the rest of the afternoon off."

Karina's mouth fell open in surprise. "You talked to Lia behind my back?"

Winter shrugged, unapologetic. "I had a feeling you'd try to use work as an excuse. So I went straight to the source."

Karina shook her head, torn between exasperation and grudging admiration at Winter's audacity. "I've been busy," she said, defensively.

Winter raised an eyebrow, a knowing look in her eyes. "I'm sure you have. But even dedicated doctors need a break sometimes. And I happen to know for a fact that your schedule is clear for the rest of the day. So, what do you say? Will you let me treat you to a few hours of fun and relaxation?"

Karina hesitated, weighing her options. On one hand, the thought of spending an entire afternoon with Winter, without the buffer of work or friends, was a bit daunting. But on the other hand, she couldn't deny that a part of her was intrigued by Winter's invitation.

And really, what harm could one little fake date do?

"Alright, fine," Karina relented, reaching for her purse. "You win. Where are we going?"

Winter's grin turned mischievous. "It's a surprise," she said, holding out her arm for Karina to take. "But trust me, you won't be disappointed."

Karina eyed her skeptically, even as she looped her arm through Winter's. "Why do I get the feeling I might regret this?" she muttered under her breath.

Winter just laughed, guiding Karina towards the door. "Have a little faith, Yu. This is going to be the best fake date of your life."

As they walked out of the clinic together, Karina couldn't help but wonder what Winter had in store for her. An entire afternoon in the company of the enigmatic lawyer? It was bound to be an interesting experience, to say the least.

With a mix of anticipation and trepidation, Karina allowed Winter to lead her towards her car, ready to embark on whatever adventure the redhead had planned.


As they walked through the parking lot, Karina couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement when she realized where Winter had brought her. An amusement park! It had been ages since she'd had the chance to let loose and enjoy the thrill of the rides.

"An amusement park?" she said, turning to Winter with a grin. "I haven't been to one of these in years!"

Winter smirked, despite the curious glances she was attracting from passersby due to her unusually formal attire. "I told you I was full of surprises, Yu."

Karina chuckled, eyeing Winter's power suit and high heels with amusement. "I can see that. Though I have to say, you're a bit overdressed for the occasion."

Winter glanced down at her outfit, a wry smile tugging at her lips. "Fashion knows no boundaries, darling. I can make anything work."

Karina shook her head, a fond smile playing on her lips. Trust Winter to make even a theme park visit into a fashion statement.

As they made their way into the park, Winter pulled out her phone and handed it to Karina. "Here, take a picture of me in front of that giant teddy bear. We need to really sell this fake dating thing."

Karina raised an eyebrow, taking the phone. "Isn't that a bit much?"

Winter shrugged, striking a pose. "Go big or go home, Yu. Besides, your social media could use some livening up. It's duller than a tax seminar."

Karina huffed, but couldn't help the smile tugging at her lips. "Excuse me for not documenting every moment of my life online."

Winter smirked, tossing her hair over her shoulder. "That's what you have me for. Now, snap away. I want to see your hidden photography talents shine."

Karina rolled her eyes, but dutifully began taking pictures. She had to admit, Winter knew how to work a camera. Every shot seemed to capture her vibrant personality perfectly.

After a few minutes of playful photo-taking, Karina handed the phone back to Winter. "These look great," she said. "But you know what would be even better? Riding some of these amazing coasters!"

Winter's eyes widened, a flicker of apprehension crossing her face before she quickly masked it with a smirk. "Ah, I'm not sure that's the best idea, Yu. These heels aren't exactly roller coaster friendly."

Karina paused, realization dawning. "Wait a minute. Are you...scared?"

Winter scoffed, waving a dismissive hand. "Please, I'm not scared. I just have a healthy respect for the laws of physics and the structural integrity of my Louboutins."

Karina raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. "Really? Because it sounds to me like you're making excuses."

Winter huffed, crossing her arms. "I don't make excuses, Yu. I'm simply stating facts. These rides are not designed for high fashion."

Karina bit back a smile, amused by Winter's defensiveness. "Okay, so let me get this straight. The great Winter Kim, the woman who stares down opposing counsel without batting an eye, is intimidated by a little roller coaster?"

Winter narrowed her eyes, a hint of a challenge in her voice. "I am not intimidated. I'm just...cautious."

Karina softened, sensing the genuine nervousness beneath Winter's bravado. "Hey, it's okay to be nervous. These rides can be pretty intense, especially if you're not used to them."

Winter sighed, a rueful smile on her face. "Is it that obvious?"

Karina grinned, shaking her head. "Only a little. But honestly, it's kind of refreshing to see this side of you. The formidable Winter Kim, allowing herself to be a little vulnerable."

Winter rolled her eyes, but Karina could see the tension easing from her shoulders. "Don't get used to it, Yu. This is a one-time thing."

Karina chuckled, stepping closer to Winter. "Tell you what. How about we start with something tame and work our way up? And if you get scared, you can always hold my hand. We are fake dating, after all."

Winter raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corner of her lips. "Using our little arrangement to your advantage, I see. How sly of you, Doctor."

Karina shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Hey, if we're going to sell this thing, we might as well commit, right?"

Winter looked at her for

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pinkishsky #1
Chapter 7: Loving this :')
Chapter 7: skskskkss neeed mooooore
Chapter 7: Hahahahaahaha... can't wait for the next chapter
kariselleheart 12 streak #4
Chapter 7: i love this story. im big on angst so i wonder how itll be once karina or winter breaks 😭 my guess is karina but ahhhhh!!! looking forward to the next update

for pobs i think i like makestar, soundwave or ktown4u. this tweet has a thread of the pobs!
jushshhh 12 streak #5
Chapter 7: Dr.Yu what are you doing on the floor~ lol 😹
fanficethusiast #6
Chapter 6: this is so good 😭
897 streak #7
Chapter 6: hskshsjhdjdh
Chapter 6: 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 4: wow this fic's actually soooo goooood. can't wait for more chapters
Elatedbliss #10
Chapter 4: Ohhh be careful now I guess both are catching feelings already. I can’t wait to see how their relationship progresses in the next chapters. Thanks for the update!