To Bid Farewell To A Flame

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To leave home, to give up the keys, to put aside the memories and the passions and the artworks, it all takes courage and time, but time was slowly slipping away, wasn't it?. Time had already seemed to slip away for Namjoon, as he takes one final car ride through time itself, reminiscing and contemplating, despite having made the big decision himself. He hoped to bid farewell to a flame he had covered with his delicate hands for all these years, but no one told him that the fire would sting as he blew it out.




Hello, everyone! It's been a really long time since I posted, but university has kept me busy and occupied and tired altogether. I recently was going through my drafted works and ideas and plots, only to come across this really short draft that I had abandoned perhaps two or three years ago? Not sure why, but I thought it was the right moment to finish it off and hopefully get back the creative juices to continue working on more stories for you all.

This is a very short, hypothetical narrative of what I would imagine a final farewell from Namjoon would be like. I don't recall what brought about this idea but I am now realising that with most of the members serving in the military and for BTS to have passed their tenth year, this short prose is sort of a negative view on their careers. I don't intend to portray it like that, rather see this as my way to honour their work and understand that it is okay for an artist to pause - whether this is a temporary pause or an eternal one is not my concern.

I hope you all enjoy this quick read, and for any fans that have been with BTS for a very long time, tell me what you miss about them and how your opinions have changed (if they have changed at all). For me, BTS was the first group I first got into back in 2014. I miss their old style of music, but they will always have my support because they've worked hard to earn their status and they deserve every bit of recognition that they have garnered.

Anyways, that's all I can say. Again, I hope you enjoy this quick read.

PLEASE READ: Although the characters in the story are not mine, all the ideas and the plot belong to me. This story is not and should not be plagiarised. This work can only be found on AFF and on AO3. If you find a work similar to this, it is pure coincidence. If you find my work posted elsewhere (other than AFF and AO3), please message me. Thank you.

[Do not be silent readers! I read every single comment and I reply to all of them. I would really appreciate hearing your feedback. Comments are truly motivational for writers! Thank you!]


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743 streak #1
Chapter 1: I loved it!