Won't Ever Let Go


In which Kyuhyun and Yesung makes a confession and Super Junior makes a promise.


This is my 17th story. I can express how amazing this all is.

This is the next installation of my No Words Needed Continuum, set after Medicine but before Our Own Little World, so therefore takes place early in the relationship. This story actually explores the coming out, so to say aspect to the rest of Super Junior and it is of interest. I will advise that if you wish to read it, you do so when you have the time and the concentration. It is exceedingly long 24 pages and 15000 words. I was trying a new style, so the begining is awkward, but it does it better. I hope you cna enjoy it.

Comments are Loved!!


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389 streak #1
Chapter 1: One of my fav story of yours!

I love how Siwon told Kyu that he would kill Kyu if Yesung was hurt, that's sweet!!!

I don't regret rereading this piece again, it's trully a masterpiece!
389 streak #2
Chapter 1: >____< I love this so so sooooo much~
Chapter 1: Heechul.. Ahhh my beloved Heenim. All his lines here, I can truly imagine can only come from the one and only Heenim haha. Plus Teukie and Hae crying?! LOL. And I laughed out loud with "concerned what is the reaction of God's favorite"! Hahahahaha
Cenya14 #4
Chapter 1: I really love this story, so much emotion they were experiencing. Great job
Chapter 1: Wow, they finally told them... the reactions I say were spot on. I love how real you make the situations and responses, not making it seem all happy dandy and gushy everywhere, but pointing out the challenges and hardships as well. But I'm so happy everyone took it fairly well. The promise to not let go, regardless of the hardships is what really makes them wonderful. Great work.
Chapter 1: Forgot to comment last night but.......OMG soooo cute love siwons reaction, he's soooooo sweet!!! XD
lahdeedah000 #7
Ahhh, just reread this and I can't believe I didn't leave a comment the first time. ;_;
I wouldn't say this is my favorite out of your fics, but I definitely think it's one of the best and important ones you've written. They way they supported each other was amazing, especially when Yesung was starting to explain their relationship. Kyu understood that it was something Yesung needed to do himself, but also knew when to step in. Also, the part with Siwon I found especially touching. <3
ClockwiseStir #8
I really liked the contrast you used in the first few paragraphs. Its actually my favourite part of this chapter. The middle became quite intense I couldn't help fidgeting with the suspense :) And linking hands! Them holding hands has probably become the hallmark of their relationship throughout your chapters, but more so in this one. Besides moral and emotional support of each other, it has become a tool of communication too regarding each of their feelings. haha. Its a bit sad sometimes to see that Yesung is almost the weaker of the 2 (but I'm just bias^^). Thank you for writing as always <3
Aww, it's really good.. You always made Kyusung's love looks so sweet and smooth, and they just love each other ^_^
thursday #10
I loved the first few paragraphs. I didn't find them at all awkward. It's kind of amazing to see how your writing has progressed in the past few weeks. I was hoping you would cover this aspect of the story. And you slipped in some of Y's thoughts! Thank you :). I haven't been awake long enough to form any more coherent thoughts, but I like it!