Just My Luck


In which Kyuhyun contemplates his luck and Yesung laments the fact that he is not romantic.


This is my 23rd story if my profile indicator is accurate...WOW!! 23....never thought I would get here.

This is the latest installation in my No Words Needed Continuum, so is set after To See A Sunrise and Restraint, but before A Late Dinner. I have messed with the timeline so much I don't know what I am trying to do anymore. Anyway this would be set early in the relationship, about 41/2 months. It revolves around Yesung and Kyuhyun talking about his musical and deciding who is more lucky. It is basically a fluff piece with mild failed humour. For those of you who have read my work before , you know what to expect. It is sort of long as usual, 11,000 and 19 pages, so take your time if he wish to read it. It may have errors as my editing is rubbish and I am not a 100% yet.  I hope it is still enjoyable. :)

Comments are Appreciated :)


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398 streak #1
Chapter 1: I will never get bored of Kyu-Ye sleeping together 😍 aaaaaaaaw~
Chapter 1: I actually feel bad for Kyu sometimes, considering Yesung really doesn't understand how jealously works XD. Though Yesung is weird and has his flaws, I don't think Kyu would love him any other way. And Kyu telling Yesung to stick to his gore filled plays just cause he doesn't want Yesung to do romantic scenes made me face palm and awwww at the same time. Kyu is such a child, I don't know whether to scold him or pinch his cheeks XD. Although I think it would be interesting seeing Yesung try a really romantic scene.. possibly with Kyu? >: ) As usually this was perfect authornim <3
Chapter 1: awww so kyute. Kyuhyun stop being a jealous possessive brat!!!
Wow! I totally love your stories. I have read everyone of them...almost...and they are just awesome! Amazing and they are so sweet...hanks for writing and posting such awesome stories! I love that you do not make the characters look dumb and I just love your stories. ❤ ❤
ice420 #5
hey there... I'm late. Blame it on the holidays :D

This fic was really a fun read. Can't help but chuckle during the jealousy part. "Yesung is just Yesung" -apt description. Normal is not a word to describe our dearest Jongwoon :D He is UNIQUE. Yup, that's what I think anyway. And Kyu should feel lucky coz' he has the only Yesung YeMom could ever produce ^^

It's like watching and listening to soap opera, reading this. The internal battle going back and forth was entertaining ^^ 4 1/2 months, Yesung still has concerns about the 'relationship'. Wonder when could they call themselves, 'boyfriends'?

Okay, maybe I wouldn't get to see a jealous Yesung but a jealous Kyu is fun ♥ Those YeWon moments in Paris may cause those murderous thoughts to surface. Ooh, maybe that's why Kyu ignored Yesung when Yechucky was asking for an apple. *lol* Gosh, how shippers minds work.

Anyway, let's wait and see if Yesung goes to see Kyu's musical. See you next!!!
I like so much your stories, i enjoyed specially the details and POVs. Each story is different but the feeling that transmit is the same.
I know i complaine earlier, but now i miss Siwon. Did you see the fancam of good friends in which Yeye approached to Siwon and attempted to kiss him....yeah i like seeing kyu in mode crazy on.
thursday #7
warm fluffy lovely. i saw a few kyusungish pics from paris. have u seen the fancam of leeteuk handing yesung a bra? it's hilarious. anyway, i like that you are including more of yesung's pov. i giggled at the part where he refused to call kyu his boyfriend. you really don't have too many editing issues. i can really see an improvement. you should join nanowrimo this year. you've already proven you can write a novel in a month. still dreading your hiatus:(. but exams are important.
Oh lol... Am I the person that pointed that out? Sorry ^.^" I wasn't really commenting on the recap (because it's actually not that bad. you give like a few sentences on context which is good) but more like... They're big paragraphs. And at first glance it is very scary. I'm the type that can get lost if the paragraph is too long so it's kind of intimidating to see like this massive paragraph... and I like to read it because it raises very good concepts and the running theme of the story. It's just... so scary. Hahaha!
But once again, good job ^.^ I can see your style going through and I'm just going to fangirl about the moment when Kyuhyun just pulls Sungie down into his arms. That made me coo and squeal and cry a little inside because my poor shipping heart was put into overdrive.
I really like this concept too! ARGH WHY MUST YOU BE SO AMAZING!? I love your stories so much!!! /cries/ This is definitely going up with some of my favourites... maybe like... about the same as Helping Hand or Just A Day. Well, all your stories are good so they're all very loved by me :P I love the personalities you've interpreted for the characters!! it fits so well and I can actually imagine it!! <33333 Good job, darling!! Keep making us shippers mega super duper happy
ClockwiseStir #9
'It was still intoxicating though. The warmth he felt was indescribable, not to mention the aroma of the coffee and cinnamon that was running rampant through his system. He felt comfortable and satisfied.'
<3<3<3 oh Kyu, it's such a lovely feeling hey ^_^

I remember there were more lines I liked. Oh well.

You should just write however you like. I imagine writing these stories are a way of stress relief for you from studies, they shouldn't need to be perfect like assignments. If I wanted to complain, I can think of many other kyusung authors I will harass first before you XD

Thanks for writing!!
ClockwiseStir #10
I hoped you enjoyed writing this because this was a very interesting chapter to me (or maybe because I haven't had time to patiently sit and absorb everything for a few stories, which I apologise ^^). It must be the time difference, because here I am again at 3am reading this just before turning in.

How I wish I had an alternate mind like Kyu's that's witty, hilarious and such great company, I would just ruminate in my thoughts like Kyu does. How do you formulate someone's thoughts and character so well, when they are opposites but complement each other in weird ways like Yesung's and Kyu's do. Very interesting stuff <3 The thought play back and forth during the jealousy vs pretty girls issue is hilarious yet intriguing.

I love your long fics, really, but one downside is I can't go back and quote lines I like because it would mean rereading everything, lol.

'Kyuhyun, with a wide smile, reached upwards and placed a delicate hand on Yesung’s cheek'
Okay. I think Yesung gets too skinny sometimes but how his cheeks look so pinchable all the same, it's a wonder.

'He was sure one day the kid would stop being blinded by love and see him for what he really was. One day Kyuhyun would open his eyes and see how weird and boring he was, and finally get tired of him.'
- :((((( And yet I feel for Yesung.

'He was sure Yesung would drive him crazy someday. He sincerely doubted his sanity would survive their numerous years together.'
- LOL. I should say 'poor Kyu' but nah, Yesung is worth the insanity.

'he still thought he would be a good romantic lead. He already looked so soft and his voice was that low husky type.'
- Oh yes it is! I would go giddy if someone proposed in that voice. But I can't imagine Yesung acting in anything less serious. The pics from Kyu's play looks really odd to me, I don't think it'd suit Yesung.
