the art of giving in


Yesung isn't a stubborn person, that's one thing he knows for sure. He won't charge headfirst into situations nor will he stand his ground, backed up by the most ridiculous and unreasonable reasons mankind can conjure up. In fact, he sometimes can be a little soft and a little too frequently lets others crawl onto his head and parade there, no matter how it puts him at a disadvantage.

However, that doesn't necessarily equate to Yesung enjoying giving in all the time.

Every person has his or her pride, has his or her desires and his or her rights. Therefore Yesung believes that he isn't overexercising any venom in the least form when he throws a fit at Kibum, for once again, taking something that belongs to him.

It's a habit that Kibum has grown into from young, when he had first snatched Yesung's turtle plushie, a habit that Yesung believes is way too annoying for words. It even seems as though Kibum has made it his life mission to steal everything that Yesung possesses, robbing the poor older of his happiness.

From toys to girlfriends, it frustrates him to no end that Kibum takes away everything that is Yesung's. He doesn't understand either why Kibum does this to him and him only, if Kibum must hate his guts to the core, if Kibum gains some twisted, sick pleasure from watching Yesung empty-handed, but he can't be bothered about it.

All Yesung wants is for Kibum to stop, but he reluctantly knows that Kibum will never cease this form of torture.



the art of giving in


[fic] the art of giving in

Genre: fluff, romance, drama, au

Pairing: Kibum/Yesung

Type: One-shot

Rating: PG-13 (unconfirmed)

Sumary: Yesung sometimes thinks Kibum is his master of some sort, teaching him the art of giving in by taking everything that belongs to Yesung.


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398 streak #1
You're still not here, why 😭😭😭
398 streak #2
OMG I really want to read this T^T
sapphirewing #3
looking forward to reaad this! hope u can update soon >.<
kyusungnista #4
Oh please update soon looks interesting kisung <3