Chapter 1

Whispers of the Unveiling

Donghae's  pov


One year ago, a truly magical time when I was deeply in love. I was 19 years old and all i did was that I cherished him with all my being, and it seemed like the feeling was mutual until everything shifted. He decided to leave. The reason? He couldn't handle the idea of working under me after I assumed my father's position at our family company. Yes, I am fortunate, being groomed to take over the business in two years. He used to be my father's secretary, balancing work and studies simultaneously. His departure was prompted by his discomfort at the prospect of me becoming his superior. It was painful, but in my heart, I knew his love had faded. I gave him a choice regarding the company, yet he still chose to walk away — Siwon left me. I cried for weeks, concealing my heartache even from my closest friend.


Eventually, Kyuhyun discovered the truth behind our breakup. He stood by me for three months, providing comfort that eased my grief. I decided to transfer to SJ University, and now I am in my second year there. Memories flooded back, and tears streamed down my face, lulling me to sleep.

The Next Day:

Upon awakening, I prepared for school, filled with anticipation as new students were expected to arrive. Stepping onto the school grounds, Kyuhyun called.

"Hyung… Where are you?" he asked.

"I'm here at school," I replied.

"Alright… I'll see you in class then… Goodbye," he bid me farewell.

As I entered the classroom, my eyes met those of a mischievous yet charming young man, sparking a sense of optimism within me.

"I have a feeling today will be special," I commented.

"Hehe… A positive outlook," he chuckled.

The entrance of a new student then captured our attention. With vibrant red hair, flawless skin, and a striking jawline, he emanated an undeniable charm.

"Wow, he's captivating… So attractive… I'm drawn to him," my thoughts raced.

"Calm down, mind," I chastised myself internally.

The teacher instructed him to introduce himself to the class. He complied, stating, "Hello, I'm Lee Hyukjae, 20 years old, with a passion for dancing. Nice to meet you all; let's be friends. Call me Eunhyuk."

Directed to sit next to Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk gracefully took his place.

"Hello, I'm Eunhyuk. Nice to meet you," he greeted Kyuhyun.

"Hi, I'm Kyuhyun, and this is Donghae in front of me," Kyuhyun introduced.

"Hi, I'm Donghae. Pleasure to meet you," I extended a warm welcome.

"Likewise," Eunhyuk replied.

As the day unfolded, new friendships blossomed, promising exciting adventures and experiences in the days to come.

End of Ch 1

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0 points #1
Chapter 5: Hi! I just started reading this story and it's so good. I want to know what will become of their relations.
Sh_uuuuu #2
Chapter 3: OMG!it's so captivaing! I'm looking forward to the upcoming plot!🥺
I read this fic early bcs this was supposed to be KyuHae fic. But I stopped reading since this fic suddenly switch to WonKyu? And EunHae?? Not that I don't like EunHae or WonKyu.. But this changed seems weird >.< I'm sorry :(
lovelydonghae #4
Chapter 14: this is so sad for KyuHae,,,,
Chapter 14: you didnt say you will update!
anyway, very nice update, want to know whats going to happen next
hae had a point but kyu is hurting too
you already know that i want kyu with siwon,
so i guess this could be an opportunity to have kyuwon perhaps
waitting for the next update^^
Chapter 8: Eunhae is so cute!!...They are so romantic!!..Author-nim,please continue your good work and Fighting!!...Always support!!..^^
lovekyuhae4ever #7
Finally..tq for the update..:-)
kyuloveshae #8
Chapter 14: So angsty..But if I was hae, I would end up at the same conclusion..Kyu was hurting him and the way Kyu chose to leave him made it even worst for both of them..andd if Kyu will end up with Siwon, you will hurt me instead..:D anyway, its up to you author-nim..either way you think would make sense then just do it..
OnlySjELF #9
Chapter 14: Finally an update :"""""""""""
Why hae is alawys like this always hurt babkyu :"""
But truthly i want kyu to be with siwon more than hae :" but kyu will be suffer to much :( oh my babykyu :" don't do smothing stupid to ur self bcz hae plz :(
Update soon and wellcome back such a long time "̮
lovekyuhae4ever #10
Chapter 13: authornim update please..i want to know what will happen next..thanks