Fan meeting



Title: Fan meeting
Pairing: YeKyu/KyuSung, side!MinWook, ninja!Hanchul
Genre: Romance, Fluff, AU
Rating: G
Length: one-shot
Prompt: meet-up
Summary: Jongwoon was forced by Ryeowook, his brother, and Sungmin, Ryeowook's best friend, to attend Cho Kyuhyun's fan meeting.
Note: Might contain errors^^ posted another story! yay! fluff!
Dedicated to: my growing KyuSung family^^ I love everyone of you ;D


really inspired to write something! so here you go!
finally wrote something long again!


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TaiShanNiangNiang #1
So cute! Kyu was Yesung's fan first ;)
Chapter 1: I hope you can write something like a prequel. Like how did Kyu notice Yesung first? How did Kyu contact or connect with Ryeo? That would be cool!
Chapter 1: I love it I love it I love it! Yeye as dense as ever! Hahaha
Chapter 1: This was quite simple, but cute. ^^
I wish that I could be at the same university as any of the SuJu boys. xD
Overall this was really cute though~ I wish there could have been more KyuSung interactions though. <3
love, love, love, love, love, love~
I really enjoyed this one so much! Kyuhyun -_-¨ But how did he first meet yesung? Like when or how did he see him? It would be soc ool if you made a fic explaining that XD Sorry I am just voicing my thoughts out :p Thank you for writing this sweetness! =)
Goemas12 #6
Chapter 1: love it so much
Love my clueless turtle boy so much! He is really the only one for that naughty so smart Kyu! HAHA <3<3<3
awww this trap was really good! All this plan to make my Prince admit his feelings! Just too cute! *.*
aww if just I could get there with them xDDDD I wanna pinch their cheeks both! :p Ohhhh And I so loved the way you make Yesungie an attractive boy here, ya know all the girls were amazed by his beautiful face! aw aw awwwwww Liked this so much! <3<3<3 No one can ignore my Yesungie beauty, he is the best ever! *o*

Thanks a lot for this story! I enjoyed reading it so so much! <3<3<3
Fighting for the next cause I know you'll write more, Hopeful I can read it soon! :p

chocoenvelope #8
oh my goodness this was so perfectly fluffy. I was squealing the whole time. It's just what I needed to cure my bad mood. And Minwook couple is so adorable ^0^
princetongirl818 #9
I loved reading your story. It read fluently. The storyline ... the funny moments xD ... I thought they were great. ^^
siana-chan #10
It was a-m-a-z-i-n-g !

Just soooooooooooooooo cute! You know what? When Jongwoon moved to the signing table, my heart was sooo beating fast, like I was there lol! And I couldn't make That stupid smile from leaving my face all the fanfiction long xD

Définitly a perfect fluffy and awesome work !

Thanks a lot ;D I can't wait to read you again.