Here,With You


In which Yesung sulks quietly in his room and Kyuhyun is determined to prove to him that perfection is only what you percieve it to be, whilst Siwon swallows some pride and asks for help.


Yayy!!! Finally by 32nd story...simply amazing isn't it?

Yeap..I am finally back..well not exactly  back, just visiting for a bit. I really missed writing and due to some really annoying circumstances I haven't been able to write as freely as I would have liked. I did however really want to write this and I am relaly happy that I was able to finish it. It took really long as I have like a million things on my plate right now and for some strange reason I got Carpal Tunnel seriously? Carpal Tunnel? OTL

Anyway ....the important things, the story: This one is probably one of my favourites ever...its different in a very strange way. Yesung is alot more open with Kyuhyun and less shy or better yet...sort of intimate...I won't ruin it, just remember that I take things to have different meanings...and its lots of

Kyuhyun is super sweeter than sugar and I just like the whole idea of it all. Yesung has these worries and Kyu helps him in the sweetest way,  assuring the person he loves...they are just so close and sweet...I love it! I am not sure where exactly in the continuum this would be placed, as the timeline is badly mixed up, making it impossible to know where this all fits,though I am certain it is set at the release of y Free and Single, and is sort of centered around the Star 1 photoshoot...if you all saw the pictures then you can conclude what this may be focused on..

Its basically finish, but I want to add a few things, so will be posted before the end of today, EST long though, already 17k and its expected to get longer...Anticipate it!

You guys better leave me comments........well I can't make you , but it it would be such a sweet thing to do :)


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lov_fan_Y #1
Chapter 4: Me encanta esta historia ?
389 streak #2
Chapter 2: FINALLY!!!! <3333333
Cenya14 #4
Chapter 4: i love how his dongsaengs worry about him
Chapter 1: This story is probably one of my favourite!!! XD. Kyuhyun is so cute with Yesung , he has to stop being jealous!!! Siwon and the others are so sweet when fussing over Yesung and Yesung being his adorable self!
Chapter 4: OMG seriously why do you make me love each and everyone of your stories? I don't care how crazy long they are I just end up loving every unspoken word, every fleeting thought, every small embrace. You write them soo real and I love you for that. And it is always worth every amount of cheesiness you can muster. Bless you and your amazing dedication to this adorable pair (I'm sorry for not commenting till now). Yesung is just to adorkable for words and Kyuhyun will never cease to amaze me. You truly did make a masterpiece with this. : )
ice420 #7
Chapter 4: OMG.. This is. I absolutely adore this chapter!! The sweetness. The cheesiness. The sneakiness. Aaarrrgghh!! The touching moment when they both said I love you. esp. Kyu's!!! Waaa I was grinning like a loon and repeated that part over and over. It was sooo sweet!!!! Who needs sugar when you have Kyu? Damn. I love him in this chapter. I love your Kyu! Make no mistake that I love Yeye to bits but your Kyu is quite endearing. Well the real one is as well but yours is.. *sighs* he's like my ideal and perfect evil-sweet-loving-shy-dependable dream guy! Can I have him? Oh my, the sweet moments in this chapter was soo touching and romantic. You have given 'sleeping together' a new meaning and importance to me. Who says you can't enjoy a simple cuddle? Gosh, I am soooo glad you're writing for KyuSung.

That last bit where Yeye's being smothered by the members... Priceless!! I applaud Kyu despite having his 'punishment' almost backfire when Siwon started fussing *lol* stupid jealous and possessive Kyu. All's well that ends well.

Again, a favorite fiction. *winks* Definitely worth the wait.
ice420 #8
Chapter 3: I'm with Kyu on this one.. how could the situation went from steamy to worry? *sighs* Yeah, never knew a sigh could be a disease. The workings of Kyu's head is weird. This pair is hopeless. Their problem is not that they don't love, it's that they love soo much! How could a simple back strain and a sigh cause such reactions? Can I just bang their heads together?

Kyu is such a sweetheart! I love him to bits! But dear, he is sooo besotted that is not normal! And Yeye... well, what's he doubting about now? Seriously! I gotta get to the next chapter or I'll get an ulcer. pffft...
ice420 #9
Chapter 2: Can I squeal? Seriously? ............ There. Hope your eardrums burst. Damn that was.. *at a loss for words* a freakin hickey? really? Kyu, you have fallen so hard my friend. And Yeye, bravo!!! Are you guys seriously in your twenties? Darn. This was.. I LOVE IT!! Yeye finally taking that step! And taking Kyu by surprise is always a good thing. Man. That was intense and your words.. how do you.. I mean, do you watch such a scene and narrate at the same time? o.o Well done!!! And to have Kyu 'fall' was priceless.

Now onto chapter 3. I wanna see some serious talkin there. or not!! hahahahaha
ice420 #10
Chapter 1: OMG! Can I be Yesung? Please? To have such care and attention from two gorgeous male is.. Aarrrgghh!!! Yesung is not effeminate nor soft by any means but he does give off this feeling of needing to be cared, loved, showered with attention. Dunno. Guess that's my biasness talking. But Yesung IS male and has proven many times how s' are sorta wary of him or rather his moods *lol*. Have you seen the MOA (or A-Nation) vid where Yeye glared at Hyukkie, Hae, and Siwon (??) but it was Kyu who said Gomen Gomen *lol* that was funny. How about why he was not even caked during his bday? They're more afraid of him than Teukie *lol* The skinny guy can pack a punch or so they say.

Anyways, I love the WonKyu interaction!!! Gosh, to swallow that pride.. So Siwon like. Are you sure he's not in love? Wanting to be number one in Yeye's heart.. fine as a dongsaeng, but still.. o.o I bet Kyu will have a field day thinking of ways of skinning Siwon where he stands if their 'minds' meet ^^ Just imagine.

Okay, on to chapter 2..