A Broken Heart



To this day, I still miss the way he smiled at me.
The way he comforts me.
The way he sings to me.
The way he cared for me.
And most of all, the way he loved me.

I regret all I’ve done to him before.
I had taken him for granted, and now, I have lost him.

I was blinded by what other’s had thought of me.
But now, I simply don’t care anymore.

All I want is for him to come back; to come back into my arms and whisper soft, reassuring words to me again.
To love me the same way he used to.

Now that he's gone, I, Cho Kyuhyun, am willing to throw everything away, for Kim Jongwoon to come back.





Currently working on it, and it may take some time before it's actually posted, but hey! Here's the description for you!



Title: A Broken Heart

Pairing: KyuSung
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Word Count:
Disclaimer: You don't want to know what I'll do to these pretty boys if I had them.....

I lied, I still have a lot to work on. Please give some patience! School is killing me!


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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 4: Where are you authornim???????? Why abandon such a brilliant story?????????? Will it ever be updated?????????
398 streak #2
Chapter 4: where is the next chapteeeeeer???? T_________T
Chapter 4: oh ... great story with sad statut ;;; :(
Chapter 2: Update???? :(

I'd like to see if Kyu really I mean really has moved on. What has Sungmin in store. What is the role Siwon is to play between KyuSung here. Did Hae liked KyuMin before as the bestfriend how did he see that relationship. Ughhh... So many questions ~ LOL

Hopefully, 1 day, an update to this story will show up!
KrystalSeijuro #5
Chapter 4: Author-nim please update i want to know what happens next
Cenya14 #6
Cute story
AlyciaC #7
Chapter 4: I am waiting for the uptaded!:)
This is so cute. ^^
You really should continue it, I think.
Also, the little star candies keep reminding me of the movie Spirited Away, keke.
Chapter 4: ahaha, please update.
i'll buy you ice cream ; - ;
kyusung fluff is some hardcore addiction shiz.
Eggums #10
Chapter 4: aaaaa its cute ; w ;
im a little heartbroken that sungmin's a bad guy and probably going to do something mean to them or jongwoon :<