Then Came You


"You have got to be kidding me." To say that Chanyeol was surprised to see the lost puppy on his doorstep was a complete understatement. Because Chanyeol honestly thought he'd never see Baekhyun again. Let alone see Baekhyun with Zitao.

"You know each other?" Chanyeol and his assistant both said at the same time. He transferred his puzzled gaze to Baekhyun who looked especially small standing beside Zitao.

"Well, could you at least let us in so we could talk properly?" The black-haired boy said.

Chanyeol stepped back to let the two in. It wasn't lost on him that Baekhyun had not spoken since they arrived. The smaller boy had his head bowed and his hands were fidgeting with the zipper of his hoodie. When they reached the living room, Zitao asked Baekhyun to sit and relax first and Chanyeol was more than a little curious why his friend was being so nice. He was getting impatient and it didn't help seeing someone else take care of his lost puppy. What? His lost puppy? His? "Are you finished getting comfortable yet? Because of course I'm not the President of a large company and I have all night to watch you two."

Zitao's eyebrow rose at his sharp tone. "Maybe you should sit down, too."

"Maybe I shouldn't. I really would like to know what's going on and what you're doing with Byun Baekhyun." Chanyeol crossed his arms over his chest.

"So you do really know each other. This is easier than I thought. Although, how do you know each other?" Zitao looked questioningly between Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

"Oh, we don't!" Baekhyun spoke up. "It's just... we just..."

It was Chanyeol's turn to raise an eyebrow. Somehow it irked him that this Byun Baekhyun was denying knowing him. He's Park Chanyeol, for pity's sake. He should be the one denying he knows the boy, not that there's any reason for that. Baekhyun looked helplessly at him and he feels his inside go weird again. "It's neither here nor there, Zitao. I believe I asked a question first."

"Baekhyun needs a place to stay so I brought him here." Zitao smiled reassuringly at Baekhyun and Chanyeol couldn't help but gape at them.

"Why here? And what for?"

Zitao shrugged. "Because it's safe here. And it’s comfortable as well."

"I know that! But again, what for? Why doesn't he go home to his family or something?" Chanyeol was all sorts of confused. He directed his question to Baekhyun. "You know I've been meaning to ask. Who are you really? You never did answer me."

Baekhyun bit his lower lip and looked up at him. He looked tired and appeared to be on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry. I can't answer those questions right now. I can just go. There's no need for you to let me stay." The smaller boy moved to stand but Zitao gently pushed him back down on the couch.

"No. You'll stay here for the meantime." Zitao frowned at Chanyeol. "Stop bullying him."

Chanyeol sputtered. "I didn't bully him! I was just asking a normal question. And I didn't approve yet. How can you decide on who would live with me in my house?"

"Baekhyun needs help. And my father taught me to help those who need it. I brought him here because this is the safest place I know. He can stay here for a few days. It's not as if your apartment is small. You have enough room." Zitao explained.

Chanyeol realized that his questions were still not fully answered. "Is he in danger? Why does he need to be kept safe?"

Zitao rolled his eyes at him. "You don't need to worry about that, okay? Just let Baekhyun stay for a while and I'll take care of everything else." Then his assistant faced Baekhyun. "I don't want you to leave from here until I say so, understand?"

Chanyeol was getting frustrated. It was not that he doesn't want to help but why aren't they telling him anything? "If you really want to help him, why don't you let him stay at your place then? Nowhere’s safer than your place with you in it." And it's true. Zitao is more effective than a hundred high-tech security devices.

"I already thought of that. But you know what my apartment looks like." The younger boy answered and waited for his words to sink in.

Chanyeol remembered entering his friend's house. It was spacious and bare. There was hardly any furniture in it. It's not that Zitao doesn't have money to buy them; it's just that he lives like a Spartan or something. There were just a few chairs, shelves and a hard bed made all of wood. Chanyeol glanced at Baekhyun and imagined the soft looking boy living in Zitao's place. Baekhyun doesn't quite fit there. But still, him living with Baekhyun? "I know how your place looks like Zitao. And it isn't as bad as you think it is."

Zitao let out an annoyed sigh. "You are heartless."

Chanyeol started to protest but the younger boy just waved him off. "Okay, let's go Baekhyun. We don't want to be infected by this person's selfishness." Zitao pulled Baekhyun up and held on to the smaller boy's arm. Then he guided him towards the door. "See you tomorrow, boss!"

Chanyeol could hear Zitao's mocking tone but he had no time to mind it because Baekhyun chose that moment to look over his shoulder and give him a timid smile. "I'm sorry," Baekhyun said and Chanyeol watched as they reached the door. Somehow, it didn't quite suit him when Zitao moved his hand from Baekhyun's arm to the shorter boy's back. Then he saw his usually stoic friend smile reassuringly at Baekhyun and the shorter boy gazed up at Zitao to return it. They looked close. They were going to live together. His lost puppy. Damn.

Chanyeol didn't notice his feet moving to catch up to the two because the next thing he knew was he was holding on to Baekhyun's arm. "Wait." The two boys turned at the sound of his voice and then looked at his hold on Baekhyun. "Okay. Fine. He can stay here."

Baekhyun's mouth opened in surprise but Chanyeol noticed Zitao was giving him a knowing smirk. As if he already knew Chanyeol would change his mind. "No, it's alright. I've already decided that Baekhyun can live with me. So no need to force yourself," Zitao said, still smirking.

Chanyeol didn't know what possessed him but his hold on Baekhyun tightened and he began pulling him closer to his side. "I'm not forcing myself!"

"Are you sure? Because as I've said I can--"

"I'm sure. Okay?"

Zitao nodded. "I'll talk to you tomorrow then. And don't let him out of your sight." The boy then spoke to Baekhyun. "Stay put. And tell me if he's bullying you, alright?"

"Uh, okay." Baekhyun looked confused and Chanyeol really couldn't blame him. He was feeling the same way. "Thank you, Tao-ssi."

His assistant said his goodbyes and reminded Chanyeol to wake up early tomorrow for work before going out the door and leaving Baekhyun and Chanyeol alone in the apartment. Belatedly remembering that he was still holding on to Baekhyun, Chanyeol let go and walked towards the living room. "You, sit."

Chanyeol was feeling a sort of déjà vu as Baekhyun went back to the couch and waited for him to continue. They were at the same place two nights ago, the first night they slept together. What? No. They didn't sleep together. They just... slept... together. Chanyeol wanted to claw at his face for where his thoughts were taking him. "I don't know how long you'll be staying here, Boss Zitao didn't say. And I'll let you but you do remember my house rules, right?"

Baekhyun nodded. "Yes. I can only go to three places: the living room, the kitchen and the bathroom."

"Obviously you already broke that because you've been sleeping in my bedroom."

Baekhyun's cheeks turned a pale shade of pink. "Sorry," he mumbled.

"Fine. That's rule two. What's rule number one?"

"No Kissing!" Chanyeol was a little surprised at Baekhyun's smile. "You'll have no problem with that. Nope. None. No kissing forever and ever. Yup!" And the boy even gave him a thumbs up.

He didn't know if he'll be glad of the other's answer or be insulted that Baekhyun obviously never wanted to kiss him again. Was he that bad a kisser? Baekhyun didn't have to sound so enthusiastic about that rule. What the hell, Park Chanyeol? Go back to the business at hand. "Yes. Right! Never forget." Baekhyun beamed at him from the couch. Now it was Chanyeol's turn to feel flustered. He turned away and continued. "Since you'll be staying here for more than a few days I give you leave to go to all the rooms except my home office. I think that's fair enough."

"Yes, it's more than fair, President Park."

He was quite uncomfortable hearing Baekhyun calling him President Park. For one, they met in the most unusual of circumstances and second, they even shared that... thing even before he knew the other's name. "Aish, just call me Chanyeol." He saw Baekhyun's eyes widen again.

"But I can't! I mean, you're President Park!"

"What do you mean you can't? And add a hyung while you're at it since I'm older."

"Uh, how old are you anyway?"

"I'll be twenty three this coming November."

"Actually, I'm older. I just turned twenty three last month."

Chanyeol was amazed. This lost puppy was older than him? "Are you sure? You look like a twelve-year-old to me."

"Of course I'm sure. So President Park, you can call me Baekhyun. Oh, and add a hyung while you're at it since I'm older." The shorter boy said with a teasing smile while he returned Chanyeol's own words at him.

"No. Never gonna happen," Chanyeol said to which Baekhyun just laughed. It was better to see the boy like this than how he was earlier, when Baekhyun looked like he was just a step away from tears. "So I'll call you Baekhyun, you call me Chanyeol and that's that."

"Or maybe I can just call you potato-ahjussi." The shorter boy smiled winsomely.

"Maybe I can just kick your out of here."

"But Tao will kick your when you kick my out of here."

And really, what could Chanyeol say more to that? "You think you're being cute, huh?"

"Yes." The boy chuckled. "No, I'm just kidding. Okay, Chanyeol-ssi."

It was totally uncalled for the way his skin prickled when Baekhyun said his first name with that lilting voice of his. Chanyeol thought it sounded kind of nice. No, Kyungsoo saying his name is way better. But what was he doing comparing how people say his name? He needed sleep. "It's getting late and I've a lot to do tom--" He paused as he heard a rumbling sound. Then he realized it was coming from the boy in front of him. "By any chance, have you had dinner yet?"

"Yes! I'm actually full. I'm--" Another rumbling sound.

Chanyeol sighed. "Byun Baekhyun, rule three: don't lie to me, especially about food."


Chanyeol nodded to the kitchen's direction."Go eat. There's got to be something in there." He didn't wait for Baekhyun to stand up before he went to his bedroom and threw himself face-first on to the bed. Being bullied by his assistant three years younger than him and playing surrogate parent to the puppy outside, could this day end now please?

For all his tiredness, Chanyeol was still awake when Baekhyun entered the room a quarter of an hour later, already in Chanyeol's pink pajamas. He was lying on his stomach so perhaps the boy thought he was already asleep because in a mischievous tone, he heard Baekhyun whisper, "Goodnight, potato."

I'm not a potato, he thought as he drifted off to sleep.



It was just nearing five in the morning and Chanyeol was already awake. He was blaming it on the boy sleeping on the floor. Who else could he blame it to? He closed his eyes and tried getting a few more minutes of sleep but it evaded him. Chanyeol was still having trouble grasping the events that happened. He was used to living alone since he turned twenty and now suddenly he was going to live with a person he barely knew. Add to it the fact that Zitao and Baekhyun were both mum about the reasons why. Somehow, he has to get to the bottom of things. He is Park Chanyeol, damnit. Seriously, was he the only one who thought his name meant something?

He was disturbed from his thoughts when he heard Baekhyun stirring. Chanyeol felt the side of his bed dip a little and he was about to open his eyes and ask Baekhyun what he was doing when he heard him speak softly in a sleep roughened voice. "Good morning, President Park."

He was imagining Baekhyun's arms resting on the bed as he looked at Chanyeol, much like what he did the other night. Chanyeol was once again feeling weird.

"Oh, no. I forgot. Let me correct myself. Good morning, Chanyeol-ssi." Chanyeol heard a yawn and a sigh before the boy continued. "It's good you're still sleeping, actually. I wanted to say sorry for everything. I know this wasn't what you wanted and just... I'm sorry. I'll try to straighten things up as soon as possible so you can be rid of me."

What trouble are you in exactly? Why won't you tell me?

"I wish I could tell you things so you can better understand but it's my problem to solve. I really don't want to burden you more than I already have."

This is really frustrating, you know.

"You must be frustrated. Again, I'm sorry but thank you. A normal person wouldn't even think twice of kicking me out the door but you... you let me stay."

Chanyeol, for all the confusion he felt, wanted to laugh because it was like Baekhyun could hear what he was thinking. Yeah, be thankful you stray pup.

"I guess I really look like a lost puppy to you. And I'm sorry if you have to take care of me for a while. But for what it's worth I really think you're kind and... cute."

It took all of Chanyeol's strength not to sit up in bed in surprise. You think Im cute?

"Yeah, you're the cutest potato I know. Well, you're the only potato I know but I think you're cute, nonetheless. Just don't frown so much. You seldom smile and it's a pity because you look the best when you smile. Oh, and look you're smiling in your sleep. Good dreams?"

Chanyeol wasn't even aware he was smiling. How does he straighten his face without giving himself away? And really, when did he become a potato?


He could hear the serious shift in Baekhyun's tone. Yes?

"You revised rule two, right? Does that mean I can sleep in your closet one of these days?" Then there was a gentle laugh from the older boy. "You're crazy, Byun Baekhyun."

Chanyeol thought it was past time he let Baekhyun know he was awake. "Yes, you are," he said as he opened his eyes. He turned to find Baekhyun gaping at him, his eyes rounding in surprise.

"How... how long have you been awake?"

"Long enough to hear you say you're crazy."

Baekhyun looked suspiciously at him. "Are you sure?"

Chanyeol sat up and stretched his arms over his head. "Yup. And oh--" He saw the shorter boy expectantly waiting for his next words. "No. The closet is still off limits."

There was relief in Baekhyun's eyes. Chanyeol stood up and proceeded to walk out the room, Baekhyun following closely behind him. "Halmeoni isn't here yet, it's too early. We have to wait for breakfast."

"It's okay. Can I use the bathroom first?"

"Yeah." He was about to go to the kitchen to get coffee when he saw Baekhyun pick up his folded clothes from atop the dresser by the bathroom door. "Don't tell me you're going to wear those clothes again?"

"Uh, yes. They're all I've got." Baekhyun shrugged. "Is there something wrong?"

There was nothing wrong with the yellow hoodie and the blue jeans but Chanyeol thought, even if they were clean, wasn't it too much to wear the same clothes over and over again? Park Chanyeol, are you actually concerned with the puppy? No. It's just Zitao made Baekhyun his responsibility. Chanyeol told himself that it was for only that reason that he said, "I've got tons of clothes. I'll just lend you some."

"Oh, no. There's no need for that. But thanks for your concern." Baekhyun shook his head.

"I'm not concerned about you," Chanyeol said as he walked closer to Baekhyun. "I'm concerned for myself because my boss Zitao will beat me up if I don't help you."

"But there's really no need." Baekhyun stepped back.

"Byun Baekhyun. This is my house. In my house, I am law. Got it?" He didn't wait for the other to reply. "Go on and take a shower and I'll have the clothes ready once you're out. Now, shoo." He then went back inside his room to his closet. He's got a lot of clothes; surely he could find something that would fit Baekhyun even though he was much smaller. He lifted his hand, his palm parallel to the floor, and tried to remember how tall Baekhyun was. "He's about this tall, right?" He asked himself as his hand reached his chin. "Or maybe a little higher, yes," he said when his hand leveled with his nose. Now for the body size. He imagined Baekhyun standing in front of him. A slightly narrower shoulder. A tapered waist. He unconsciously lifted his hands up again into a circle as if in an embrace, remembering the time when Baekhyun was in his arms yesterday morning. But his mind drifted off to less innocent thoughts like the curve of Baekhyun's lips as he leaned closer and how Baekhyun's body fit snugly against his. Park Chanyeol, stop.

He had to hit his head with something hard sometime to get all the weirdness out. He sighed and hastily pulled some clothes from his closet. He got a white long-sleeved shirt, grey pants and a black t-shirt. These would have to do. He went out just as Baekhyun was coming out of the bathroom in one of his bathrobes. Chanyeol eyes went to the shorter boy's damp hair and freshly washed face, looking pink and healthy and beautiful and... There he was again. He shoved the clothes against Baekhyun's arm with a gruff "Here." before disappearing inside the bathroom and leaning against the closed door. He was getting all sorts of weird and unexplainable thoughts and Chanyeol didn't like it. He closed his eyes and thought of the only thing that calms him down: Kyungsoo's smiling face. After a while, Chanyeol relaxed. Yes, just think of Kyungsoo and everything would be fine.

It took longer for him to bathe than usual as he drowned himself with the hot bath water. But thinking he couldn't avoid the boy outside much longer, he finished and gave himself a short pep talk in front of the mirror before going out. "Park Chanyeol, there's nothing to be confused about. That puppy outside can't do anything to you. Zitao would take care of everything soon and just calm down, okay? Okay. Just think of Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo." But he doesn't really know why he had to react this way. It was not as if he was attracted to Baekhyun or anything because he really wasn’t.

He went out fully expecting to see Baekhyun somewhere in the living room but the house was way too quiet. Did he leave? He felt a pang in his chest again, much like what he felt yesterday when he thought Baekhyun was gone. But then he noticed something yellow on top of the coffee table. He went closer and found Baekhyun's Starlight lightstick and he couldn't control his sigh of relief. If the lightstick was there, it meant Baekhyun would return, right? He did not have time to analyze why he was so relieved for he saw a note under the lighstick and quickly snatched it up.




I'm leaving one of my precious belongings with you

So don't worry, I’ll come back to get my lightstick and return the clothes.

(They are a bit long but no, I'm not short. You're just abnormally tall. O_O)

I'm sorry I did not wait for you before I left. I just had to go early.

But do have a great day and see you later, potato-ahjussi! ^_^v




I am not a potato, damnit. Chanyeol wanted to be annoyed. He really, really wanted to be annoyed but he found himself smiling like an idiot instead. Heck, he was still smiling after he finished getting dressed. Chanyeol went out his bedroom to find Nonna already in the kitchen.

"Chanyeol! You're up early. Come have breakfast. Where is my little Baekhyunnie?"

"Your Baekhyunnie's not here. He already left."

"Park Chanyeol, what did you do? Did you have a fight? The sun's barely up. Why did you let him go at this hour? What if something bad happens to him? The poor baby." The old woman was alternately wringing her hands and glaring at Chanyeol.

"I didn't do anything! And we didn't fight. It was his decision to go out early and besides he'll be back later. Stop frowning at me, halmeoni."

"You could have at least taken him where he needed to go. That's what good boyfriends do."

"Halmeoni--" He was spared from once again denying his relationship with Baekhyun by the sound of the doorbell and Zitao's voice over the speaker. Chanyeol went to open the door.

"Well, look who's early," he said but Zitao just walked past him. "You know the combination to all my locks, why do you have to knock?"

As usual, the younger boy ignored him. "Where's Baekhyun?"

"He already left."

"What do you mean he already left? I told you to watch over him."

"Excuse me? Last time I checked I was your employer." Zitao rolled his eyes at him. Chanyeol was used to it but he was getting frustrated again with not knowing anything.

"Please tell me you at least got his phone number or something to contact him with?"

"No. But before you beat me to death, he did leave me a note saying he'll be back later."

"Taotao!" They turned to see the housekeeper walking towards them. The old lady proceeded to hug Zitao and if Chanyeol was in a better mood, he would have laughed at the picture the two of them made. His tall and tough assistant being crushed by a small, plump lady.

"Halmeoni, you can let go now." Zitao said while prying himself away from Nonna.

"Shush, I miss my Taotao. You rarely go to the mansion now. All of you kids. Even Kyungsoo and Chanyeol don't visit us anymore. I'm glad Jonginnie is staying with us right now but he told his grandmamma that he'll also be staying in his own house soon." The two boys heard the woman sniffle. "I used to remember when all of you were in the mansion fighting over my cookies."

"Don't cry, halmeoni." Zitao gingerly patted the older woman's shoulder. "We'll all try to visit soon, okay?"

"Okay. Oh and Chanyeol bring Baekhyunnie, too."

"Baekhyunnie?" Zitao asked in surprise. "You know Baekhyun, halmeoni?"

"Of course. Baekhyun, Chanyeol's boyfriend." Chanyeol could see Zitao's eyebrow rise at that bit of information. "Oh, dear. Chanyeol, should I have not told Taotao?"

"It's alright. I know who Baekhyun is." Zitao turned to Chanyeol. "Chanyeol's boyfriend."

"Shut up." Chanyeol said, exasperated. "Halmeoni, I've got to go early. I'll just eat at the office. Zitao, let's go."

They were in the car when Chanyeol spoke again. "Now, tell me everything you know about Byun Baekhyun."

Zitao spared him a glance as they turned into the main street. "Huh. You probably know more about him since you're his boyfriend."

"I'm not his boyfriend."

"Why don't you tell me how you met and I'll tell you what I think you need to know?"

Chanyeol believed that was the best offer he could get out if Zitao so he nodded. Now, all he had to do was find a way to tell Zitao everything except for that kiss. "Fine. Remember when Joey broke down?"




"Are you sure you're up to it?" Jongdae asked Baekhyun as he gave him the schedule sheet for Kyungsoo's upcoming activities. The fan club president called him earlier for the club meeting at a small noodle house at lunchtime. Baekhyun was grateful for the free food. He was starving. "This coming month will be a little hectic since there's a new project and Kyungsoo will have a lot of promoting to do. As Starlings--"

"We must always show our support," Baekhyun finished. "I'm up to it, prez."

"You look tired though. As tired as the last time I saw you, actually. Are you alright?" Jongdae frowned with concern.

"I'm fine, prez. Just a little bushed I guess. I didn't realize that it was this hard to look for a job." Baekhyun had spent the entire morning searching. He even left early from Park Chanyeol's apartment, thinking he'd have better luck in getting employed if he started out early. But it was the same. He couldn't find anything he could fit in. "I've been to a lot of places but I still got nothing."

"You know, you're going about this all wrong." The boy patted Baekhyun's shoulder. "What you should do is go to a placement agency."

"A placement agency?"

"Yes. There are lots of those around. You just give them your credentials and they're the ones who'll look for a job for you so you don't need to tire yourself too much."

Baekhyun thought that was a pretty good idea. He should start looking for one then. "Okay, prez. Thanks a lot for the tip. And I'd definitely attend the next event."

"No problem." Jongdae smiled as he waved him goodbye.




Kyungsoo drank deeply from a water bottle Lu Han gave him. His throat was a bit raw from all the rehearsals they've been doing for the past three days. He watched as his new partner smiled sweetly at him before taking a seat again to do some vocal stretches. Lu Han has been like that since they started working together. He was always smiling, always so generous and sweet but somehow, Kyungsoo was still wary of the other singer. It wasn't that he thought Lu Han was a fake; he was just a little uncomfortable because Lu Han's smiles rarely reached his eyes.

Kyungsoo could see him look at people shrewdly and calculatingly, as if judging their worth. It wasn't necessarily bad but it was a big contrast to his angelic reputation. Kyungsoo shrugged. As long as they were doing great with their collaboration, he really shouldn't mind, should he? What he should put his attention to was how to become a better performer.

He was grateful for the company's continued support and his career has been nothing but great since he started three years ago. Perhaps people thought that he had it easy since his family and the upper management of KSE was close, one of his uncles was even a member of the board, but they were wrong. Kyungsoo went through all the auditions and all the rigorous training before he debuted. It was often exhausting and frustrating but it was worth it. Hearing people on the streets sing along to his songs and seeing fans cheering him on was worth every drop of sweat and every tear he cried to get to where he was right now. Kyungsoo remembered his first stage so clearly as if it just happened yesterday. It was agreed upon that he should sing live to show everyone what Do Kyungsoo was really made of. The set was dark except for the scattered silver lights creating the illusion of a night sky riddled with stars. Kyungsoo was standing at the center of the stage and there were no props to distract from the real star of the moment. From the sidelines he saw Chanyeol and his parents cheering him on. He felt happy that his loved ones were there to support him but at the same time there was a sense of emptiness as he looked at the spot beside Chanyeol that should have been occupied by the only other person that was special to him.

Jongin promised him, he always did promise him, that when Kyungsoo debuts he would be there to sing along with him so Kyungsoo wouldn't be scared. Jongin promised to memorize the words so that his lips would move in time with his and it would look like Kyungsoo was just in front of a mirror practicing like he always does at home. But Jongin wasn't there. He understood that his friend needed space and time alone after his parent's car accident but it was still painful. It hurt not because Jongin broke his promise but because Kyungsoo wanted to be there for his best friend but he couldn't. He sang his debut song for Jongin, though. He couldn't be there in Europe with him but he could sing I'll be here because he would always be waiting for Jongin.

And now Jongin's back but Kyungsoo was confused. He has always imagined his friend's return. He saw himself smiling in welcome and giving him a big hug before bombarding him with questions of how he had been and what his plans were. In his mind, Kyungsoo actually was going to do that but when he got outside the Kim mansion the other day he was suddenly attacked by nerves. He sat there in his car and he couldn't move. Because he realized it has been three years and suddenly he wasn't sure if Jongin was still the same Jongin. If he was still the same boy who unconsciously tucks Kyungsoo's hair behind his ear and smiles down at him when Kyungsoo tells a corny joke. He was unsure if Jongin was still the Jongin who would just stare at him until he gets flustered and who'd finally laugh when Kyungsoo punches him for being insufferable.

Kyungsoo left without even seeing Jongin because he thought he needed time which was ridiculous considering they've already been apart for so long. He didn't count on still feeling that way when he finally saw Jongin at the office with Chanyeol. He was torn between running to him and running away from Jongin but he was too late to do either because his two friends already saw him. He was unprepared for the shock of his best friend standing not more than a few feet from him. He has changed--became taller, thinner and his face acquired a few sharp angles. His eyes remained the same though. They were still beautiful and still make Kyungsoo want to drown in them.

He tried to act normal and even gave Jongin a hug but once his arms were around his friend, there was a shock that went through him that made him immediately let go. Up until now he doesn't know what that was and why he only ever felt that with Jongin. Kyungsoo's resolved to get over that weird reaction as soon as possible since Jongin would be working for KSE and he doesn't want his friend to notice that he feels a little unsettled when he was around.

"Maybe you've had enough rest?" Kyungsoo looked up to see Lu Han smiling at him and he felt the censure behind the sugary sweet expression.

"Yes," he answered. He had to stop thinking about Jongin for the meantime and concentrate on rehearsals for he had a feeling that, despite Lu Han's angelic countenance, the Chinese singer would gladly pull his hair out if he didn't.





The number 01732 flashed on the led screen and Baekhyun sighed in relief. Finally, it was his turn. He has been inside the placement agency for more than four hours and he thought his wait would never end. He just realized that there were a lot of unemployed people just like him (he spent the waiting time chatting with everyone, actually). He was never really fully aware of what happened outside of University and his home. Perhaps he was kind of sheltered growing up because his parents didn't think that they would leave Baekhyun to face life alone so early.

Baekhyun approached the small cubicle he was assigned to. He patted his hair and straightened the clothes Chanyeol lent him. The white shirt was a bit big and the pants were long so he had to fold the sleeves and the pant legs several times for them to fit. But they were undoubtedly expensive and made of the best material. And they also smelled a little like Chanyeol--like fresh early winter breeze and cotton. He remembered when he smelled the same way as he leaned on to Chanyeol and kissed him and... really, now was not the time to think about those things. He was blushing a little though when he reached the recruiter's desk. He bowed and was directed to sit.

"Good Afternoon, Byun Baekhyun, isn't it?" The lady asked. Choi Ji Woo, her nameplate said. She looked to be in her 40's, a bit stern and intimidating.

"Yes," Baekhyun answered, beaming at the recruiter. He thought he shouldn't really be put out by the older woman's unwelcoming demeanor. She was most likely just tired from interviewing applicants all day that was why she was frowning. Well, at least Baekhyun hoped so.

The lady scanned the form he filled up earlier. "Male. 23. Hanyang University. Textile Fashion and Design. Hm. Undergraduate." Baekhyun could hear the emphasis on the last word. She read some more before looking at him again. "Although you went to a great school and your academic achievements are quite impressive, there aren't really a lot of jobs available that fits your credentials."

"I understand, I'm aware that I couldn't really find a job relating to my course as I haven't finished yet but I'm willing to apply for anything that's available," he said earnestly and then he smiled his Baekhyun smile. The lady was a little taken aback by the brightness of Baekhyun's expression and it was a known fact no one could resist Baekhyun when he unconsciously turns on the charm.

"Well, I mean, don't worry. I'll help you find something." She studied Baekhyun for a few moments. "You don't look like you could do anything manual, though. I'd say you fit office work better. It might be difficult though because you're an undergrad. But as I said, don't worry, I'll find a job for you as soon as possible."

"Thank you! I bet you've already helped thousands like me and you really are heaven sent," Baekhyun said with a grateful smile that made the woman smile back in return. "And Miss Choi, you should smile more because you're really pretty when you do." Baekhyun meant it.

He walked outside with a lighter heart and with a little more confidence for his future.

He looked at the darkening sky. It was already late and he promised to return to Park Chanyeol's apartment. He doesn't know why but he felt a bit excited just thinking of seeing Chanyeol again. He figured maybe it was just because it was nice talking with the tall guy. In the three days that he has known him, Chanyeol was oftentimes frowning but there were moments when he would smile that makes Baekhyun want to do things that would make him smile more. He believed that KSE's president wasn't a cold person. Even Tao, who doesn't show it, was fond of his employer and how many bosses would actually let their assistant talk to them like how Tao talks to Chanyeol?

Speaking of the black-haired boy, Baekhyun was nervous about their next meeting. He was sure the younger boy would ask more questions about his past. Baekhyun wasn't ready to tell anybody about his life because he didn't want anyone else dragged into his problems. He really couldn't stay at Chanyeol's house for long. He promised himself that he'd leave as soon as he gets a job and could afford to rent his own place. For the meantime, he resolved to be as quiet and as unobtrusive as possible. He knew he had the annoying habit of talking too much for his own good. He should probably stop calling the tall boy potato. It was just it was really funny how Chanyeol's nose would scrunch when he called him that and it was cute. He really should also stop thinking of him as cute because that would land him in all kinds of trouble, too, if the sudden quickening of his heartbeat with the thought of Park Chanyeol's face was any indication.

He reached Chanyeol's apartment building soon and waited by the entrance. Not long after he saw the headlights of a red car approach. Chanyeol went out and gave him a nod while Tao called out that he'd just park the car and he'd be up after them. Baekhyun quietly followed Chanyeol inside. They were on the opposite sides of the elevator and Baekhyun couldn't really stand the silence so even though he just told himself earlier to be less talkative he looked up and started to say something. But Baekhyun forgot what it was when he found Chanyeol staring at him. He saw the taller boy’s eyes travel slowly from his shoes up to his face and was a bit startled when his eyes met Baekhyun's. Chanyeol turned away and cleared his throat. "Uh, I was just... well, the clothes--"

"Yes, I'm gonna wash them immediately."

"No, that wasn't... What I meant was it’s good they fit." Chanyeol loosened his tie and looked uncomfortable.


They got out of the elevator and Chanyeol quickly went to open the door. Baekhyun was puzzled with the other's behavior when Chanyeol didn't say anything but proceeded to enter his bedroom. He went over to the coffee table and saw his lightstick was there. The note was already gone. He heard the door open and saw Tao walking towards him.

"I came by early today and you already left." There was censure in Tao's tone.

Baekhyun rubbed his hand against his nape. "I went out to find a job."

"But isn't it dangerous for you to go out alone? What if those men came after you again?"

"I was careful. That other time, I was just preoccupied so they were able to catch me unaware. Don't worry. I can take care of myself."

Tao shot him a dubious look but didn't argue. "Okay. But won't you tell me what's going on? I really want to help you out."

"I'm sorry, Tao. I can't. It's better for you to know less. But please know that I didn't do anything wrong. I know I can solve all of this, I just need time." He explained. Baekhyun was really touched that this boy, who was practically a stranger, was willing to help him out unlike his supposed friends and relatives who left him at the first sign of trouble.

"Could you at least tell me how you ended up here before I ran into you? Chanyeol-ssi told me how you two met at the bus stop--"

"What? He told you about... about that?" Baekhyun could feel his face burning up and he wanted to hide.

"Yeah. He told me he was about to enter the bus when you suddenly pulled him and his umbrella. Then he said it was because you've mistaken him for someone you know or something."

"That's all he said? That I pulled him and his umbrella?" he asked warily.

"Yes. Why was there something else?"

"Oh, no! There's nothing else."

Tao threw him a suspicious glance. "Okay. And then he told me you saw him again at the company and you were Kyungsoo-ssi's fan."

"Yes, I'm actually a Starling fan chant leader," he said proudly.

"That doesn't explain how you ended up sleeping here for two nights and why Nonna-halmeoni thinks you're Chanyeol's boyfriend."

Baekhyun was mortified. "It was a total misunderstanding! She just saw me come out from the bedroom and--"

"You slept in Chanyeol's room?"

"Well, yes." Baekhyun shook his head frantically. "But I slept on the floor. And no kissing happened. We never kissed!"

"No one said anything about kissing, Baekhyun-ah." Tao said with a teasing smirk.

Baekhyun wanted to sink on the carpeted floor. "Yes. Nobody said anything about kissing because there was never any kiss. None at all."

"Now that we've established that there was no kissing. How, may I ask, were you able to convince Chanyeol to let you stay here for those two nights?"

"He hasn't told you why?"

"He told me that it was because you needed a place to stay and he let you sleep here out of the kindness of his heart."

"Well, yes. That's what happened." Baekhyun could see the disbelief in Tao's face.

"Baekhyun-ah, there is no kindness in that person's heart."

"That's not true. Chanyeol-ssi is really kind."

"There's something you should know. Chanyeol and I grew up together. I know him. And no one has ever described him as kind before. Cold, yes but kind, never." Zitao went closer to Baekhyun. "He asked you for something in return, right? Tell me."

Baekhyun suspected that Tao didn't know about Chanyeol's feelings for Kyungsoo so he shouldn't tell him anything. Although he was kind of disconcerted as Tao continued to get closer to him, his dark eyes piercing. He matched Tao's every step forward with a step back until his back collided with a warm body and big hands held on to his arms.

"Ya, Zitao. What are you doing? I thought you said not to bully this stray pup."

Baekhyun was relieved to hear Chanyeol's deep voice behind him but couldn't help but pout when Chanyeol called him a stray pup. I'm not a puppy, he mumbled to himself.

"I was not bullying him. I was just asking him what you asked for in return for having him sleep here before. I was actually going to beat you up for it if you asked for something horrible." Zitao shrugged.

"May I remind you again that I am Park Chanyeol? Boss. Me. Zitao. Assistant. Yes?"

"Whatever. Talking to you both was really a waste of time. I'll go and you can keep your sleazy secrets but Baekhyun-ah here's my number." Zitao handed him a card. "Call me if you need any help, especially if Prince Charming here is giving you trouble." Baekhyun laughed at Zitao's sarcasm but nodded. The younger boy was really sweet even though he looked like an assassin.

"And Park Chanyeol, oh, I mean boss. Take care of Baekhyun and see you tomorrow." With that Zitao left.

"Tsk. I really should fire him." Chanyeol grumbled. And Baekhyun was suddenly conscious of how they were standing so close together.

"Uh, Chanyeol-ssi, you can let go of me now."

Chanyeol immediately stepped away. There was an awkward silence before Chanyeol spoke. "Where's your phone?"

Baekhyun was confused with the question but he took out his mobile. "Here."

To Baekhyun's surprise, Chanyeol snatched it up and typed something on it. He heard a faint ring somewhere and after a few moments Chanyeol returned his phone. "There, I got your number and I saved my number on your phone."

Baekhyun saw the number was saved under the name President Park Chanyeol. He secretly laughed at the formality.

"If ever you're in trouble call Zitao, he's the best." Baekhyun also thought it was funny how Chanyeol just repeated Tao's instructions. "I don't like being second in anything but after him, call me."

It wasn't funny though how his heart lurched at those last words. "Okay," he said and somehow he couldn't take his eyes off Chanyeol. There was something happening here that was making Baekhyun's insides unsteady. It was like... he felt like he was falling. No.

Chanyeol cleared his throat again. "Fine. I'm off to bed so just do whatever it is that you do and well, go in after."

Baekhyun's eyes followed him until he disappeared to his bedroom then he promptly slumped on the couch, holding onto his lightstick tightly. No, Byun Baekhyun, no. He couldn't afford feeling this way. Just no.




Baekhyun was lying on his side on the floor when he was awakened by the buzzing of his phone beside his ear. He yawned as he looked at the time. So early. The email notification was blinking and when he saw URGENT on the subject, he hurriedly read the message.


Fr: [email protected]

To: [email protected]


Mr Byun,


Good news! I think I might have found a great position for you.

It is a contractual job but the pay is good and they are immediately hiring.

Please bring a copy of your resume and the recommendation form attached to this email. The address of the company is in a separate attachment.

You have a scheduled interview at 10AM, today.

I hope you get the job. Good luck!


Yours sincerely,

Choi Ji Woo

Senior Recruiter. WEC


He quickly opened the attachments and his mouth fell open as he read the name of the company: KStar Entertainment.







an: ack almost one month before i was able to update ;;;
but good thing is its nearing xmas vacation \o/
so hopefully faster updates..
and also sorry for this 7,7k of word vomit.. 
i hope to hear from you guys so i could maybe make this a better fic.. maybe.. orz


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ill be replying to the comments soon.. omg just so many but i will. ilu guys


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Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Oh my gosh at last I FINISHED THISSSSS so yes i really haven’t read this before and I maybe late but oh well better late than never lmao
Eleyeol_614 #2
Chapter 24: Maybe am too late for the party but thissssss...this isssss ssooooooo perfect...
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Your username’s really familiar so i thought I’ve read this one before huhuhu my mind must have forgot this,, silly me
So I came across a twt about this fic. I don’t remember reading this before so might as well read it now lol
akipop #5
Beau1996 1370 streak #6
Very glad to find and read this story - I try hard to read all Chanbaek!!
Chapter 3: So good 😭
bap_panda #8
Hi author nim! So i decided to read this again for the nth time! I was in hs the moment my friend recommended me your fic, now I have my own child. Oh my god, it's been so long! Your work is still one of the most memorable fics Ive read. It's wonderful and it's actually one of my stress reliever ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for this, author nim
Chanbyun614 #9
Chapter 1: omg idk what i should do?? That was so sweet ahhh
Chanbyun614 #10