

In which Yesung goes for a walk and Kyuhyun blushes.


Yayyy!!! 40...an even number.

Prompt:scarf-sharing, Prompt #40
Title: Warmth
Pairing(s): Kyusung
Summary: In which Yesung goes for a walk and Kyuhyun blushes.
Rating: G
Word Count: 15,180
Author's Note: This was written for desertspade as part of the kyusungfest on Livejournal. Since it was published there I will do the same here.



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Chapter 1: Gosh it's winter now, and when I read this fic again I'm like yes, it's dang cold outside. But Kyusung always warms my heart, just like this wonderful story did. I love how you make the simplest things like going Kyuhyun going out to look for Yesung so endearing and heartfelt. Great work : ).
Chapter 1: Ok this is the 2nd story i have read in my marathon and now i am goin to comment on it. BTW i hink i should report you for being a AWESOME writer. I mean seriously you write A+ stories!!!! this story had me squealing and grinning like a idoit.
Chapter 1: I was reading this, originally hope for some serious fluff (Because I need some after reading a incredibly terrifying Eunhae) but it started out soo depressing and I wanted to cry.
But then Kyuhyun came in and made it all better. It was so cute.
I just love these two. and Jongwoon worrying about being able to take care of everyone even as he's trying to bundle Kyuhyun up while giving up his own warmth. If that's not a contradiction, then I don't know what one is any more. haha^^
And then Kyuhyun's so adorable reaction to Jongwoon back at the dorm, trying to to reveal that he's blushing is just so cute. ^^
I think this is the first of your stories I have read since I'm usually on LJ instead of AFF but I'll probably stalk through your stuff sometime. ^^ Especially if they're all good like this one is.

Chapter 1: YaY!!! More Fics^^ that was adorable!!!
Also the ninja KyuSung pics are the same one I posted on Tumblr so YAY (for me that you added it anyway)(⌒▽⌒) I love this soo much!!! Sweet Kyu is too cute XD
ice420 #5
Chapter 1: You are soo sneaky. I didn't even know this one. And I can't remember if I have commented on "Promise". Hmm.. Will check later.

I could just curse that stupid wind. Like Kyu, it was soo close!!! A bit more and.. oh well *looks at you* You have got to give me that french soon. Grr..

Yesung, the ever worry wart. Good thing Kyu's there to talk some sense to him. I have read somewhere that Teuk's the leader but Yeye's the invisible leader. Dunno how reliable it was but apparently, Teuk said it himself. The members all respect him and look up to him and I have found quite a few vids where members were kinna wary of him *lol*. The only person who loves to really is babyKyu. Hae's brand of teasing is cute ad Siwon's sweet ^^ But I still love Kyu's way.

Good job and congratz on 40!!! You know I love reading your fics so never ever stop!!!!
thursday #6
Chapter 1: so sweet and nice. this was good.
fishyyy #7
Chapter 1: called it, i had a feeling you weren't going anywhere soon!
haha welcome back and thanks for the update!
lahdeedah000 #8
Chapter 1: Dawww! Fluffy fluffy fluff! :D

THANKYU for talking sense into Yesung, I agree, he does seem to have a bunch of ridiculousness stuffed into his head at times...but that's what makes him cute, kekeke. The entire interaction with the scarf and all was just pure amazingness! I love how they're both unbelievably stubborn, and yet they know when who should give in to the other. Just adsfasdfasdf >.<

And GAH! The end! Hehehe oblivious Yesung and shy(and slightly naughty, but mostly shy xD) Kyu! I have no words... ~insert massive fangirling~

AND OMG where's that first pic/the one you have for your background from???? O_O

~sighs~ I'd leave a longer (ahem spazzier ahem) comment, but I've been procrastinating too long on my pre-calc homework..... T_T But at least I can go do that with Kyusung in my head, kekeke
Oh a new one~ I can't wait until I have some free time to read it >.< I know how time consuming your stories can be. Lol