Yes, Ma'am

Touch of Fear
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Soon a few weeks passed since Kai's apology and much to Ara's fortune, everything stayed peaceful. Hyejin's face had literally lit up once she had gotten home that day, and the elder sister was truly relieved to see Hyejin being her old self again. She even allowed the younger girl to spend some time with Kai again, as she had thought about Sehun's friends quite a bit during the week. They often came to the library and after watching them from the corner of her eye almost every day, Ara came to the conclusion that they really didn’t seem so bad. Sehun had also told her so, and as for this male, she could say that they were on good terms now. Maybe even friends. Nah, the girl shook her head, not really friends.


In all honesty, Ara wasn’t all too familiar with the term friend. After elementary school, she didn’t have all too much free time anymore, so meeting with classmates was never possible and soon her circle shrank, and when she transferred to this high school, she didn’t have any contact with her old classmates anymore. She hadn't exactly been close with them anyway. Ara was always more on her own, and she was content with it. However, that seemed to have changed a tiny little bit, although the girl didn’t realize it. She wasn’t by herself anymore, there was a certain someone who'd become her company.



Working with Sehun had been surprisingly pleasant as he was doing his part of the work and he was doing it precisely. And sometimes after working on the project, he would go the restaurant Ara was working part-time at and eat there. The girl didn’t understand why he wanted to stay there until her shift was over and then follow her until she reached her house. It wasn’t as if she couldn’t get home alone.


Are didn’t exactly know why he was always following her, but at the same time she'd gotten used to it. Having Sehun around her was like … like having air around her. He was always there, almost as if he was part of their surroundings. However, the girl didn’t realize what the comparison between him and air meant in her subconsciousness. 


Air is vital to humans, and one can’t divest oneself of it.



“The last subtopic,” Sehun said, handing the girl a few paper sheets. She quickly skimmed over them and nodded her head. “Alright.”


The presentation was tomorrow and the two of them had been eagerly working on it the past week. Every single day they met to work on their power-point presentation. It was much work, but Ara also came to realize that she was somehow glad Sehun became her partner for this, although she wouldn’t admit it.


The girl quickly added the points of the last subtopic to their power-point presentation and saved everything. Sehun pulled out the pen drive and put it in his pocket – it was his after all – before he turned to look at Ara. “We're finished,” he said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. The girl nodded her head and replied in a soft tone, “Yes, we are.”


Today the other boys hadn't come as they had to meet up with their partners to look over their project since tomorrow was the day of the presentation, so the two of them had been alone. Having packed their stuff together, they left the library. As they were walking through the empty corridor – it was quite late already – Ara glanced over her shoulder to the male. “Are you going to … my working place today?” She awkwardly asked, eying him from the side. Usually, when they finished this late, he'd just tag along.


Sehun turned his face a bit and gave her a nod of his head. “Yeah.” The corners of his lips curled up to a soft smile.


Ara was getting used to his smiles, and somehow she felt that he was smiling more than before, wasn’t he? Even his friends had pointed that out when they were in the library two days ago. As for them, Ara had gotten to know them a tiny bit better during the past week. From the way they were behaving in front of her, they just seemed like a bunch of kids. But Ara knew they weren't just that, and indeed there was a small spark of curiosity tugging at her conscience as to what their real characters were.


Her thoughts were interrupted when a beep erupted. It was a familiar sound. It was the sound of Sehun's cellphone. Ara watched as the boy's face darkened when he looked at the display. Breathing out angrily, he stuffed the phone back in his pocket and fastened his pace. “Let's go,” he said a bit louder than he

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57 streak #1
Chapter 2: Oh no! Falling in love with the prices at the school ain't good, especially if they are one of the Kings. This turn of event swill either make Ara more protective or create a small break in their otherwise tight bond.
57 streak #2
Chapter 1: Ara doesn't want to crash her sister's happiness but she will find out herself when she goes to the school and sees how her sister is treated.

An exciting start!

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qinwang #4
amazing story
905 streak #5
Chapter 6: What is their mother works for his father's company?
But she already got fired so.. don't think so
905 streak #6
Chapter 5: I was thinking about the calm before the storm thingy and even author said that xD now that was funny
905 streak #7
Chapter 4: i was holding my breath :)
905 streak #8
Chapter 4: i was holding my breath :)
905 streak #9
Chapter 3: and it's kai! xD i'm worried about her.. it's really a 50-50 chance whether those kings would be good or bad
905 streak #10
Chapter 2: she's in love with kai im guessing?