

People tend to ignore the fact that the indirect Kyumin kiss, wasn't the only indirect kiss that happened on the 7th Anniversary Celebration Concert. The participants know better.


Hello there! ~

As you can probably tell, this was inspired by the 121020 7th Anniversary kissing game. I got pissed off at all: "Kyaaa! Kyumin had an indirect kiss! Kyaa!" that I saw everywhere, so I decided to make another version... And then it took me almost three months to edit it properly. This is why I am posting it such a long time after the event took place. Sorry.

And also, I have real problems with keeping the characters that I did not create in character so I don't write much fanfiction (forgive me if my characters are OOC) Actually, this is the first time I am posting some of my fanfiction work. I didn't plan for it to happen but after seeing the video this idea just wouldn't leave me alone until I put it in writing. So there you go.

Hope you like it~

(and forgive my awful sentence structure,commas and I have some serious relationship issues)


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389 streak #1
Chapter 1: Aaaw so that was the reason xD I really want more from this version 🤭
Chapter 1: This indirect kiss saga in Kyusung version is so awesome.
I love how you made it Kyusung-mode, Author-nim.
I wonder if they both would ever arrive in the after-party place hahaha
Liza_Blessedx2 #3
Chapter 1: Oh my Kyusung Heart!!!! Only kisses from Yesung can assuage a possessive and jealous Kyu...... love it <3
yuuri_eriful #5
Why am I just seeing this now? Why do I feel like I just missed half of my life?! ( I'm new here that's why )

Oh god, while reading this I was like *kyaa* and then *kyaa* and then >///< . ( I'm sorry if you are having a hard time understanding/reading my comment. ) I like this, I really do. Really, as in really really.
AKOK_sonya #6
Chapter 1: Ah~~~ I love it so much. It's so cute. Thank you. This is wonderful.
Chapter 1: Wow; I never realized kissing could be so hot. O_O
Your borderline is very good; hehe.
Kyu so possessive and cute of his 'Sungie. ^^
I liked this one a lot. :3
Chapter 1: Oh god my feels xD
I have read this the first time you posted it but I just giving comment now. I'm sorry.
Giving you comment keep bugging me because you deserve it. Though my comment is not great at all. Haha

This fic is HOT. And it doesn't even has real in it.
When I read this, I'm grinning like maniac.
And my stomach doing all the weird stuff. With just kisses! Lol
You'll be great author. So keep writing ne. Writing kyusung ofc. Haha.

And this fic become one of my favorite. I think if you ever will write longer story, that will be more awesome than this.

Sorry for my bad english.