

In which Jongwoon leaves Kyuhyun speechless and Kyuhyun needs a little push to confess his feelings, only ... it is not quite how he imagined it would turn out.


Title: Speechless

Pairing: Kyuhyun/Yesung

Genre: Romance, fluff, little bit of angst

Warnings: Sensuality and references to mild ual content.

Rating: PG-13

Notes: My entry for sujuexchange's Holiday Exchange Fic 2012. I wrote this for Vicky angelye and the prompt was Speechless by City Boy.


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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Absolutely loved that ending <3
398 streak #2
Chapter 1: 1, Kill Ryeowook

2, Thank Ryewook

trash217 #3
Chapter 1: OMG this was sooo cute I really loved and it's super awesome! I love your writing so much and this fic is so adorable! Thank you so much~~~~~~~~ (I couldnt stop smiling while reading it)
Chapter 1: I think I've read and commented about this story already in LJ. Hehe.
But I read it all over again here, so why not put another comment, yes?

I loved everything about it.
KRY feels is just right about in every corner of this story... Thank you so much Wookie for that push! Hehehe

That train-thing Kyu has going on in real life, hoping he'd meet his soulmate in a train ride or in the subway, so cool that it was incorporated here! Lovely... And Yesungie's reaction is every bit good but realistic too in here :D Good job authornim!

More KyuSung please? :D <3
pinkeyesmile #5
I love Kyu in this fic, I swear *^*
Cenya14 #6
Chapter 1: Cute story, happy there were able to come together
angelamy #7
Chapter 1: drunk kyu so hot O_O .... sweeeet fanfic