Hope Is A Dream That Doesn't Sleep


Kyuhyun is a young angel, unaware of most of the dangers that lurk the Earth as he's sent to retrieve souls to guide home, although he learns quickly that he should never have wandered around the realm when he encounters two blood thirsty vampires. He never would've guessed that his fate would include him to be saved by an angel's worst enemy, nor would he have guessed the adventures that followed. 




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398 streak #1
Chapter 14: No update? This?!? CLIFFHANGER!!! T_________T
398 streak #2
Chapter 9: I'm not fond of yekyu, since I love kyusung more XD but this is okay, I can handle it >///////<
398 streak #3
Chapter 6: Be his lover Kyuhun! Be Yesung's lover! #screaming like hell XDD
398 streak #4
Chapter 2: It's seriously a good story! Wuah! I can't wait to read another chapters!
398 streak #5
Chapter 1: why am I so late to read this!!!??? >___<
vpurple #6
Chapter 14: omg i'm so glad i accidentally stumbled across this fic because this was so, so, SO phenomenal!!!!! i loved everything about it, the romance was just so perfect, i loved the mystery and angst and lore, it was really excellently written!! kinda sad that you never finished, but thank you so much for writing what you did and sharing such a wonderful story with us all!!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 14: Please update ~~~~~
Chapter 14: Please update this tooT-T
Chapter 14: Update please
fatimakys #10
Chapter 14: Wools I finely read it all0-0
But please will you update soon??
And ohhhhhh I loved your story sooooooo much 303 so please tell me when you update .
I really want to know what will happen