The Perfect Scene


Kibum finds himself being in a perfect scene whenever there's a certain Yesung by his side, be it secret smiles exchanged with interwined hands few fans could catch or just hugging each other back stage and talking about everything under the sun, he was in love with his best friend.



the perfect scene  

Title: The Perfect Scene
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Pairing: Kibum/Yesung
Type: One-shot
Rated: PG-13
a/n: Typed at school. YL got so frustrated with me typing away xD my school has wifi! 
Inspired by: Mercy Mercedes - The Perfect Scene
Summary: Kibum finds himself smiling at every little thing his best friend does, and he wouldn't lie that he wasn't in love with the dorky best friend of his, Yesung.

All in all, it's the perfect scene and there's not anywhere that I would rather be. )





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lunermist #1
Omo!!!! I absolutely love your story!!
KcuLL22 #2
Chapter 1: I always love ur story and all the pictures is just adorable :D
yewonlove #3
So cuteeee!!! I adore you author!! I love this fic soooo much!! How can i describe this?!
memoire- #4 sweet<3
I was laughing so much at the 3rd to last picture xDD KIBUM LOOKED LIKE A FREAKIN CREEPER <3 But I still love him
somerandomcassie #6
First time I see this pairing, and it's sooooo cute :3