From China Love E.L.F


Melissa Bueller and her best friend Leah Chase, are heading to China for their international relations class as an assignment to learn the culture. They unexpectedly get an opportunity of a lifetime.



''I can't believe you talked to me into this,'' Leah grumbled.

I rolled my eyes and nudged her playfull, ''Come on chica,you've gotta admit, if we don't get caught... this will be one of our memorable memories, we'll look back and laugh at.''

 She glared, ''I prefer not to be thrown in jail in a foreign country, if I wanted to go to jail so badly I'd stay in the states....where I know I could understand what they're saying to me.''

''Where's your sense of adventure?'' I smiled convincingly giving her my mega watt smile.

She sighed before looking at me straight in the eye, ''Alright.... but if we get caught, I call the top bunk and if anyone asks, you're my .''

I grinned cheekily, ''That's the spirit.'' I wrapped an arm around her shoulders as we turned.


We turned the corner, our heads on top of each others, trying to see if anyone was coming, seeing no one we swiftly walked to the the room that had a familiar name embleshined in gold.

I gave her a curt nod as I turned the doornob, ignoring sweaty palms, I opened the door.

We looked around it, before we spotted a familiar picture.

The door closed on our way in, the word, ''Hangeng'' in chinese characters also in bold black english letters.

 Tonight were going to meet the dancing king of superjunior, Hankyung.

Shisus help us.





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2032 streak #2
Chapter 5: Wow! I was surprised to get a subscription update notice for a story I kinda had no idea of. I looked into the comments and noticed it's been over five years. I read the new update but sadly, I didn't remember the previous happenings of the story. So maybe I'll come back later to read the entire story again. Nonetheless, this was a nice chapter ^^
Casually upcoming and commenting all of your stories. Don't mind me ^^

Happy birthday
2032 streak #4
Chapter 4: Wow! I like this story already... When are you going to update the next chapter?
I can't wait to read more :) So please update soon...
Guitarlovechild #5
Chapter 3: Now we are getting to the good part. I can hardly wait.
ikonSJ #6
Chapter 3: Update soon!!^-^