Watching a Movie



When Kyuhyun & Yesung watch DVD with Heechul.


Warning : This is very random because I don't know I just feel like writing it.

Grammar mistakes everywhere and awkward english. Un-betaed. I didn't re-read this fic again so... hi.

and btw its inspired by this

so bye.


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Chapter 1: I love fan fics with these 3. Always. Always. I love it. Because they are my holy trinity of biases. Yesung my ultimate bias, Heenim my first love, and Kyuhyun the evil maknae that I cannot disregard even if I tried before (but he keeps on showing up on top of my bias list, it's crazy!)

So thank you so much for this. I love it also that KyuSung is in a relationship but Yeye isn't the lovesick always blushing "girl" in it.

I hope you can make more of this alternate universe, and yes please with Heechul again! Or Donghae, Ryeo.. maybe Sungminnie even if he is awkward with Yeye :D
mayosh #2
Chapter 1: LOL seriously, discussing the background song now? XD
Cenya14 #3
Chapter 1: Lol random but funny, thanks
Chapter 1: Why did chulie even come >~< they might have been more romantic cough cough xD
Chapter 1: Well that wad indeed very random xD
ice420 #6
I can't stop loling when KyuSung noticed the song instead of the movie. Poor Heenim. Wonder who gave Yeye that movie. Cute fic, hon!! Random and fun.
Chapter 1: omg XD i loved this <3
thanKyu for this :D
midnight #8
Speaking of comments, I forgot to comment on this one. Kyusung are fails....lmao...seriously? I thought they would kick Heechul out and find some inspiration from the movie, instead the idiots talk about music....FAIL!!

Cute fic, Love ♥
KcuLL22 #9
Chapter 1: discussing the composer in the middle of the movie. is it bcos the scene or they really curious about the music? lol random but cute^^
Melodyewonkyu #10
Chapter 1: OMG too cute as they fidget and awkward to see the but best in action themselves.