My Bloody Valentine




In a time of war, two lover's hold onto each other desperately for support.
But as each day passes by, their sanity chips away piece by piece.
The sky is darkened by the sorrow and despair of the people, and the streets are stained crimson from the people who has sacrificed themselves for a better life in the afterworld.
Bloodshed continues, death tolls rise beyond imagination,  and the war is approaching closer by each minute spent in hiding.
How much longer can the lover's hold on for?






Sorry, I was going to post this on Valentine's Day, but I didn't want to dampen anyone's happy mood ._.






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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 1: So relieved I didn't read this on Valentines was bad enough!!! So emotional, but that Kyusung Love tho. <3
397 streak #2
Chapter 1: oh my god! I read this today, Feb 14th 2020, Valentine day, and I'm single, good T___T
Chapter 1: Euheheueheu made me cry ;-; my poor yekyu ><
Chapter 1: i hate war, i always hate war T.T
it's so sad, gloomy but yet beautiful i think, the way Kyu admired Yesung, i love it!
TaiShanNiangNiang #5
Chapter 1: Oh it was so vivid and emotional - waaaah...
You really have some serious writing skills!
Hope you had a WONDERFUL birthday :)
justaweirdisho #6
Chapter 1: I guessed this really was going to be full of angst when you said it's for all those who are single.
It started being sad right from when who I'm guessing is Kyuhyun opened his eyes.
Happy Belated Birthday !
Thanks for posting this.
Chapter 1: What the... I HATE YOU. I really do.
How could you do that?! I just can't. ;-;

The story was sad enough starting off with the explanation of the war (it's such a sensitive topic that I really don't like to think about) and then you go and do that... I wanna bawl my eyes out.

On another note, your writing is amazing! It kinda just makes me wanna throw out all of my work and never write again because I'm so terrible at it. xD <3
novasanb #8
Chapter 1: O my God...i wanna cry so bad. My poor heart. This is so sad. So sad. Heart i know how it feels. This is exactly what i feel right now.