The End.





Kyuhyun should’ve seen it.
Kyuhyun should’ve noticed all those signs, those warnings that were so blatantly obvious.
They were dropped, hinted at; every minute, every hour of the day….how did he miss it?
How could he have been so ignorant?
And now he’s gone.
After much suffering, and putting weak defenses up, his wall finally crumbled and he went insane.
His sanity, his control of life went spiraling down into darkness, leaving him with nothing to hold onto; no hope, no protection.
Kim Jongwoon lost his own battle. 






Warning*: Much angst, and character death/suicide. 
Some information may be inaccurate, so please correct me if I'm wrong.




Hey guys~
So obviously isn't my most happy and fluffiest story. I actually wrote this based on information that I elarned from my Health and Psychology class. We had lessons that covered suicide and depression, so I decided I wanted to write this. 

This story is not intended to encourage suicide. Instead, this story is for people to notice and realize that someone around them may be suicidal,and they need to notice the signs before it's too late. (Not to make anyone paranoid or anything). I just want people to know that there are some out there who are suffering alone, and they may be rejecting you on the outside, but in the inside, they really need someone to hold them up high until they finally find their way through.

I have a friend that I treasure a lot who is going through this, so I completely understand these sorts of situation. I've been suicidal before, but I managed to pull myself out of it and is now battling mild depression. 

Also, for those out there who are suicidal, please know that there are always people who love you a lot. 
If you are afraid to speak to anyone in real life, you could consult to any of your friends online. I'm sure they'll be willing to help and encourage you :)
(I'll also be open to anyone who just needs a 'shoulder to cry on', or someone to rant to.)

Anyways, hope you'll enjoy this story maybe enjoy isn't the right word and stay strong ♥




Haha! So many typos and grammatical errors. I'll fix them later. Pay no heed to them >.


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398 streak #1
Chapter 1: Finally, find this story again

Just want to let you know, I read this years ago but forgot to leave comment. Just want to let you know too that your story saved my son's life who's struggling with bullying and depression. I almost lost him, but since I remember your story, I did all effort that I could based on the symptoms. Thank you so much for sharing beib!
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 1: I have a massive big lump in my throat right now and can't hold back the tears!!!! It's a very difficult subject to write about but you did it well.
fatimakys #3
Chapter 1: ouch!!! it was good writing tho!
Cenya14 #4
Chapter 1: Great job writing the story. Its such a hard painful thing for people to go through but i think you did a great job of depicting the kind of thoughts and actions ppl take when they get to this point in a depressive state.
looshyhooshy #5
Chapter 1: I liked it.. ♡
It is sad in a beautiful way ..
Poor kyuhyun he was left alone!
Yesung :'( .. I'm sa sad for your misery!!
Chapter 1: Oh. My. God. This is so damn sad! You are so good at angst and I hate it. xD
Just gonna go cry now... :P
Chapter 1: I almost cried at this D; I'm not sure what's the right word to describe this story... I would say I liked it, but... I don't know actually because it almost made me cry because I'm going through something similar... but it's really well written, and I really like how you captured all the emotions so well ^^
Chapter 1: oh my god T.T why?? why??i cry a river here.. this is really sas but i love it :')