Tell You Goodbye



I remember when there were just me and you. You knew everything about me as well as i knew all about you.

But now everything was changed along the time that passed. No more you that laugh with me. No more you that listen to me. No more you by my side....


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389 streak #1
Chapter 1: it's so sad, but I'm proud with what Sungie did, he walked to the right path

I reread this and then realized that I haven't left a single comment tho I read this years ago, I'm so stupid
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 1: He was not a best friend to you Yeye... he did not deserve you, It's time to move on and hopefully find someone who will treat as you in such a way that will bring healing to your broken heart.
Chapter 1: Aww.. I'm sorry for you Yeye.. But if ever I was your friend, I'd be telling you to stop being his bestfriend just to hurt yourself. Just cry about it now, but move on. :')
yewonlove #4
I know what you feel my yesungie! *sobs* i need tissues please..TTATT
it's great but sooo sad...
make a sequel, please...
I can't stop crying :( my Yesung is so sad :(
I really hope that he can be with Kyuhyun because I love Kyusung the most.

I will go and read the sequel ^^
Great hopes for a better end :p
Aww, I really wish that there was more because maybe, Kyu can find it in his heart that maybe it had already belonged to Yesung??XD A sequel, maybe??XD
Ooh,,poor yesung !! :s I would like to read more !! It's sad that it's already done. (: