All At Once


In which Kyuhyun battles paranoia, finds his courage,  skillfully deals with a disaster and contemplates his future, whilst Yesung decorates a tree and untangles strings of lights and together they drink hot chocolate.


I can't remember. I never do either.

This was written for Haley_Quinn, as a birthday present. I was supposed to finish it since December 3rd, it's like 32K, so that should be enough to be forgiven right?? LOL

Happy Belated Birthday Love!

Thanks for the patience and  I tried my best to incorporate everything you wanted in the prompt into the fic. The story itself has alot of elements of Christmas so I hoped to publish it before Christmas. Let's hope I can get it edited before then ^^

Merry Christmas to Everyone! ♥


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389 streak #1
Chapter 6: wow author-nim~ It's really a great story! Chapter 5 made my heart stop LOL

upvote <3
389 streak #2
Chapter 2: the kissing scene ohemji!
389 streak #3
Chapter 1: Kyuhyun was so scared with Mrs. Kim, cuteeeeee! XD
Chapter 5: Omg jongjinnie. I had a mini heart attack right there hahaahhaha
ice420 #5
Chapter 2: OMG.. so sorry. I didn't know you already posted this. Now I am gonna save this and read it afterwards. Honey, you know am gonna love this but I'll be back and tell you all about it :D
Chapter 6: This was perfect really, ert Kyu, the I love you's, Yesung making breakfast and reprimanding said ert Kyu XD. The whole story was really heart warming and perfect for the holiday season. I know its sometimes hard to write for this fandom, but I really appreciate that you still do. (You may not really care about my opinion on this) but I do believe you are an awesome and talented writer. Thank you for another sweet kyusung story : )
Chapter 6: And the ending was perfect! I hope you enjoyed writing it as much as I enjoyed reading it. Really it was good. I think you did everything I asked. Snuggles and Christmas tree decorating and even some surprise sassiness. 'I can't get over that line in the third chapter, so sassy! Yesung really if you don't want me to think of you as the wife stop acting so wife-like! But really don't' I can see some confessing to the family coming up and angst that will break my heart but hopefully have a happy ending. I’m confident that the siblings and the moms will take a confession well or at least grow to understand it. It’s the two dads who scare me. Again I know that that drama is not coming anytime soon, maybe not at all but I hope I have a chance to read it.
I do really like reading your stories, I just want to keep reminding you of that, you're a really good author Naz.
P.S Yesung in the kitchen cooking 'maybe in a cute ruffled apron' and Kyuhyun sneaking up behind him and giving him lovely hugs next to the stove. Gah too cute, my mind is going to break with all its new fantasy’s thanks to you. :)
Have a happy new year!
Chapter 5: Oh my god, now I know I'm commenting too much but I can't not because Kyuhyun just answered a call from Jongjin like a cute adorable derp! Really I thought he might just loose his mind and spill everything right there and then ANOTHER person would know, too many people know already you know, Kyuhyun and Yesung are terrible at secretes. Kyuhyun mostly, I mean after Changmin knows it's basically all over, lol.
I think Kyuhyun handled it all as well as he could, I'm anxious for the actual confession to the family. That’s the next milestone they have to make in the continuum, right or is it ‘intimacy’ ‘I’m smiling so wide right now, I’m a ert.’ I'm excited for both of course but I know it won't be anytime soon that it happens so I'm just sit here and wait and meantime read lots and lots and lots of cute cuddly Kyuhyun and Yesung acting like a married couple. :)
There's more right? I can't wait to see Yesung's reaction to all of this it's sure to be cute boarding on nagging, lol.
yekyu3424 #9
Woaaaa..... I hope I can finish read this tomorrow ><
Chapter 5: Whoa, for a minute there I felt like a deer in the headlights, one of those oh sh** moments when Kyu answered the phone. I seriously thought Jongjin was going to find out, but thank God Kyu can come up with quick lies. This was a more suspenseful chapter, so I can only hope there is more fluff and kisses to come to make up for that almost heart attack I had XD. Great work as always! I can never get enough of Kyusung, especially the wonderful way you write them. Fighting authornim! : )