Chapter 4

MAMACITA: Secrets of San Mar Valley
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Eunhyuk holds a bullfighting show with a last-minute change. 



"Pick a card, my love." Kyuhyun handed the deck to Missy. "Any card."

Missy tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and took a card. MinJi couldn't believe he was continuing to cheat girls out of their money. She was beginning to think that he might actually spit slime from his soul. Missy put the card back into the deck and Kyuhyun shuffled the cards around.

"Is this your card?" Kyuhyun pulled a random card from the deck after shuffling a little, showing a five of clubs. Missy squealed, making MinJi's ears cringe.

"Well since I got it right, I win your five dollars. Correct?" Kyuhyun pinched Missy's cheek. "Hand it over."

Missy happily handed him the money. She really must be stupid if she thought he won that fairly, MinJi thought.

"That's a gag deck," MinJi called out, gaining their attention. "That whole deck is the same card. The real deck is in your pocket."

"Who are you to say such things?" Missy stood and put her hands on Kyuhyun, which he seemed to like. "Cho Kyuhyun is a perfect man!"

"It's okay, Missy." Kyuhyun snickered, patting Missy's back. She suddenly had her arms around his shoulders and started kissing him on his face, then his jaw to his neck. He was so casual about it as if it wasn't even happening. "Let her think what she wants. Oh MinJi, why don't you go now? I don't need you causing this lovely young lady here any more distress."

"Yeah, because she obviously looks distressed!" MinJi rolled her eyes at how disgusting they were. When she turned to leave, she suddenly bumped into someone. Was that a common thing that happens here?

"Can't I ever catch a break from you?" Donghae whined, "Watch where you're going."

"I'm sorry if I annoy you," MinJi replied.

"Annoy isn't even close to the right word. You're just as bad as Kyuhyun with this offer and that offer." Donghae focused on the ground, seeming like he was following a trail. "If it wasn't for this sudden incident I would've been running out of this town the moment you approached me."

"That's a little harsh." MinJi pouted. That comment made Donghae pause so he could take a deep breath. He shut his eyes as he did so, clearly debating on whether to say another snide comment or keep it to himself. He exhaled through his nose, already knowing what a certain someone would be saying to him.

"Sorry," He said. It sounded forced, but she decided she would take what she could get, "I'm just not good at talking to people anymore. Never really was good at it to begin with."

"There is a rumor saying you just might be a little crazy." MinJi quoted Shindong, "Just might."

"Funny." Donghae stopped tracking so he could look at her. His expression looked suddenly uneasy. "You said you heard things about me? How much do you know?"

MinJi shrugged, "Everything, mostly. You hear a lot of stories when you spend all your time traveling from town to town looking for one of the most famous bounty hunters of all time."

"Can you do me a very important favor?" His frightened and fragile eyes gazed into hers. "Can you please keep it a secret? Please? I don't want anyone around here finding out. Especially Kyuhyun, good god. If he does then he won't ever leave me alone."

"Glad to know I'm not the only one who finds him annoying." MinJi grew concerned.

"Whatever," He replied, "Move along. I have work to do."

"Can I help you?" MinJi went to follow him. He quickly turned around, stopping her.

"No, but I will tell you one thing. This guy, Leeteuk?" Donghae pointed to the Wanted poster, "He's hiding out in a new place and it's very close. It's somewhere around here."

"How do you know?"

"When he took off earlier, he ran off that way towards the neighborhoods." Donghae pointed behind MinJi. "Now he managed to sneak back this way right into the square, and his footprints stop here out in the open. Obviously, someone covered up his remaining tracks so we can't see where he went to hide out. Someone else is behind this helping him."

"You really do know a lot."

"No. You just have a lot to learn."

He just walked off after that. He was odd, but MinJi still couldn't help but admire him. He had been through so much. He was still obviously living with revenge in his heart. She then noticed that Missy and Kyuhyun were gone. Where could they have possibly gone so fast? She saw someone move past the window in Shindong's shop. She knew it wasn't Shindong. It was getting dark so he was home. Stepping closer, she heard giggling that sounded a lot like Missy. Her hunch was right because the door slammed open to reveal Missy with Kyuhyun right behind her. Missy quickly adjusted her dress and fixed her hair, giving MinJi a sassy pout look. She just strutted off, leaving Kyuhyun alone with MinJi, and MinJi started to feel like it really was becoming a regular thing. Kyuhyun's hair was a mess too. He smirked confidently as he buttoned up his jacket and fixed his tie.

"I can't believe you." MinJi looked at him, disgusted.

"What did I do wrong?" Kyuhyun casually ran his fingers through his dark hair to smooth it out. "She came onto me. You think I was going to say no?"

"So you'll just take every girl who throws herself at you? You belong with the pigs." MinJi spat, walking away from him.

"Oh come on, you are so overreacting! What do you want me to say? I'm sorry?" Kyuhyun called out to her. "Okay, I'm sorry! Hey, the bullfight starts soon! How about I take you to watch it with me? I'll even pay for your entry!"

She stopped in her tracks at his question. No, she should just ignore him and continue back to her hotel room. She couldn't possibly say yes to him. She will say no. She will say no.


"Leenah, I'm feeling a little tipsy. I think I'll just go home now." SoonYee stood from her seat, wobbling a little.

"You sure?" Leenah laughed a little. "You don't want to go watch the bullfight tonight? It's supposed to be good."

"No, that's okay. If he doesn't die then I'll come to the next one." SoonYe stumbled to the door. "Besides, you've got Heechul to go with you, while I have no one. Have fun!"

"Get home safely!" Leenah called out to her as she left the saloon.

As SoonYee walked out, she tripped over her own feet and fell forward. Before she could land face flat on the ground, however, a pair of strong arms caught her.

"You need to be more careful. I think you are old enough to know how to drink responsibly, let alone be able to walk." The guy ranted.

"I'm sorry." SoonYee brushed her long and silky black hair out of her face and looked up at him.

Both of their eyes grew big in shock suddenly. They found themselves staring at each other for a moment before he realized he was still holding her in his arms. He let her go once he helped her stand upright. He quickly took off his hat in respect to her, revealing his royal blue hair.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean all those things I said." He bowed politely, not taking his eyes off of her.

"It's okay," SoonYee mumbled, looking at her feet shyly.

"I guess I should make my leave now." He bowed again, putting his hat back on.

"I've never seen you around here before." SoonYee averted her eyes to his handsome face. "What's your name?"

"I think it's best you don't know." He felt himself get nervous, more like frightened. What was that feeling that he was getting in his heart? She was so beautiful. This feeling was scaring him. The feeling of simply wanting to grow attached to someone. It was something he swore he would never do again.

"I still want to know." SoonYee swayed back and forth a little. "I'm Kim SoonYee."

Kim SoonYee, it was like music to his ears, and he hated how much he loved the sound of it.

"Donghae." He replied, walking past her right after.

"Wait, will I see you again?" SoonYee called out to him, making him turn around.

"Of course," Donghae replied, giving her a sweet smile.

He couldn't help himself, he felt so drawn to her, and, he knew an old friend wanted him to grow close with

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The sequel is officially in the works! TBA


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Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Almost sobbing this first chapter is so sad! I feel so bad for MinJi she had to watch her father die, but still stayed silent per his request. And to top it off she doesn’t have her mother’s ring anymore?
793 streak #2
Chapter 23: As the last chapter, I want to go over all of the characters.
First of, Minji. Minji had her father stolen from her and she was destined to find the man who killed him. She went to the town to find the bounty hunter, who had a big story of his own. Her perception of each character changed as the story went on. The way I see it, is that Minji has a very malleable opinion. Where she will change her mind given a circumstance. That being said, she could be easily tricked, as she was fooled by Heechul's calm demeanor at the beginning and weary of Kyuhyun's suspicious behavior.
Kyuhyun is where he is today because he's a natural protector. He wanted to protect his mother and Henry and even Zhoumi. He stood up against the tyrants who wanted to steal money from Zhoumi, accidentally killing one of them. The Chinese mafia decided to take revenge by taking out the people he cared for to "teach" Kyuhyun a lesson. This made Kyuhyun stone cold and sometimes he relives his past. Whenever he gets put in a familiar situation, it's like something in him snaps and he forgets that this is reality. It could be seen again with Sungah and Jack; Ryeowook and Sungah; and Sungah with Eunhyuk's bull fighting. He's a protector and won't stop at anything to kill someone to protect.
Donghae is an interesting one. He's been through literal hell by the people who were supposed to take care of him. The Church is a place you should be getting guidance and discipline, not torture. I hate it when people call orphans rejects. Donghae and Yesung thrived off each other's energy. And while Yesung's adulthood was short, he explored everything he ever wanted to: alcohol, , and being a hunter. Donghae still has emotional and physical scars, but he's able to contain himself relatively well.
Ryeowook had the most character development, in my opinion (not just because he's my bias). He went from being a scared giraffe to a courageous stallion. I know he wasn't able to keep Sungah safe in the end, but he genuinely cared about her. He had his eyes on her since the day they met, he bit his tongue, and got walked all over just so he could make Sungah happy. I'm glad that they could share "I love you" and die in each other's arms.
Leeteuk and Shindong were a mess! XD They're funny but stupid. I could never tell if Leeteuk was drunk or sober, because he acted the same in either state! It's giving old Western movies with the henchmen who can't do anything right. I'm here for it <3 Heechul thought he was slick, but involving those two in his plot was the biggest mistake.
Sungmin and the mafia were interesting. Like the mafia "cared" about family, yet Sungjin was literally disowned and killed. What logic? I'm glad Sungmin got out of there. I hope that the people at the capital don't search for him though. Seeing one of his men killed on that train is a clear sign something in San Mar is going down.
Giving a big shout out to the ladies and Kangin for making it out alive (aside from Sungah). Hopefully Kangin and Missy can be right for each other. ^^

Over all, it was a wonderful story! I'm so glad I had the opportunity to read it. <3 Good luck with the sequel (and I voted Wookie in your poll, if that was even a surprise).
793 streak #3
Chapter 22: So much happened in this chapter, oh my goodness. Where do I begin? Heechul, you know damn well nothing has ever changed. The moment you killed Yesung was the moment you didn't value life anymore. It wasn't just stealing anymore, it was murder. You didn't care how many people you had to kill to get what you wanted. I'm sure he would even kill Leenah if it meant he could fulfill his desires. Leenah loves the toxic relationship - she only agrees to Heechul's crimes because she loves him. Nope.. She's mentally ill at that point. Especially if at the end, she didn't see anything wrong. Now let's talk about the end of this chapter....

YOU KNOW I LOVE WOOKIE!! How could yoU!! My poor baby Wookie and Sungah! How- why- Sadness.. I can understand why Wook would shoot himself, the one thing that brought him happiness; the person he had to wait so long to have.. Kyuhyun had to watch Wook and Sungah die, just like he saw Henry and his mother die. Tears of pain.. Donghae, I don't blame you for wanting to kill Heechul, but yes, I think it's best if you go take a stroll to calm your nerves. After everything that happened, he doesn't want to invite Soonyee with him just for the possibility of her getting killed too. Yesung lived his best life out of the orphanage, I don't think he had any regrets lol Maybe not getting one more shot of liquor in. XD I love how Shindong and Leeteuk just wake up AFTER all of the drama. They're like, Huhhhhh? XD Like yeah, you guys missed it lol
793 streak #4
Chapter 21: Aigoo~ The teamwork in this chapter! I like how Eunhyuk and Minji actually got along and didn't cause any trouble. I mean, I was a little scared when Eunhyuk was going to be on their team, but he proved himself to be useful! I actually liked Leeteuk's method. He kinda did help.. Just a bit. It made everyone confused, it created an opening to start fighting hahah But it's such a Leeteuk thing to just say, "peace~" And jump out of the train lol Sungmin redeemed himself though. He shot one of his men, the dude who tortured Kyuhyun in the beginning. I think that was perfect. Kyuhyun has been through a lot, but after being protected by the person he thought betrayed him, I think it's safe to say he won't hold a grudge on the moment anymore. The last thing to do is get Leeteuk, Heechul, and Shindong arrested: then everyone can have their closure.
I can't wait to see what Kangin, Sungah, and Ryeowook have been up to while the others almost died~ ^^
793 streak #5
Chapter 20: Immediately, I was so relieved. Like yes, Sungmin was sent to actually kill Kyuhyun. But he decided he didn't want the heir and he didn't want to kill Kyuhyun. He wanted to live on as if nothing ever happened. The unfortunate part is that he did kinda betray Kyuhyun. While he didn't kill Kyuhyun's family, it was Sungmin who informed the family about Kyuhyun. I'm glad that Kyuhyun had both the support of Sungah and Minji. But the revelation! It was Leeteuk and Heechul who killed Minji's father! I honestly didn't see that coming. Now hearing how Leeteuk was a masked man on the train and killed Yesung, I was starting to get suspicious. But this- nope, didn't see it. Does Heechul remember Minji? Or was it something he forgot as he turned into a "changed man?" I know he didn't see Minji, but I wonder if he made the connection. I'm super happy for Eunhyuk and Victoria's relationship! It's getting better, but it's still a bit bumpy.
Now the end, where Missy is being all flirty. Like girl, come now, you know he's taken. But I won't blame Kyuhyun if he did something to her to get the information. I mean, hormones are real. And Missy probably hasn't gotten any for a day or two lol Bring it on!!
I just wanna say, Heechul and Leeteuk are giving sibling energy. One always has to be the "responsible" one while the other one does whatever they want. Perhaps if Leeteuk didn't follow Heechul, they wouldn't be in trouble. But I still feel like Heechul would have tried getting the crown. He lost it when Siwon got shot. Lucky for me, I watched the MV *snaps fingers a few times* he didn't die~~ Heheh
793 streak #6
Chapter 19: Okay, but seriously, Eunhyuk is giving spicy Latina vibes. I work with a lot of Hispanic ladies, and it brings me back to their Spanglish. XD I also see that Wookie and Sungah are having their little bit of romantic time over there. They can't keep their hands off each other too~ 😏You know Heechul is out of options when he starts blackmailing. He knew he would get under Kyuhyun's skin by exposing Sungmin like that. When he said Sungmin was the mafia leader's son, I literally stood up and walked away from my laptop for almost a whole minute - staring out of the window as everything I knew had been a lie. I know how Kyuhyun felt after Heechul exposed Sungmin. Remembering about his mom and Henry's death, I can understand why he turned to rage. Even if Sungmin changed, he shouldn't have kept that from Kyuhyun. Unfortunately, I don't think there would have been any good way for Sungmin to tell Kyuhyun though. There would be no trust between them, because Kyuhyun is always there to avenge his family. I see his and Sungah's relationship more as a mother-son relationship. Because from the moment he saw Sungah in trouble with Jack, he saw it as an opportunity to correct himself - to protect the lady in danger. He couldn't protect his mother, but he could protect Sungah. It's going to take a minute or two for Kyuhyun to recover from today, but I hope he'll come to terms soon. For the sake of the town.
793 streak #7
Chapter 18: Shindong and Leeteuk are the hilariously doomed duo. You have one who can't shoot and then you have another one who has no control. But they're both kinda dumb. What do you expect though? (Especially with Leeteuk) I wasn't impressed with Heechul's manipulation. Leenah, you can find a better person to be your kiddo's father figure. Heechul's gonna go to jail, and you know it. *smh* Leeteuk had one job and he failed horribly. Heechul, you promised Leenah a good life, and now you're letting her friends get hurt without a care in the world. And that's what greed does to you. He wants Sungmin's crown so he can sell it and get money. If he kept working hard with honesty, he can provide a happy life for Leenah and his kid. But he wants more. And that has been Heechul's mistake.
793 streak #8
Chapter 16: From the beginning of the chapter and evil till the end of the chapter, I kept saying: "Yesung is too loose, he's too much of a party boy. He's gonna die because he's reckless." Uhhhh Yeah. Yesung, I love yah honey, but.. Dude. You were supposed to listen to Donghae and go about things better. But Yesung took the Donghae approach, which is to just start hitting. While that's slightly worked for Donghae, you should have kinda stepped back, Yesung. It is sad that Yesung's dad is the mafia leader. I know Donghae's next mission is to kill him. As for the masked men... LEETEUK!! How dare you be a part of Donghae's past. I don't know how Donghae hasn't just shot Leeteuk yet (current time). Cuz like.. I would have.
And on a less serious note.. Donghae and Yesung had been sleeping around a lot on their journeys (well especially Yesung, since he's a player). I wonder if they have any children they don't know about. XD
793 streak #9
Chapter 15: Poor baby Donghae.. It's heartbreaking to know that Donghae had to see both of his parents die, and his sister. Seeing his father shoot himself was even more devastating. I wish that his father gave him to a friend or brought him to another town. He didn't deserve the mistreatment. Thankfully, I've never had to go to a Catholic school, but I have a friend that did. She didn't get beat up, but she was definitely mistreated. I can just imagine, Yesung in the dark corner, shaking every time the door to the cellars opens. Always living in the shadow because he knows that he's just a mistake. While sister Kim loves him, she can't show it in front of Park. I know that the boys got out safely, but I have a suspicion that either Kim was put in the cellar the next morning, or beaten to death by Park. She's not going to be set free unless it's through death, which might be better than being trapped in the orphanage.
I feel like there's more to Donghae's past though, that can't be it. I have a feeling that Yesung is going to be murdered, and I dunno if I'm ready for it. We'll have to see~
793 streak #10
Chapter 14: YAS Wook's side of the story!! I feel so bad for Wookie, he always had love for Sungah. During the western era, classrooms weren't too big yet. In early America days, before Americans declared independence from the Crown, many children were homeschooled. Teachers with a what we now know as a high school diploma came to each house of lords to teach the children. Classrooms were introduced in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Arranged marriages are still a thing, especially in Asian culture, so with Sungah being married off to wealth is very realistic. The unfortunate part is that most wealthy men in this time period were snobs and didn't care much for their women. I'm glad that Wook wanted to kill Jack himself, and got to shoot the fatal bullet. That was definitely the closure he needed.
Let's agree with Hannah: take the fake mustache off, Siwon. You're having a mid-life crisis lol Kyuhyun is already killing people and it was his first day out of Siwon's house! Dude! Chill! I like how one of the only rules was to NOT have a weapon and the first thing he did was swipe Siwon's gun XD Kudos for Kyuhyun killing that guy though. He was literally scum.
So Sungmin started it!! He wanted a little mafia of his own hahah Maybe he did something illegal in the capital, hm?