Of Hats and Asshats


Everybody looks forward to Fridays, right?  End of classes and work for the week.  Jongwoon would look forward to the weekends, if they didn't all start out with Kyuhyun.


It's a little ditty of a story where:

Chapeau-collecting barista Jongwoon will gladly take your beverage order, just as long as you aren't a smart-mouthed brat named...

Kyuhyun, though a genius, this late night caffeinated gamer can't figure what's going on under all those hats and is constantly being egged on by...

Hyukjae, the long suffering cafe owner's son who tries to find fun where he can and does his best to avoid...

Donghae, an enigma if there ever was one, manages to charm everyone but the one person he wants most.


Because there can never be enough KyuSung! <3

Did anyone imagine Jongwoon's hat from chapter 6 as his hat from the Devil video? :D


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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 6: Pleads with author!!!! ..Please Please Please come back and finish this really interesting story...I'm desperate to know how the Kyusung pair works out.
389 streak #2
Chapter 6: I love this story! But why there's no next chapter's button here T^T
243 streak #3
Chapter 6: That last part !?! Ahhhhhh I need more !!!!
243 streak #4
Chapter 5: Oh the feels .... so many feels
243 streak #5
Chapter 4: Hyukjae !! Why so men’s to Baby hae ??
But on a serious note, that sandwich doe ? Sounds like the worst thing on this planet!
243 streak #6
Chapter 3: Kyuhyun man ! You freaking Jonghoon out , and that’s saying a lot since it’s Jonghoon we are taking about ...
243 streak #7
Chapter 2: Gifting people with annoyance bwahahahahah that’s me like all the time. Awwww baby hae ... why is he so fluffy !?!
243 streak #8
Chapter 1: Good start , I’m hooked !!!
Chapter 5: Why do you guys stop when everything is really getting interesting and stuff?? Huhu. Please update author-nim I beg you

Abnormal way of showing it, hahaha... Yes that is KyuHyun alright!