How's the Weather?

6:00: Woke up to realize there was a two hour delay. Back to bed, everyone.

time skip!

8:25: Walked outside to the bus stop.

8:30: Arrived at the bus stop and waited. My friends were there as well.

8:35: Some 6th graders (in their car) started coming over.

8:40: Bus has not arrived. Meanwhile, the 6th graders offer me a ride but I refuse. My toes start to freeze. One of my friends calls the office and the office hung up on her.

8:50: My toes are officially frozen and I can't separate them. I can't stand up straight as well and my ankles are feeling the harsh winds. THe 6th graders zoom away, leaving me and my friends to bear the cold. Five minutes seem like eternity in a frozen hell.

8:55 The bus finally comes and the bus driver is all smiling at us like she was not late. My thoughts? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE MAKING US STAND IN THE COLD FOR 25 MINUTES? IT'S 5 DEGREES OUTSIDE AND YOUR SMILE DOES NOT MAKE ME WARM AND FUZZY.

It took me one hour and thirty minutes for my toes to thaw.


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oppach #1
I have a little sympathy for you. But only a little. Sorry. But it's better than none, right?