Can I learn dance?

I regret not learning dance since being really young with all my heart....

Is it possible to learn how to dance if I didn't go to a class? Can I coach myself??

I'd love to learn dance and start a YouTube cover channel and I know a few really simple dances;
Apink - NoNoNo
SNSD - Gee
Secret - Starlight Moonlight
Secret - Yoohoo

Please... help >.


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shining_writer #1
I'm a dancer learning from professional instructors. Learning dance by yourself is not impossible, but it would be so much better for a professional instructor to guide you and teach you the right things, teach you the basic rhythms, foundations of dance genres, and provide you a safe and condusive environment to learn. It really makes a very big difference, even if you are not going to be a professional, I still advocate learning from an instructor. I would understand if you have financial constraints and other issues, financial constraints have also affected my ability to go for a pre-professional dance programme (which would really kickstart my dancr career).

It's okay if you didn't start young, most students in my studio aren't that young. Most of them are aged 19 to their 20s, with some students learning dance at 30s or even 40s. It's fine not to start young if you are doing it recreationally. Even some professional dancers have started late and became exceptional dancers through hard work!
Go try it!^^
Go for it, sis!
to be honest I can't dance at all O.o but one of my friends can and she's really good at it even though she's never taken any classes... I can't really offer any advice, sorry, but it's definitely possible ^^
good luck XD

To learn a choreography it's important to be strict and not breaking up.
Check the dance (practice) versions.
Watch them as often as possible and try to memorize.
Play the beginning and start to copy the moves. Repeat the beginning until you can memorize.
Choose next part and do same. And so on.

If you have luck the choreographies you want are explained by my favorite dance teacher:

If not, use his "dance tips" playlist.
And never forget to stretch! It's the most important thing.

Don't rush yourself. You are a beginner. No one forces you to be perfect.
Never let yourself down because others are better than you. I know that feeling. And I know how saddening it can be.
Don't make aims who are too far away. Stay realistic and improve your skills step by step. Big steps aren't possible.

Send me the link to your channel. I wanna subscribe xD


Hope it was helpful. As I said I'm not a pro and those tips are based on my own experiences xD ♥
I want to do covers as well but I'm too self conscious xD
{I have to split this into more parts since this is too long XD}
I wanna help but I'm not really a pro :/.

I dance since almost two years and I hopefully can help you (not directly for choreographies but to get some discipline):

Dance minimum 3-4 times a week for minimum 1-2 hours to see improvements.
Watch YouTube Dance videos and try to memorize at least one move per video.
Copy moves and combine them so the result is your own and special style.
Always wear some clean sneakers and comfortable clothing in which you feel self-confident.

Dance infront a mirror or make videos of you. You have to judge yourself if you haven't a coach (I don't think so since they are really expensive xD)
Check the videos and improve your movements. Make them smooth, neat and clear. Not messy and unclear.
Sharp moves are always better than some wuabblings (unless you wanna twerk. but twerking isn't dancing in my opinion)